leading strand

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Related to leading strand: Lagging strand, Replication fork

leading strand

In DNA replication, the separated strand this is being converted to a duplex in the direction of the fork, or the opening of the fork, in the parent DNA. Replication is continuous along the leading strand. Compare LAGGING STRAND.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005

leading strand

the strand in DNA replication that is synthesized continuously. See DNA, SEMICONSERVATIVE REPLICATION MODEL.
Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
On the leading strand, the new DNA can be built out starting from the very end where the helix started to split and moving toward the other end, toward the fork in the double helix, making for a smooth line of new genetic material.
Conservatism in the interpretation of the play's political content is a leading strand here, culminating in Gundolf's expulsion of the drama affecting its reputation in the inter-war years, with the politicization of the thirties foreshadowing a rekindling of interest in the political aspects after 1945.
More than 100 people sought refuge at a pub on Bodmin Moor after heavy snowfall hit the A30 last night, leading stranded motorists to abandon their cars.