leaf mold

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leaf mold

leaf mold, crumbly brown humus typical of forest floors. It is composed of decayed leaves and other plant material mixed with soil.
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leaf mold

[′lēf ‚mōld]
A soil layer or compost consisting principally of decayed vegetable matter.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Once you have the leaf mold soil, what to do with it?
Put 1 kg of boiled potatoes, leaf mold soil in a socks or fine net bag.
A gift that protects the soil in winter, improves soil's drainage and reduces weed growth or gives us leaf mold to use in our gardens next year.
Rotted sawdust, leaf mold or the abundance of organic matter in garden waste compost also can compensate for the absence of vermiculite, a mined mineral with as many environmental issues as peat moss.
The JADAM indigenous micro-organism solution to culture micro-organism uses mainly leaf molds, potato (or sweet potato) and salt with soft water.