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Related to Leakage: Leakage Current


Release of information selectively or not before official public announcement.
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1. In Keynesian economics, the process of removing money from the economy. Savings, imports, and taxes are leaked out of the economy, though they may come back in through the spending of one's savings, exports, and government injections. Keynes' circular flow model subtracted the value of leakages from national output to identify aggregate output. Thus, it is necessary to know the value leakages in order to calculate the aggregate national output.

2. In credit, money borrowed from a bank that is not redeposited into that bank, which primarily occurs through default. In this sense, leakage reduces the ability of a bank to extend credit.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved


A measure of retail sales lost by a community to a competitive market, indicating the need for more retail development in an area.

The Complete Real Estate Encyclopedia by Denise L. Evans, JD & O. William Evans, JD. Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
A reappraisal of the criteria to diagnose plasma leakage in dengue hemorrhagic fever.
Many therapies, including lengthening of the esophagus, gastric transposition, and colonic interposition, have been widely used in EA surgery to prevent anastomotic leakage. In 2009, Foker et al.
(2008) provided the first documented published data on leakage in parallel FPTUs.
Aside from this, Finance Undersecretary Karl Kendrick Chua said they are estimating possible leakages of P63 billion in 2017 as a result of having more than 500 economic zones in the country.
'Everything is done online so, right away if we automate, we eliminate leakages di ba?' he added.
Failure in the design of the circuit, incorrect installation, or failure in insulation results in current leakage. This current leakage needs to be detected promptly as it can otherwise lead to electric shocks when someone touches the same unknowingly.
Rhodamine B is an organic xanthenic dye with better diffusion on human dentin than methylene blue.17 The Rhodamine B dye also have nanosized particles which mimic enzymes and toxins of leakage triggering from bacterial breakdown.17
Postoperative other complications included surgical site infection, pneumonia, postoperative atelectasis, cheilosis leakage, evisceration, acute renal failure, and intra-abdominal hemorrhage.
Summary: Previously it took 40 days before residents were notified of any leakages, leading to unusually high bills.
'The MALAYSIA special plate series bidding collection of RM13.2 million may be higher than average, but imagine if we had about 30 number series in the past with an average leakage of RM5 million that is almost RM100 million in leakages,' he said.
At the outset, it must be mentioned that while the FIR cited the fatal explosion to a leakage in a gas pipeline, the fact remains that the blast was not caused by the SSGC line.