leaky bucket

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leaky bucket

A technique used in ATM networks at the switch level that applies a sustained cell flow rate to bursty traffic. Incoming data flows into a buffer (the "bucket"), then "leaks" out at a steady rate, which is designated as constant bit rate (CBR) traffic. In the event the in-flow exceeds the negotiated rate for a certain time, the buffer will overflow. At that point, the switch examines the Cell Loss Priority (CLP) bit in each cell, and low-priority cells are discarded and retransmitted by the originating device. See leaky bucket counter.
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And what's really surprising is that there are many programs for people coming out of college or getting that first job, but there is a leaky bucket, there is a retention issue.
* Leaky bucket budgets: 72% of firms plan to increase spending on cyber security in the coming year.
To drive organic growth, each brand must consistently stay true to itself in order to build strong memory structures and emotional engagement, continuously refresh so it continues to excite and stay relevant to current users and constantly recruit to keep bringing in new consumers to help fill the leaky bucket.
For Dr Khalid, building more dams in Pakistan is similar to "adding water to a leaky bucket that will never get filled."
As the startup believes, customer churn is the biggest blocker of growth and it's like trying to fill up a leaky bucket. Such businesses cannot continue to operate with the old reactive support model, this is where CSB comes into the picture.
If this surcharge is being renewed at the time when the government boasts about adding thousands of megawatts of additional generation capacity to the power sector, it just means a leaky bucket has been enlarged in size, rather than the cracks being fixed.
At Hike's new office designed by employees in Delhi's Aerocity, there is a meeting room called 'Leaky Bucket'.
We need to plug the 30 to 40 holes in the leaky bucket of an Alzheimer's brain, not just one.
But once you start unraveling the overall tax base of the United Kingdom, and with corporation tax going to Northern Ireland and Income Tax going to Scotland along this federal road we are on, then pooling and sharing starts to be a leaky bucket.
To soften resistance for his redistributionist remedy, he proposed a thought experiment he called "the leaky bucket"--a welfare transfer analogy that acknowledges inherent waste.
She said: "More investment will certainly help and plugging the PS500 million shortfall in flood defence plans identified by the Committee on Climate Change would be a start but this is a leaky bucket that will continually need filling.