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English paleontologist (son of Louis Leakey and Mary Leakey) who continued the work of his parents

English paleontologist (the wife of Louis Leakey) who discovered the Zinjanthropus skull that was 1,750,000 years old (1913-1996)

English paleontologist whose account of fossil discoveries in Tanzania changed theories of human evolution (1903-1972)

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Leakey was on an expedition in Tanzania, and her team started having an elephant dung fight.
Mr Bercow's spokesman said: "Mr Speaker refutes all the allegations levelled by Mr Leakey." The Speaker's chaplain, Rev Rose Hudson-Wilkin, called him "compassionate".
Mary Leakey found them in the 1970s, after her husband died.
Leakey's book in fact argues for a rather revolutionary new orientation of agriculture in the tropics.
Low temperatures are important because evaporation rates are lower and humidity is temperature dependent, so low temperatures help avoid water stress by maintaining high relative humidity (Leakey and Mesen, 1991).
"We saw a rapid rise in the price [of ivory] follow- ing suspension of the original ban," says Leakey. "The market started to grow, and people realised they could now make money from this [through poaching] ...
Asked about the economic benefit of saving the elephant, Leakey says, "Obviously [in Kenya] we have an economic value in the elephant of attracting tourists, but I think more important is the heritage value." He hopes that by making wildlife more relevant and enjoyable to Africans generally, the desire to protect the species will follow.
Claire Leakey and Michael Reakes married on October 31
"African farmers have little if any experience with propagation techniques other than sowing seeds," Leakey says.
The Leakey family scoured these sediments, finding numerous primitive stone tools.
When the Queen pinned the Victoria Cross on to the chest of the colossus that is Joshua Leakey she said: "I don't give these out very often."
Paratrooper LANCE CORPORAL JOSHUA LEAKEY, 27, receives a Victoria Cross, the highest honour for bravery, from the Queen who told him: "I don't get to give this one out often."
Lance Corporal Joshua Leakey, 27, right, has been given the British armed forces' highest military decoration awarded for valour in the face of the enemy for heroic exploits in Afghanistan.
Lance Corporal Joshua Leakey, 27, has been given the British armed forces' highest military decoration ' awarded for valour in the face of the enemy for heroic exploits in Afghanistan.