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Leah (lēˈə), in the Bible, Laban's elder, less beautiful daughter and Jacob's first wife.
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deceptively substituted for Rachel in Jacob’s bed. [O.T.: Genesis 29:22–25]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Old Testament the first wife of Jacob and elder sister of Rachel, his second wife (Genesis 29)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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'The best of the Federal Government is not the best; their best over this issue can only be appreciated if Leah Sharibu is released from the captivity.
"I'm frightened that if Leah doesn't get better she won't be here for much longer."
She thinks she can play around with Leah but they both underestimate each other.
At 13 and almost 5 feet, 7 inches tall, Leah has realistic dreams of making an Olympic Trials cut next year -- and eventually of making the U.S.
All three men were found guilty by a jury at Leicester Crown Court of murdering Mary Ragoobeer, her sons Shane and Sean, and Shane's girlfriend Leah Reek in the blaze and explosion.
The 13-year-old went through an incredibly tough time during 892 days of chemotherapy and her mum Leanne said one of the most "heartbreaking and scary" things Leah had to face was losing her hair.
Joe suffered smashed knee caps and has had to learn to walk again but Leah's injuries were so severe surgeons had no option but to amputate her left leg.