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Make your move to install plants.

COLUMN: Your gardening answers

"Can trees and shrubs be installed on my property at any time of the year?"

The short answer to this question is that plants can be planted on your property any time the soil is not frozen. However, your chances of successfully transplanting are significantly increased if you move plants within a specific window of time. When and why?

For good reason, the traditional time for homeowners to plant or transplant is in spring. Accomplish the move as soon as possible after the ground thaws. Cool air and soil temperatures are not a problem. Any lengthening of the interval after planting and before temperatures become stressfully hot and the weather offers no rain will substantially increase the likelihood that the plants will adjust better, with less effort on your plants.

Consider our current weather conditions. Only rarely is the day cloudless. Most days in the spring, rain, mist or drizzle surround the newly installed plants with high relative humidity, coolness and moisture. If the installation of new plants can occur before bud break, so much the better as leafless plants have lower water needs.

The gardener's focus should be to make the transplanting process as stress-free for the plant as possible. Indeed, if the gardener does not need to spend time watering, there will be more time to enjoy spring.

Professionals (homeowners, also) can and do successfully transplant throughout summer and fall, but in many cases, greater attention to details must be given.

Go the easy route. Add plants to your property now or as soon as possible. It is better for both the plants and you.
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Publication:Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)
Date:Apr 21, 2011
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