leasehold property

leasehold property

property which is LEASED to a person or firm (the lessee) from its legal owners (the lessor) for an agreed period of time. Contrast FREEHOLD PROPERTY.
Collins Dictionary of Business, 3rd ed. © 2002, 2005 C Pass, B Lowes, A Pendleton, L Chadwick, D O’Reilly and M Afferson

leasehold property

a property that is LEASED to a person or firm from its legal owners for an agreed period of time. Contrast FREEHOLD PROPERTY.
Collins Dictionary of Economics, 4th ed. © C. Pass, B. Lowes, L. Davies 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
It comes as some 4.3 million homeowners across England are being compensated for excessive charges on their leasehold property.
In principle, buyers should not be deterred from purchasing leasehold property provided the price paid reflects the value of the lease at that time and the costs of either extending the lease, or, in the case of leasehold houses, purchasing the freehold.
Its report said: "It is clear that many of the leaseholders we heard from were not aware of the differences between freehold and leasehold at the point of purchase, in particular the additional costs and obligations that come with a leasehold property."
It is important to understand the difference between freehold and leasehold property in Dubai.
Garcia opened a restaurant in the leasehold property. Wirth and Garcia also entered into a side deal in which Garcia paid approximately $35,000 to purchase kitchen equipment abandoned by the previous tenant.
So in addition to paying for the leasehold property, the home buyer also has to give an annual ground rent to the freeholder.
The removal of the RWP, which had been in place since October 2017, follows the completion of TICON Industrial Connection Public Company Limited's (TICON) merger of its group-sponsored property funds - TICON Property Fund, TPARK Logistics Property Fund and TICON Industrial Growth Leasehold Property Fund - under TREIT.
They can also advise more generally on leasehold property law and issues such as ground rents, service charges, etc.
Jubilee Gardens residents found about the takeover through a letter from Leasehold Property Management Limited - another company of which Mr Steinhouse is a director.
Meanwhile, with a leasehold property the leaseholder owns the property for the length of their lease agreement.