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Related to Leakey: Louis Leakey, Mary Leakey


1. Louis Seymour Bazett . 1903--72, British anthropologist and archaeologist, settled in Kenya. He discovered fossil remains of manlike apes in E Africa
2. his son Richard. born 1944, Kenyan anthropologist, who discovered the remains of primitive man over 2 million years old in E Africa
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
Mary worked doing illustrations at archaelogical digs, and she met Louis Leakey when he hired her to do illustrations.
Mr Leakey, who kept order in the Lords until last year, said the Speaker "terrified" people and was "intolerably" rude to him.
Because of the war no one did anything about the bones for twenty years, not until the Germans and Brits had sorted everything out and Leakey and his wife were allowed in.
Leakey argues for "multi-cropping systems integrating new crops developed from culturally-important traditional food species that intensify and enhance the productivity of smallholder farms by reducing the yield gap and providing multiple environmental, social and economic benefits.
This is the second time Richard Leakey has chaired the KWS.
Speaking against Leakey's argument that legal sales send demand for ivory up, a CITES spokesperson says, "The CITES Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants [MIKE] programme has ...
Maybe they think that it is coming off elephants that have died of natural causes," Richard Leakey, chairman of the Kenya Wildlife Service, told (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/richard-leakey-leads-the-charge-in-kenya-s-war-on-elephant-poaching/) Scientific American .
The couple: Claire Leakey, 46, from Penygraig, and Michael Reakes, 45, from Trealaw.
According to Roger Leakey, vice chairman of the International Tree Foundation and ICRAF's former director of research, missionaries complicated the role of these fruits in some cases by encouraging local populations to abandon the trees.
The show was about a paleontologist named 'Louis Leakey'.