Lead regulator

Lead regulator

A leading self-regulatory organization that over sees compliance with a particular section of the law, such as the NYSE, ASE, or NASDAQ.
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Lead Regulator

A self-regulatory organization that assists government regulators in enforcing some aspects of trading law. Prominent examples include the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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Facebook slid 4.6 per cent on news that the European Union's lead regulator is investigating how the social media company handled data during the manual transcription of users' audio recordings.
Now the FAA, the lead regulator for the Max, must decide whether to require US pilots to be trained in a Max simulator after the faulty manoeuvring characteristics augmentation system (MCAS), which played a role in both crashes, is repaired by Boeing.
Facebook's WhatsApp has informed its lead regulator in the European Union, Ireland's Data Protection Commissioner, of a "serious security vulnerability" on its platform, the DPC said.
Facebook's lead regulator in the European Union has launched an inquiry into whether the company violated EU data rules by saving user passwords in plain text format on internal servers.
Following approval from the Department of Justice last month, the merger had been cleared in early November in 23 of the 28 states where it needed to be OK'd, including Connecticut, the lead regulator.
Facebook's lead regulator in the European Union, the Irish Data Protection Commissioner (DPC), on Wednesday commenced an investigation into a massive cyberattack on the social networking site that the company disclosed last week.
A spokeswoman for Renfrewshire Council said: "We are aware that there has been flytipping left in the area and are working with SEPA as the lead regulator to resolve this matter.
The one-notch difference between EINV's and EB's Long-Term IDRs principally reflects that EINV is not under direct supervision of Euroclear's lead regulator, the National Bank of Belgium (NBB).
For Ecobank, we have a college of supervisors that meets annually, where all our regulators come to meet our lead regulator, which is the Central Bank of West Africa based in Dakar.
The Chamber of the Mines of the Philippines (COMP) said Lopez was unfit and unqualified to be the government's lead regulator in natural resource development.