league tables

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league tables

(associated with the AUDIT SOCIETY) numerical rankings of organizations based on arithmetical aggregations of publically available’ performance indicators’. Although often ‘unofficial’ (e.g. constructed by newspapers), such tables play an increasing part in influencing organizational behaviour.
Collins Dictionary of Sociology, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2000
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The team now lie sixth in the league table and travel to third placed Stoney Stanton this Thursday (June 27).
Ironically, the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, hails from this region which is dangling at the bottom of the league table.
Spokesman for Wolverhampton university, James Allen, said: "Last year was the first year the university had released its data for league table use since 2009.
The university had already made significant strides in recent years, advancing from 84th to 60th to 48th in the league table of 131 higher education institutions.
The du LaLiga HPC took an 11-0 win against Solo Day Sports and City FC Team a 6-3 win over Invictus FC, and both teams are leading the Boys U18 league table.
The league table, which provides a source of information to prospective students, is largely based on student experience of their course, teaching and feedback, among other measures.
The Complete University Guide league table for 2019 was released this week and Coventry's two universities both fared well in the annual report.
Cardiff University Vice-Chancellor Professor Colin Riordan said: "I'm proud of our progresses in this internationally important league table. "To break into the top 100 for the first time is testament to the hard work of our staff and students and reinforces our position as a high-performing global university."
The league table ranks Britain's private technology, media and telecoms companies with the fastest growing sales.
Devon, pictured above, came out top of the league table compiled by Prudential, which used census data and results from the insurer's own retirement research to rank the top 20 counties in England and Wales.

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