learning organization

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learning organization

an organization in which paramount importance is attached to the capacity for employees to learn from organizational events and developments in the external environment. Employees are encouraged to respond creatively to this learning. Systems for exchanging information are of great importance in such organizations.
Collins Dictionary of Business, 3rd ed. © 2002, 2005 C Pass, B Lowes, A Pendleton, L Chadwick, D O’Reilly and M Afferson
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Our operational view is that a KMS creates the organizational framework for its workforce to learn and compete, and it is these additional characteristics, suggested by Liebowitz, that characterize the learning organization.
Chang, Su-Chao & Lee, Ming-Shing, (2007) 'A study on relationship among leadership, organizational culture, the operation of learning organization and employees' job satisfaction', The Learning Organization, Vol.
While all this is very important to change the pace of organizations towards broader and system thinking away from narrow thinking, these writers could not provide managers and practitioners with a practical tool or methodology of how to measure any organizational unit or team or even individual's ability to be a learning organization, or unit (Senge, 1990; Child, 2005; Carnall, 2007).
After defining what a management fad is, and its consequences in business practice, the literature review which challenges the learning organization concept will be presented.
Creating a learning organization without the participation of leaders is nonsense.
Since the emergence of the "learning organization" syntax, specialists have developed different definitions of this type of organization.
Learning organization is the one that creates for its people all the conditions, so they can learn anywhere and constantly
The best ones take a learning organization approach.
The 5th Corporate Learning Week will focus on empowering learning and talent teams to close todays tech and leadership gaps, and building a more innovative learning organization to drive a productive workforce and accelerate organizational growth.
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