leaf-cutter bee

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Synonyms for leaf-cutter bee

bee that cuts rounded pieces from leaves and flowers to line its nest

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
MARY, Stourbridge A THIS may be down to the leaf-cutter bee, Mary.
Meanwhile, a leaf-cutter bee cut a round piece of leaf for its nest.
It's leaf-cutter bee. Leaf-cutters snip neat Pieces from rose bushes and Other Plants.
There are 250 different bees in this country, 225 are solitary, like miner bees and leaf-cutter bees to name two, 24 bumble bees and one common drone bee.
You can expect lots of insects to pay a visit, including leaf-cutter bees over summer and hibernating ladybirds during winter.