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Synonyms for leafage

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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The foliage leafage is the work and preparation for the ultimate flowering.
One of the essays is about his sighting of an ivory-billed woodpecker in May 1942, "the bird we had come fifteen hundred miles to see." There is often an understated quality in Peterson's prose, but for a moment, as he recalls the sighting of the ivory-bill, it is ecstatic: "Straining our eyes, we discovered the first bird, half hidden by leafage, and in a moment it leaped into the full sunlight.
The inn-keeper in the Milan version is vexed and disconcerted with the frugality of the meal of leafage and bread, which has been contemptuously served on a tin plate.
seedlings invest in high leafage and higher leaf xeromorphy, and they
Maybe on a mountain sitting by a stream or in it, splashing naked in a stream in the mountains, lust below the tree line--some mountain stream pooling under rocks, protected by leafage. I'll take off my clothes and sink into the cold till I'm numb--till I can't feel my body.
In the arabesque all suggestion of an individual form is eliminated by the indefinity of continuous weave....Thus at the sight of glittering waves or of leafage trembling in the breeze, the soul detaches itself from its internal objects, from the "idols" of passion, and plunges, vibrant within itself, into a pure state of being.
Their brightly coloured leafage shows noticeably as a contrast to the greens of other plants in a shady spot.
Until the holy week / removed the weapon gently / from their hands / revealed to them a new measure / of the world // A new song that long had waited / in the budding leafage." An evangelical message?
It's a good idea therefore to plant them amongst something leafy to make up for their own lack of leafage. A ground-cover plant like purple-leafed ajuga is ideal.