

n.1.(Bot.) A leaflet.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Separation of the septal leafet of the tricuspid valve from the annulus to enhance perception of VSDs was at first depicted by Hudspeth and partners in 19623,4.
ADEFEATED election candidate today received an apology for "misleading claims" printed about her in a Labour party leafet.
The mean number of lerps per leafet was 19 (n=300) and the mean mass of a single lerp was 0.005g (n=300).
To dowload the leafet on using the child growth charts, see: www.dh.gov.uk/en/Healthcare/Children/ Maternity/Maternalandinfantnutrition/ UK-WHOgrowthcharts/index.htm
The symptoms were well defined at 30 days after sowing; the heights of the plants from the soil surface to the last trifoliate leaf were then determined using a millimeter-graduated ruler; the stem diameter was measured at 0.02 m from the soil surface using a digital caliper (Digimess[R]); the number of leafets, and trifoliate leaves were counted; and foliar area was measured using an automatic leaf area meter (LI-3100C, Li-Cor, Biosciences[R]).
Silvino Joao was in touch with Jose Luis Almeida e Silva, a journalist at the Gazeta das Caldas (a local newspaper in the nearby city of Caldas da Rainha), who also made leafets and posters alerting people to the nuclear risk and had them displayed in local cafes.