Leake County

Leake County, Mississippi

PO Box 72
Carthage, MS 39051
Phone: (601) 267-7372
Fax: (601) 267-6137

In central MS, northeast of Jackson; organized Dec 23, 1833 from Choctaw cession of 1830. Name Origin: For Walter Leake (1762-1825), VA legislator, judge of the MS Territory (1807), U.S. senator from MS (1817-20), and governor (1822-25)

Area (sq mi):: 585.39 (land 582.71; water 2.68) Population per square mile: 38.50
Population 2005: 22,453 State rank: 42 Population change: 2000-20005 7.20%; 1990-2000 13.60% Population 2000: 20,940 (White 55.50%; Black or African American 37.40%; Hispanic or Latino 2.10%; Asian 0.10%; Other 6.30%). Foreign born: 1.40%. Median age: 34.80
Income 2000: per capita $13,365; median household $27,055; Population below poverty level: 23.30% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $18,415-$20,578
Unemployment (2004): 6.10% Unemployment change (from 2000): 0.70% Median travel time to work: 32.60 minutes Working outside county of residence: 39.00%
Cities with population over 10,000: None
See other counties in .
Counties USA: A Directory of United States Counties, 3rd Edition. © 2006 by Omnigraphics, Inc.
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References in classic literature ?
'On the 27th ult., in an affray near Carthage, Leake county, Mississippi, between James Cottingham and John Wilburn, the latter was shot by the former, and so horribly wounded, that there was no hope of his recovery.
2 (1864) Thomaston in Leake County, the town nearest the
Still, many signed a petition to integrate the schools and presented it to the Leake County School Board.
2 (1854) Thomastown in Leake County, the town nearest the
Leake County (Pearl River State Agency Recycling Program
Following the ceremony, the bride's parents hosted a reception at the Leake County Country Club.
On the eve of the wedding, the couple's families hosted a rehearsal dinner and party at Leake County Club, where guests danced to the music of Class Reunion.
After its transformation from log cabin to a grander structure in the late 1800s, the church became home to over 300 Leake County Catholics by the turn of the century.
Following the ceremony, family and friends celebrated the marriage at the Leake County Country Club.
Walnut Grove in Leake County may be one of the state's smallest towns, but it's on the cutting edge of street lighting with the recent addition of LEDs (light emitting diodes) along its streets.