
(redirected from leafleter)
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1. A layer of phospholipid; thus, a lipid bilayer has two leaflets.
2. A thin, flattened object or structure.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Any small, leaf-like structure such as the cusps of a heart or other valve.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
2009) (holding that an anti-litter law that prohibited the distribution of leafets onto unoccupied cars violated leafleters' First Amendment rights as it was not narrowly tailored to meet the government's interest).
When they did not comply with his request, he called the Webster Groves Police who arrived on the scene and suggested to the SNAP leafleters that it would be a good idea for them to move along.
Shoulder to shoulder with canvassers and leafleters from AIDS-activist groups, political clubs, and discotheques, Club employees Steve Griffiths and Alan Weaver vied to get lesbians and gay men to join the Club and take part in the environmental movement.
Any of them would gratefully grab the benefits that Festival Edinburgh enjoys and suck up the minor annoyance of grease-painted leafleters on every street corner and braying Estuary English accents in every pub.
(47) The Department of Justice emphasized this point when, in the course of lobbying for the amendments, it assured Congress that the amendments were not intended to "prohibit or discourage the protected activities of whistleblowers, protestors, and leafleters." (48)
Faces was founded last year by PR and marketing agency Think Publicity to supply promotional street crew, hospitality staff and leafleters.
Surely Liverpool's police and civic leaders should have told the leafleters straight: Another day ...