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LEAPLaw Enforcement Against Prohibition
LEAPLouisiana Educational Assessment Program
LEAPLeveraging Educational Assistance Partnership
LEAPLeadership Education for Asian Pacifics, Inc.
LEAPLightweight Encapsulated Authentication Protocol
LEAPLaw Enforcement Assistance Progam
LEAPLow-income Energy Assistance Program
LEAPLightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol
LEAPLearning, Earning, and Parenting (Ohio program)
LEAPLeading Edge Aviation Propulsion (jet engines)
LEAPLiberal Education and America's Promise
LEAPLimited Examination and Appointment Program (California)
LEAPLaw Enforcement Availability Pay
LEAPLegislative Evaluation and Accountability Program (Washington)
LEAPLinking Employment, Abilities and Potential (Cleveland, OH)
LEAPLocal Education Agency Plan
LEAPLabor Education in the Americas Project
LEAPLightweight Exo-Atmospheric Projectile
LEAPLow-Power Electronics Association & Project (Japan)
LEAPLower Extremity Amputation Prevention Program
LEAPLead Elimination Action Program (HUD)
LEAPLow Energy Antiproton Physics
LEAPLightweight Extensible Agent Platform
LEAPLiteracy, Education, Activity and Play (British Columbia, Canada)
LEAPLeague for Earth and Animal Protection
LEAPLouisiana Electronic Assistance Program
LEAPLeadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program
LEAPLifetime Economic Acceleration Process (LEAP Systems Inc. personal financial engineering)
LEAPLandowner Environmental Assistance Program (Canada)
LEAPLanguage Enrichment Activities Program
LEAPLibrary Equal Access Program
LEAPLumosity Education Access Program
LEAPLiberal Education for Arts Professionals
LEAPLocal Exercise Action Pilot (UK)
LEAPLongitudinal Employment Analysis Program
LEAPLearning Enrichment and Academic Progress (Manor Independent School District; Manor, TX)
LEAPLearning Edge Academic Program
LEAPLearning Enrichment Activities Program
LEAPLeadership Education for Advancement and Promotion
LEAPLanguage Enabled Airman Program (US Air Force)
LEAPLinux Enthusiasts and Professionals
LEAPLaw Enforcement Analysis Portal (various organizations)
LEAPLeadership Education for Adult Professionals
LEAPLabor Education Action Program
LEAPLangara English for Academic Purposes
LEAPLearning Effectiveness Alliance Program
LEAPLong-Term Equity Anticipation Security
LEAPLearn Enjoy and Play (information literacy tutorial)
LEAPLate Entry Accelerated Program
LEAPLocal Education Agency Program (LHRIC)
LEAPLand-Use Effects on Amphibian Populations
LEAPLocal Environmental Action Programme (UK)
LEAPLearning Exploring and Participating
LEAPLife Events Access Project
LEAPLearning and Environmental Awareness Partnership
LEAPLaboratory Environmental Analysis Proficiency (UK)
LEAPLeadership Education Adventure Program
LEAPLow Power Enhanced At Portable
LEAPLearning in Astronomy and Physics
LEAPLinux-Equipped Astronauts Project
LEAPLoudoun Education Alliance of Parents (Virginia)
LEAPLeadership Enrichment Adventure Program
LEAPLearning Enrichment Academic Program
LEAPLeveraging Experience to Accelerate Progress
LEAPLegal Education Access Program
LEAPLifeCourse Effective Action Program (Alderian psychology)
LEAPLearning English for Academic and Professional Purposes
LEAPLiberian Education Assistance Project
LEAPLocal Environmental Applications Program
LEAPLocal Employment Access Project
LEAPLightweight and Efficient Application Protocols
LEAPLearning, Education, Assessment and Performance
LEAPLearning Education Advantage Program
LEAPLearning to Excel Academically with Pride (SALT project)
LEAPLearning and Emotional Assessment Program (Massachusetts General Hospital)
LEAPLegislative Efforts for Animal Protection, Inc. (Minnesota)
LEAPLeading Edge Advanced Packages (USAF)
LEAPLockheed Electra Action Program
LEAPLeadership Experience Adventure Program
LEAPLeading Edge Apprenticeship Program
LEAPLean Effects on Aerospace Programs
LEAPLightweight, Empirical, Antimeasurement Dysfunction, and Portable toolkit (University of Hawaii)
LEAPLabor-Employee Assistance Program
LEAPLiquid Electrostatic Aerosol Precipitator
LEAPLasers and Electro-Optics Applications Program (Optical Society of America)
LEAPLife Experience Activities Program
LEAPLightweight Endoatmospheric Projectile
LEAPLaborforce Expansion and Attraction Program
LEAPLearning Automata-Based Polling (wireless protocol)
LEAPLight Extensible Authorization Protocol
LEAPLeadership Education Partnership (Washington)
LEAPLoan and Educational Aid Program
LEAPLeveraging Educational Partnership
LEAPLeadership in Education Program (Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge, MA)
LEAPLogistics Education Advancement Program
LEAPLuK Efficiency Acceleration Process
LEAPLife Education And Property
LEAPLink Environmental Academic Programs
LEAPLow-Power-Enhanced Anti-Tank Portable
LEAPLogistics Efficiencies to Increase Army Power
LEAPLifelong Education and Awareness Programme (India)
LEAPLife Extension Affordability Program
LEAPLet's Everyone Affirm Peace
LEAPLocals Engagement Analysis Program and Simulation
LEAPLeadership for Educator's Advanced Performance
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References in classic literature ?
The stricken horse upon which the lion leaped shrieked out its terror and its agony.
He rolled upon the ground, fighting, biting, scratching, and roaring; he leaped to his feet and sprang into the air; he charged Tarzan, only to be brought to a sudden stop as the rope securing him to the tree tautened.
His half-Earthly muscles, responding quickly to his will, sent him in enormous leaps and bounds toward the green monster that had struck the woman he loved.
His jaws let go their grip, and he leaped backward to escape this strange danger, his lips drawn back from his fangs, his throat snarling, every hair bristling with rage and fright.
But instead, Buck's shoulder was slashed down each time as Spitz leaped lightly away.
Before Akut could guess his intention, or prevent, the boy leaped to the ground directly in the path of the king, who had now succeeded in stimulating himself to a frenzy of fury.
On the instant he leaped for the floor, received a blow on the nose from the heavy whip-handle, and had a blank cartridge fired straight into his nostril.
Mowgli caught his foot away as the leader leaped up, and said sweetly: Dog, red dog!
A moment later a horde of our friends, the hairy gorilla-men, with the mild eyes and long faces of sheep leaped among them.
They lurked for me in the forest glades; leaped up, striking, under my feet; squirmed off through the dry grass or across naked patches of rock; or pursued me into the tree-tops, encircling the trunks with their great shining bodies, driving me higher and higher or farther and farther out on swaying and crackling branches, the ground a dizzy distance beneath me.
He saw the zebra's tail dipped into a caldron of water above which the witch-doctor had made magical passes the while he danced and leaped about it, and he saw the breasts and foreheads of each of the three novitiates sprinkled with the charmed liquid.
Gahan leaped to his feet and rushed toward the great beast in the hope of dislodging it before it had succeeded in clambering aboard.