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Pertaining to a condition in which the leakage resistance has dropped so much below its normal value that excessive leakage current flows; usually applied to a capacitor.
Pertaining to a genetic block that is incomplete.
(cell and molecular biology)
Pertaining to a protein coded for by a mutant gene that shows subnormal activity.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Leaky bladder products for men are widely available but by aiming TV adverts solely at women with the condition, many men may think that there is no help specifically for them.
Plus, the researchers found evidence of stronger - less "leaky" - guts in these mice.
Caption: You can quickly mend a leaky hose using an inner tube and clamps.
Some doctors believe that leaky gut syndrome contributes to cancer, autism, and numerous other health problems; however, research has not confirmed that there are links.
They found evidence that the biomarkers of leaky gut corresponded to increases in inflammation.
Experts at Northwell Health say that a leaky mitral valve, also known as mitral regurgitation, can cause blood to flow backwards and leak into the left atrium of the heart when the heart is contracting.And that can lead to heart failure.
The company added the ARM210 is a small molecule that binds to leaky RyR channels and repairs the leak, as demonstrated in vitro in muscle biopsies from RYR1-RM patients.
Treating the condition using the SCFAs can also reverse the 'leaky' walls inside the gut, said the study.
Chutkan, M.D., (http://www.doctoroz.com/article/could-leaky-gut-be-troubling-you?page=1) writes that leaky gut is in fact a clinical diagnosis , but there isn't a test that proves you have it with 100 percent certainty.