Leafless plants

plants having no foliage, though leaves may be present in the form of scales and bracts. See Leaf, n., 1 and 2.

See also: Leafless

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Environmentalists must ponder the role felling of trees with thick foliage that filtered the breeze and offered shade to both the worker and the wayfarer, or their replacement with leafless plants, has played in making our citizens more vulnerable to natures harshness.
If the installation of new plants can occur before bud break, so much the better as leafless plants have lower water needs.
After conversion to black and white and cropping, skeletal images of leafless plants were taken using the skeleton command and were saved as PICT files, as required by the Fractal Dimension Calculator software.
In this study, plastic pipe was used to make windbarriers because they are round (much like leafless plants) and do not change shape with time; also, the optical density per row and number of rows could be changed quickly and easily.