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Related to LEAD: lead poisoning
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LEADLeadership for Environment and Development
LEADLetterkenny Army Depot
LEADLinked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery
LEADLive Early Adoption and Demonstration (W3C)
LEADLearning, Education, and Development
LEADLeadership Education/Action Development
LEADLeadership Education And Development Program in Business, Inc.
LEADLow-Cost Encryption & Authentication Device
LEADLearning Environment Action Discovery
LEADLoop Engineering Assignment Data
LEADLeaders for Excellence, Action and Development (Philippines)
LEADLearn, Educate, Advance, Degree
LEADLedesma, Emami, and Deligianni (Orange Unified School District, California political campaign)
LEADLeadership through Evaluation, Alignment, and Development
LEADLaunch Expendable Acoustic Device
LEADListen, Empathize, Apologize, Decide (dealing with a problem/accident)
LEADLogistics Engineering Advanced Development
LEADLeadership in Education About Alcohol and Drugs
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References in classic literature ?
'Very well,' said the Mother Dragon; 'but if you wish to enter my service, you must first lead my mare out to the meadow and look after her for three days; but if you don't bring her home safely every evening, we will eat you up.'
As Carthoris alone knew the hidden ways of the tunnels we could not divide the party and attack the temple at several points at once as would have been most desirable, and so it was decided that he lead us all as quickly as possible to a point near the temple's centre.
The men filed rapidly past me and entered the diverging corridor which I hoped would lead to safety.
It will be no easy matter--it may require days; but in the end I think that I can lead you beyond the walls.
But here they are, so perhaps you'll lead the way."
As I gave Raffles a headlong lead to the baize door, I glanced down the great well of stairs, and up came the daft yells of these sporting oafs:
The thought of troubling the peace of a household has always been repugnant to me; and not only so, I could not dissemble my feelings, the instinct of sincerity was too strong in me; I should have found it a physical impossibility to lead a life of glaring falsity.
A man who has lost his self-respect cannot endure his own society, so I led the dissipated life that wealthy young men lead in Paris.
Then the secret of Thuvia's excitement became apparent as from her lips there issued the purring sound I had heard once before; that time that, within the Golden Cliffs, she called the fierce banths about her and led them as a shepherdess might lead her flock of meek and harmless sheep.
When at last the sharp steel found the heart of one of them the other turned to flee, and, guessing that his steps would lead him along the way taken by those I sought, I let him keep ever far enough ahead to think that he was safely escaping my sword.
I greatly regret it, as I have come to like you, but I had given my promise to Professor Beecher's friend, that I would first lead him to the Copan valley, and would keep others away until he had had a chance to do his exploration.
They had not gone more than an hour on the second stage of their tramp when Tom, who was in the lead, following the direction laid out by the compass, suddenly stopped, and reached around for his electric rifle, which he was carrying at his back.