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League of Legends Wiki

For the League of Legends icon League of Legends patch, see V12.16.

Teamfight Tactics V12.16[]

Hyper Roll[]

Personal Training (Augment)
  • Base Health granted for units adjacent to Bruisers increased to 80 from 60.
Zz'Rot Portal Zz'Rot Portal
  • Voidspawn Health decreased to 1200 from 1350 (Stage 1-4).
  • Voidspawn Health decreased to 1700 from 1900 (Stage 5-7).
  • Voidspawn Health decreased to 2000 from 2250 (Stage 8+).
Zz'Rot's Invitation Zz'Rot's Invitation
  • Voidspawn Health decreased to 2500 from 3000 (Stage 1-4).
  • Voidspawn Health decreased to 3500 from 3800 (Stage 5-7).
  • Voidspawn Health decreased to 4000 from 4500 (Stage 8+).


For details about the new augments, see the augment page
  • Axiom Arc I
    • Mana on kill increased from 20 to 25.
  • Axiom Arc II
    • Mana on kill increased from 30 to 40.
  • Best Friends
    • Attack Speed decreased to 10 / 15 / 20% from 10 / 20 / 30.
    • Cybernetic Augments
      • Implant: decreased to 100 from 125.
      • Shell: Health decreased to 150 from 200.
      • Uplink: Health decreased to 250 from 300.
  • Hot Shot (Cannoneer)
    • Max Health true damage burn decreased to 6% from 8%.
  • Lategame Specialist
    • Gold Granted at Level 9 increased to 45 from 40.
  • Personal Training
    • Base Health granted for units adjacent to Bruisers increased to 40 from 30.
  • Rich Get Richer+
    • Gold Granted increased to 18 Gold 18 from 15 Gold 15.
  • Scorch
    • Damage Amplification decreased to 25% from 33%.
  • Weakspot
    • reduced healing duration decreased to 3 seconds from 5 seconds.
  • Windfall
    • Gold increased to 25 / 35 / 45 from 20 / 30 / 40.
  • Press the Attack
    • Max Health percent Damage decreased to 4% from 5%.


For the champion changes, see the respective champion page.


For the trait changes, see the respective trait page.
Shimmerscale Shimmerscale
  • Draven's Axe: Cash out Gold decreased to 7 Gold 7 from 8 Gold 8.
Scalescorn Scalescorn
  • Bonus Magic Damage Percent decreased to 15/50/115% from 15/50/125%.


For the item changes, see the respective item page.
Statikk Shiv Statikk Shiv
  • Magic damage decreased to 50 from 60.
Statikk Favor Statikk Favor
  • Magic Damage decreased to 75 from 100.
Zz'Rot Portal Zz'Rot Portal
  • Voidspawn Health decreased to 1200 from 1350 (Stage 2).
  • Voidspawn Health decreased to 1450 from 1600 (Stage 3).
  • Voidspawn Health decreased to 1700 from 1900 (Stage 4).
  • Voidspawn Health decreased to 2000 from 2250 (Stage 5+).
Zz'Rot's Invitation Zz'Rot's Invitation
  • Voidspawn Health decreased to 2500 from 3000 (Stage 2).
  • Voidspawn Health decreased to 3000 from 3400 (Stage 3).
  • Voidspawn Health decreased to 3500 from 3800 (Stage 4).
  • Voidspawn Health decreased to 4000 from 4500 (Stage 5+).

