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LOFLord of the Flies (book by William Golding)
LOFLine Of Fire
LOFLoan Origination Fee
LOFLunch on Fridays (Cleveland Institute of Art; Cleveland, OH)
LOFLiquid Organic Fertilizer
LOFLots of Fun
LOFLoss of Function
LOFLook Out For
LOFLife of Field (oil and gas)
LOFList of Files (computing)
LOFLoss of Flow
LOFLoss Of Frame
LOFLeague of Friends (gaming)
LOFLine Of Flight
LOFLocal Outlier Factor (algorithm)
LOFLevel of Functioning
LOFLake of Fire
LOFLowest Operating Frequency
LOFLetter Of Offer
LOFLife of Fund (finance)
LOFList of Figures
LOFList of Files
LOFLength of An Open File
LOFLiabilities of Foreignness (international business)
LOFLevel Of Fill
LOFLeap of Faith
LOFLack of Fit (polynomial comparison)
LOFLow on Funds
LOFLength of File
LOFLube, Oil, & Filter
LOFLocal Oscillator Frequency (satellite converter)
LOFLaws of Florida
LOFLanguage of Flowers
LOFLibbey Owens Ford Co
LOFLin Only Fan (basketball)
LOFLeft of Frame (film and television industry)
LOFLoss of Fines
LOFLegion of Fire (gaming clan)
LOFLoss of Feedwater
LOFLeakage of Fluid (obstetrics/gynecology)
LOFLaughing on Floor
LOFLegion of Freedom (gaming alliance)
LOFLloyd Open Form
LOFLords of Fuzz (band)
LOFLance of Faith (gaming, Dungeons and Dragons)
LOFLegions Of Felix (game alliance)
LOFPilkington - Libbery Owens Ford
LOFLack of Fail (Internet slang)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Treatment of Coats' disease is comprised of laser photocoagulation and cryotherapy which are often utilized to constrict abnormally dilated retinal vessels and stop the leakage of fluid and lipids.
The medical history should include standard questions about pelvic health history and symptom characteristics (in order to exclude hematuria or leakage of fluid other than urine), as well as questions aimed at differentiating symptoms of WF from other causes of urinary incontinence, such as stress incontinence.
While giving reversal agent, suddenly a pop was heard and the drug could be injected but after removing the syringe, there was leakage of fluid through the injection port.
It is widely thought to be caused by the obstruction of lymphatics and veins, which results in the leakage of fluid out of the vessels.
Gill is still receiving treatment for her lower abdomen because of infection and leakage of fluid, and had to have an emergency operation in November after she contracted life-threatening sepsis.
Anti-VEGF drugs, therefore, aim to prevent this new growth and reduce the leakage of fluid through the vessel walls, essentially 'drying out' the retina (see Figure 3).
It is thought that this excessive hypertension probably interferes with normal cerebral blood flow and triggers dilation of blood vessels, leading to leakage of fluid into brain tissue and subsequent brain swelling.
Abnormal growth of blood vessels below the retina, and the leakage of fluid and protein from the vessels, causes retinal degeneration and leads to severe and rapid loss of vision.
Packaging improvements might be helpful to prevent leakage of fluid from chickens sold in supermarkets, but more importantly, careful handling of uncooked meat and proper cooking are essential.