Lead bank

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Lead bank

A senior bank involved in the negotiations for a project financing.
Copyright © 2012, Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved.

Lead Bank

An investment bank responsible for underwriting an issue of securities. The term is especially applied to an investment bank managing several investment banks in underwriting a project. The lead bank usually charges a larger fee for its services than other banks.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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In case the lead bank is unable to complete the resolution process within 180 days, the asset would go to the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT).
This "blind" arrangement is more likely to occur later in the fife of the loan when a lead bank decides it needs to lower its exposure to a borrower or market sector.
Naturally the lead bank will gather and circulate all the due diligence information--financials, appraisals, project documents, title, survey, etc.--which, although addressed to the lead bank, may be relied upon by the participants.
We obtain similar results when we track the individual share of each credit that the lead bank retains on its balance sheet.
Does the decline in a lead bank's retained share of the credits it originates affect the nature of its relationship with borrowers?
In this paper, we introduce more precise proxies for information asymmetry, arguing that private information possessed by the lead bank facilitates an accurate forecast of the borrower's future financial prospects (credit quality) as reflected in changes in financial ratios and bond ratings after loan origination.
Moreover, an analysis of which relationships are most profitable for banks shows that the two groups of companies with a significant interest in cash management generate almost as much profit per for company for their lead banks as do companies in the much smaller group that is most interested in investment banking (Exhibit 2).
The chances that a former head of Bank of Israel will lead Bank Leumi (LUMI.TA) have become stronger.
The new facility is primarily for general funding purposes and working capital requirements, the lead banks said.
1 November 2010 - Jordan has selected Arab Bank (AFM:ARBK), Credit Suisse (VTX:CSGN), HSBC (LON:HSBA) and JPMorgan (NYSE:JPM) to manage its maiden benchmark dollar bond, Reuters said today citing a source at one of the lead banks.
Joining lead banks JP Morgan (JPM), Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAC) and Citigroup (C) will be banks including Wells Fargo (WFC), Morgan Stanley (MS), Goldman Sachs (GS) and UBS (UBS), which will be making the biggest commitments after the lead banks, sources say.
However, lead banks are getting more action: on average, U.S.