Learning and Skills Council

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Learning and Skills Council

the UK body responsible for all post-16 education and TRAINING. It merges the activities of the Training and Education Councils and the Further Education Funding Council. The LSC oversees a network of 47 Local Learning and Skills Councils.
Collins Dictionary of Business, 3rd ed. © 2002, 2005 C Pass, B Lowes, A Pendleton, L Chadwick, D O’Reilly and M Afferson

Learning and Skills Council (LSC)

the UK

body responsible for all post-16-year-old education and training. The LSC oversees a network of 47 local Learning and Skills Council centres that provide ‘on-the-job’ training and the provision of short courses aimed at upgrading existing skills and equipping people with new skills. See DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION AND SKILLS.

Collins Dictionary of Economics, 4th ed. © C. Pass, B. Lowes, L. Davies 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
THERE'S another few weeks of uncertainty over plans to rebuild Henley College after bosses at the Learning and Skills Council delayed an announcement on funding.
The council's Leader, Councillor George Dunning, and Chief Executive, Amanda Skelton, signed the Skills Pledge - a voluntary commitment, drawn up by the Learning and Skills Council, to support all employees to develop their skill levels to at least Level 2, the equivalent of five A-C grade GCSEs.
The company has already won a number of new contracts, including a young person's vacancy service for Birmingham and Solihull councils together with an Adult Information and Advice service under the nextstep brand and a new project working with 'NEETs', both for the Learning and Skills Council.
West Midlands Learning and Skills Council announced the names of the new council members who will lead the drive to make the organisation's structure more responsive to the needs of learners and employers.
THE Learning and Skills Council (LSC) North East has announced the names of the North East people who will help drive the Government's strategy for education and skills across the region.
The Learning and Skills Council (LSC) is setting up nine councils, including one for the North-East, which will help develop its decision-making at a regional level, guide progress and make sure the Government's agenda for education and skills works on the ground.
The Learning and Skills Council said staff who improved their literacy, numeracy and communication skills would be more likely to survive when firms were hit by an economic downturn.
This report is one of a series of resources from the project, "The Disability Act: Taking the Work Forward 2003-05," managed by the Learning and Skills Network (LSN) in partnership with NIACE and Skill, supported by the Disability Rights Commission and funded by the Learning and Skills Council. The report is a follow-up to 1998's "Ain't Misbehavin'," which strongly advocated the necessity of a whole organizational approach when working with learners who exhibit disruptive behavior in FE (further education) colleges.
The Learning and Skills council was launched in April 2001 as a new organisation with a national office based in Coventry and forty seven councils located the key local administration areas in England.
It's the result of a 50,000 [pounds sterling] joint investment by Heinz, the Learning and Skills Council Bedfordshire and Luton and the GMB Union.
The pilot Active Dads Project has been launched in Norfolk and is being run and funded by the Learning and Skills Council.
"The case for a radical improvement in skills, which the Learning and Skills Council has been set up to deliver, is that, without it, large numbers of unskilled people will not find or retain satisfying work and the nation will lose competitiveness."
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