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the loss of current from an electrical conductor because of faulty insulation, etc.
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

What does it mean when you dream about a leak?

If one dreams about something leaking out, then it can represent a feeling of being depleted or wasted energy. Water leaking into a sinking boat is often a straightforward reflection of a “sinking” feeling. Sometimes dreaming about a leak is a simple reflection of our need to wake up and “take a leak.”

The Dream Encyclopedia, Second Edition © 2009 Visible Ink Press®. All rights reserved.


(plant pathology)
A watery rot of fruits and vegetables caused by various fungi, such as Rhizopus nigricans in strawberry.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

sound leak

The passage of sound through a crack or hole in a partition; significantly reduces the effectiveness of sound insulation of the partition.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


With a qualifier, one of a class of resource-management bugs that occur when resources are not freed properly after operations on them are finished, so they effectively disappear (leak out). This leads to eventual exhaustion as new allocation requests come in.

One might refer to, say, a "window handle leak" in a window system.

See memory leak, fd leak.
This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing (foldoc.org)


Whether it is a leaky pipe or a bottle of soda, any type of a leak is usually a waste of energy and resources. If you are dreaming about leaks, you may want to consider where you are wasting energy and resources (be it in your daily life, emotional life or thinking). Additionally, look carefully at the entire dream and see if information is being “leaked” from the unconscious to the conscious. The leaking water may represent emotions, thoughts, or insights entering slowly into the conscious experience of the dreamer.
Bedside Dream Dictionary by Silvana Amar Copyright © 2007 by Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Leaking a deal may flush out the "optimal" acquirer, i.e.
Once we were certain this wasn't leaking, we could block it off and flood the balcony to see if that leaked.
The cable-based leak detection system was recently installed at Madrid Airport to ensure rapid detection of leaking fuel despite local ground water conditions, which could in other circumstances make leak detection more difficult.
Furious Tories called for a police inquiry into the leaking of the report.
MTBE, which smells like turpentine, often escapes from leaking gas-storage tanks and spreads in underground plumes.
Tanks can fail by leaking or breaking (collapse or rupture of the tank).
Fluid leaking from valves, gasketing, welds or instrument ports finds its way into porous insulation and wicks through.
leaking tank was siphoned out and emptied to stop any further damage.
The responsibility for home tanks falls on state and local governments, and although 35 states listed USTs as among their top 10 sources of groundwater pollution in 1996, many don't regulate them unless they're actually leaking. A few states have taken a more proactive approach.
Civil servant Clive Ponting faced jail after he was prosecuted for leaking documents that showed Conservative ministers lied about sinking of Belgrano.
A visual inspection alone does not factually tell someone that a pool is or isn't leaking. While structural cracks can be seen, the question of whether they are causing water loss cannot be verified visually.