(redirected from League of Youth)
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LOYLeague of Youth
LOYLove Only Yourself
LOYLecturer of the Year (Finlandia Foundation; Pasadena, CA)
LOYLaboratory of the Year (award)
LOYLegacy of Yakesha (Everquest expansion, gaming)
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Then it dawned on me one day that no-one had ever written much about the League of Youth.
Compare this with the message that Urdd Gobaith Cymru (the Welsh League of Youth) gives our young people by scrapping its no-alcohol rule to allow drink to be served on its Eisteddfod field - where most of the thousands of competitors will be under 18.
We are now at the peak of the eisteddfod cycle; we have just had the Urdd (Welsh league of Youth) Eisteddfod in Cardiff; next month we have the International Eisteddfod at Llangollen; then in early August the National takes place in Bala.
He became active in politics in 1949 and became Middlesbrough's first chairman of the Labour League of Youth.
But by 1941, talks were taking place about affiliating the 15-year-old Princess Elizabeth to the Urdd, or Welsh League of Youth, as another way of diffusing tensions.
We are equally grateful to The Western Mail for giving comparable acclaim to the Urdd (Welsh League of Youth) Eisteddfod and the Llangollen International Eisteddfod, completing the trio of our valued cultural institutions.
The culture and rugby-loving ambassador became a great benefactor of the Urdd Gobaith Cymru, the Welsh League of Youth, after studying farming at University of Wales, Bangor.
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