league table

(redirected from League tables)
Also found in: Financial, Encyclopedia.

league table

1. a tabulated comparison of clubs or teams competing in a sporting league
2. (Statistics) a set of statistics used to compare the performance of a number of individuals, groups, or institutions: a league table of examination results.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

league table

n (Ftbl) → classifica del campionato
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
A UNIVERSITY in Shropshire has climbed national league tables and is now in the top 20 per cent for the UK.
AS prospective students sign up to attend Bangor's two Open Days being held in the next few weeks (Saturday, June 30 and Saturday, July 7), staff at the university have welcomed the news that it has recently been placed 47th in the Guardian League Tables for 2019.
TOP Birmingham schools could be left languishing at the bottom of GCSE league tables when the results are revealed tomorrow.
This continues Warwick's record of never having dropped out of the top ten in the UK wide university league tables.
A Newcastle University spokesperson said: "Newcastle University has done well in many of the other rankings and league tables released this year.
Path Solutions has been the First Best Selling Islamic Core Banking Software Provider and among the Top Five Best Selling Primarily Universal Banking System Providers Worldwide for the last 7 years in IBS Sales League Tables.
ATOP Birmingham head teacher has slammed the Government's league tables as a "complete bloody shambles" after his school appeared to score zero for GCSE results.
The Government has now launched an inquiry after a leaked email revealed that staff had been set targets and shown league tables on sanctioning claimants.
PLAID Cymru yesterday declared the school banding system as 'league tables in all but name' demanding a rethink by education minister Leighton Andrews.
MORE than half of people living in Wales want school league tables to return, an exclusive poll for the South Wales Echo has shown.