League tables

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League tables

A ranking of lenders and advisors according to the underwriting, final take, or number of project finance loans or advisory mandates.
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League Table

A list of investment banks by revenue (in underwriting) and size of transaction (in mergers and acquisitions). League tables list market leaders in different sectors; for example, a table might list leaders in equity underwriting while another may list the banks extending the most money in loans. Thomson Reuters and Euromoney publish several prestigious league tables.
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Harper Adams University, near Newport, is one of the highest climbers in the Complete University Guide national league table - jumping from 48th to 27th place.
The league table, which provides a source of information to prospective students, is largely based on student experience of their course, teaching and feedback, among other measures.
The DfE first removed a select few IGCSEs from the league tables last year, leading to one private elite school in Birmingham labelling the system a "shambles".
Mr Dunn did however recognise that the university continues to lag behind in international league tables.
The IBS Sales League Table is an annual ranking of core back office systems sales that comprises over 30 of the leading Islamic banking system suppliers in addition to other pure conventional players.
But the email showed that Jobcentre staff in Walthamstow, North East London, faced disciplinary action if they did not rise up the league table. The Department for Work and Pensions said "if a manager has set a local target for applying sanctions this is against our policy".
Mr Andrews denied that the new banding scheme, based on 12 measures of relative performance, was school league tables by another name.
Responding to the organisation's Omnibus survey, 32% said no and 14% said they didn't know whether a return to league tables was a good thing.
The ranking is the highest Durham has been awarded in the guide's history and follows recent success in other league tables.