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Release of information selectively or not before official public announcement.
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1. In Keynesian economics, the process of removing money from the economy. Savings, imports, and taxes are leaked out of the economy, though they may come back in through the spending of one's savings, exports, and government injections. Keynes' circular flow model subtracted the value of leakages from national output to identify aggregate output. Thus, it is necessary to know the value leakages in order to calculate the aggregate national output.

2. In credit, money borrowed from a bank that is not redeposited into that bank, which primarily occurs through default. In this sense, leakage reduces the ability of a bank to extend credit.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved


A measure of retail sales lost by a community to a competitive market, indicating the need for more retail development in an area.

The Complete Real Estate Encyclopedia by Denise L. Evans, JD & O. William Evans, JD. Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Someone paying a monthly bill of Rs250 will not pay Rs1,000 to fix a gas leakage that reduces his bill to Rs125
"We have modified our notification to residents for any leakages. Before, it was taking up to 40 days to notify people of any leakage, especially in water.
While lamenting that the danger associated with revenue leakages is occasioned by corruption, he stated that the agency would continue to welcome engagements to mull the malady.
In the present study, radiological examinations to identify anastomotic leakage were routinely performed before food intake resumed.
Figures 11 and 12 show a sample set of estimates of the percentage leakages for an 8 in.
This study was designed to determine the sagittal distance between the anterior border of the vertebral canal and the posterior border of the vertebral body (DBCV) and to analyze the potential role of DBCV in the estimation of cement leakage during percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) or percutaneous kyphoplasty (PKP).
In view of the public complaints the decision is taken to repair the leakages on the directives of Managing Director KW and SB Misbahuddin Fareed.
The rate of air leakage can depend on several factors including the effective leakage area, locations of the leakage paths, air pressure difference between the containment system and the data center room, rack heat load and associated server airflow rates, as well as on the length, width, and height of cold and hot aisles.
It is noteworthy that the National Water Company has been successful in tackling more than 35,600 cases of water pipe breaks, and leakages in Riyadh, Jeddah, Makkah and Taif since the beginning of this year.
A full air leakage audit carried out by Brammer on the machinery at Chirk demonstrated that Cadbury had leakages equivalent to an annual value of more than [pounds sterling]32,000 in wasted energy.
The firm said it had drafted in additional resources to bring leakages back under control "as rapidly as possible".