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[′lēf ‚nōzd]
(vertebrate zoology)
Having a leaflike membrane on the nose, as certain bats.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Across mammals each major group usually has one specialisation - for example all primates have flat faces - whereas all this diversity is contained within one group for the New World leaf-nosed bats.
Keywords: Eristocophis macmahonii; hemoglobin characterization; evolution; amino acid sequence; snakes; Leaf-nosed viper.
Like all leaf-nosed bats, the newfound mammal has strange, leaf-like projections on its nose that may aid in echolocation -- sending out sound waves and listening for echoes bouncing off objects, including prey.
They investigated why there are so many more species of New World Leaf-Nosed bats, nearly 200, while their closest relatives produced only 10 species over the same period of time.
Zotz, the Maya god of the underworld, is depicted with the head of a bat--sometimes a vampire, sometimes a leaf-nosed bat--on a human body.
Jamaican fruit bats (Phyllostomidae: Artibeus jamaicensis) are leaf-nosed bats whose native range includes Brazil, the Bahamas, Antilles, Trinidad, Tobago, Key West, and from central Mexico south to Bolivia.
Vietnam Leaf-Nosed Bat; Iberian Lynx; Ethiopian Wolf; Mountain Gorilla; Golden Lion Tamarins; Madagascar Aye-Aye; Giant Otter; Leatherback Turtle; Bengal Tiger; Snow Leopard
For example, common brown bats make very loud sounds, while leaf-nosed bats are soft-spoken.
The LESSER LONG-NOSED BAT (Leptonycteris curasoae) is a leaf-nosed, medium-sized "microbat" measuring 2.75 to 3 inches in length.
At Joshua Tree National Park, mine surveys have protected, California leaf-nosed bats, and similar work at Death Valley National Park has secured Townsend's big-eared bat maternity roosts and the largest hibernaculum known in the California desert.
They conducted research in September and found about 350 bats living there, including 100 old world leaf-nosed bats, the meeting heard.