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LEADSLocal Enable Address Strobe
LEADSLaw Enforcement Automated Data System (State of Ohio)
LEADSLaw Enforcement Agencies Data System (State of Illinois)
LEADSLanka Evangelical Alliance Development Service (Sri Lanka)
LEADSLeague of Educational Administrators, Directors and Superintendents of Saskatchewan
LEADSLeading Environmental Analysis and Display System
LEADSLongitudinal EMT Attribute Demographic Study (NREMT)
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References in classic literature ?
But here they are, so perhaps you'll lead the way."
As I gave Raffles a headlong lead to the baize door, I glanced down the great well of stairs, and up came the daft yells of these sporting oafs:
It was not the course I should have chosen, but I followed Raffles without a murmur, only too thankful that he had assumed the lead at last.
A man who has lost his self-respect cannot endure his own society, so I led the dissipated life that wealthy young men lead in Paris.
A few more strokes brought me to a point where my feet touched the floor, and soon thereafter I was above the water level entirely, and racing like mad along the corridor searching for the first doorway that would lead me to Issus.
Correcting for arm-lead reversal, one can also recognize the changes of acute inferior myocardial infarction: large Q waves, ST-segment elevation, and T-wave inversion in the inferior leads with reciprocal tall R waves, ST-segment depression, and upright T waves in true leads I and aVL.
Due to consistent requests from call center managers, Web Leads has added call center leads to their buying package line-up.
The most common lead-generation method used by agencies is to purchase lead lists and send out mailings and/or have telemarketers or producers follow up on these leads, try to get an expiration date and schedule an appointment a few months before the renewal date.
patent #3,650,652, filed in 1970, increases the melting area with a longer lead at the end of the feed section.
Offered through FNIS Data Services, Lead Locator(TM) enables lenders to request and obtain custom qualified leads on demand.Lead selection criteria options include loan-to-value, mortgage characteristics, property and ownership characteristics, market value, geographic area and available equity.
"Paying for the sins of the past." That's how researcher Howard Hu describes a proposed disease process in which lead stored for decades in the skeleton puts people at risk of high blood pressure.