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Adj.1.leaflike - resembling a leaf
leafy - having or covered with leaves; "leafy trees"; "leafy vegetables"
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In PT, areas with marked overgrowth and stromal cellularity with leaflike stromal fronds may be present only as minor foci within a seemingly fibroadenoma.
Description: Herbs perennial, rhizomatous and stoloniferous; culms few-noded, hollow; leaves eligulate; inflorescence paniculate, with many spikelets, primary bracts leaflike, sheathing; spikelets with few-many, spirally arranged persistent glumes, lower flower mostly functionally male, upper flowers bisexual with two stamens, bristles absent, nutlet ovoid, with a thick corky beak, surface smooth to wrinkled, embryo small and poorly developed, broadly obovate in outline, with a basal, poorly developed root cap and without a leaf primordium (embryo of the Juncus-type).
The "few raindrops" take another cup- or leaflike shape; hung independently of the ponds, they spin gently with the movement of the air.
A news release describes it as having "twists in an outward, reaching spiral constructed of overlapping, leaflike elements descending in scale from very large at the sculpture's base to very small at the outer reach of the a spiral form."
Phyllodes tumor is a biphasic stromal-epithelial neoplasm with variably cellular stroma and broad leaflike structures lined by epithelial cells.
35), and two samples displaying authentic leaflike flavonol glycoside profiles but were partially spiked with either aglycones (sample no.
It is distinguished by its long inflorescences that are not leafy but bear much reduced leaflike bracts that are never longer than the glomerules.
The gecko's "leaflike" wide tail also acts as a camouflage.
An increase in laser exposure time from 3 min to 5 min, the leaflike structures are branched in various directions.
The leaflike front of a common vampire bat's nose senses the blood heat of a capillary-rich spot to bite, and its sharp teeth nick the flesh.
According the authors, the mean particle size enhanced with the pressure increased, while the morphology of [beta]-carotene precipitated also changed with pressure, modifying from plate-like to a leaflike form of particles.