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League of Legends Wiki
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  • BE has replaced IP since patch V7.22 (2017).
    Starter Pack separated into five Position-based packs.
This article was last edited by Tyranitar12 on 09-Oct-2022 21:53.

Bundles are Riot Store purchasable goods in which most cases a large assortment of champions and champion skins can be obtained. There are permanent and limited edition bundles. Limited edition bundles are ether tied with specific seasonal events, release of a champion, release of a skin line, or thematically similar skins.

Starter Pack[]

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LoL Starter Pack

Starter Pack with Annie.

The Starter Pack Bundle contains 8 recommended champions for new players. It costs 530 RP 530, and is not a flexible bundle. Buying each champion individually would cost 3600 IP 3600 or 2020 RP 2020.


The pack contains Ashe Ashe, Annie Annie, Warwick Warwick, Garen Garen, Ryze Ryze, Nunu Nunu, Master Yi Master Yi, Sivir Sivir, and a 10 Win XP Boost.

Champions Bundle[]


The Champions Bundle costs 3410 RP 3410. Purchasing each of the 20 champions individually comes out to 45600 IP 45600 or 11595 RP 11595.

This is a flexible bundle: the price is reduced if you already own one or more of the champions, to a minimum of 975 RP 975.

If you plan on buying the bundle with maximum BE/RP ratio, then it's best not to buy any champions from the bundle.

The bundle reduction is:

A = current BE/RP ratio

B = champion price

new Bundle price = Bundle price - B/A/2

In other words, any partial purchase of champions makes the bundle less efficient. (The exact formula is more complex but it boils down to that.)



Here are the following champions in the bundle, along with their individual IP/RP cost:

Champion IP Cost RP Cost
Anivia Anivia 3150 IP 3150 790 RP 790
Ashe Ashe 450 IP 450 260 RP 260
Blitzcrank Blitzcrank 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Corki Corki 3150 IP 3150 790 RP 790
Dr Dr. Mundo 450 IP 450 260 RP 260
Gangplank Gangplank 3150 IP 3150 790 RP 790
Heimerdinger Heimerdinger 3150 IP 3150 790 RP 790
Jax Jax 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Karthus Karthus 3150 IP 3150 790 RP 790
Kassadin Kassadin 3150 IP 3150 790 RP 790
Katarina Katarina 3150 IP 3150 790 RP 790
Master Yi Master Yi 450 IP 450 260 RP 260
Shaco Shaco 3150 IP 3150 790 RP 790
Singed Singed 4800 IP 4800 260 RP 260
Sion Sion 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Sivir Sivir 450 IP 450 260 RP 260
Soraka Soraka 450 IP 450 260 RP 260
Taric Taric 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Twisted Fate Twisted Fate 4800 IP 4800 585 RP 585
Twitch Twitch 3150 IP 3150 790 RP 790
Exclusive Skin
Sivir HuntressSkin

Huntress Sivir

Digital Collector's Pack[]

The Digital Collector's Pack costs 2520 RP 2520. Purchasing each of the 20 champions individually comes out to 26700 IP 26700 or 9100 RP 9100.

This is a flexible bundle: the price is reduced if you already own one or more of the champions, to a minimum of 975 RP 975 if you already own every champion.

If you plan on buying the bundle with maximum BE/RP ratio, then it's best not to buy any champions from the bundle.

The bundle reduction is:

A = current BE/RP ratio

B = champion price

new Bundle price = Bundle price - B/A/2

In other words, any partial purchase of champions makes the bundle less efficient. (The exact formula is more complex but it boils down to that.)



Here are the following champions in the bundle, along with their individual IP/RP cost:

Champion IP Cost RP Cost
Alistar Alistar 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Amumu Amumu 450 IP 450 260 RP 260
Annie Annie 450 IP 450 260 RP 260
Cho'Gath Cho'Gath 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Evelynn Evelynn 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Janna Janna 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Kayle Kayle 4800 IP 4800 260 RP 260
Malphite Malphite 450 IP 450 260 RP 260
Morgana Morgana 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Nasus Nasus 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Nunu Nunu 450 IP 450 260 RP 260
Rammus Rammus 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Ryze Ryze 4800 IP 4800 260 RP 260
Teemo Teemo 450 IP 450 260 RP 260
Tristana Tristana 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Tryndamere Tryndamere 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Veigar Veigar 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Warwick Warwick 450 IP 450 260 RP 260
Zilean Zilean 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Exclusive Skins

Retail Collector's Edition[]


Retail Collector's Edition with Twisted Fate.

The Retail Collector's Edition is the paid version of the game League of Legends, and costs US$29.99. It includes US$10 of RP (1380 RP 1380) for use in the store, 4 Special Summoner Runes which come out to 2255 IP 2255. The Digital Collector's Pack costs 2393 RP 2393 and has been available since July 14, 2009. Purchasing each champion individually comes out to 25200 IP 25200 or 10790 RP 10790. The two pre-order exclusive skins are no longer available after October 26, 2009.


  • Even if you are not level 20 or above, the tier 3 runes will still be placed in your rune book, and you can use them.
  • Similar packages:
    • Digital Collector's Pack (3900 RP 3900 at the online store)
      • It has the same contents as the Retail Collector's Edition except the Silver Kayle Silver Kayle skin and the pre-order exclusive Young Ryze Young Ryze skin. However, it has the Goth Annie Goth Annie skin, and used to contain the pre-order exclusive Black Alistar Black Alistar skin.
    • Gamer's Choice Pack (3900 RP 3900 at the online store)
      • It has the same contents as the Retail Collector's Edition except the Silver Kayle Silver Kayle skin and the pre-order exclusive Young Ryze Young Ryze skin, as well as Runes. However, it has the Huntress Sivir Huntress Sivir skin and XP Boost.
    • Champions Bundle (3410 RP 3410 at the online store)


  • 1300 RP 1300 + 80 RP 80 Bonus
  • Greater Mark of Malice (Improves critical chance by 0.93%) (410 IP 410)
  • Greater Seal of Vitality (Increases your health 1.08 per level, 19.44 at level 18) (410 IP 410)
  • Greater Glyph of Knowledge (Increases your mana 1.42 per level, 25.56 at level 18) (410 IP 410)
  • Greater Quintessence of Revival (Decreases your Death Timer by 5%) (1025 IP 1025)

Here are the following champions in the bundle, along with their individual IP/RP cost:

Champion IP Cost RP Cost
Alistar Alistar 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Amumu Amumu 450 IP 450 260 RP 260
Annie Annie 450 IP 450 260 RP 260
Cho'Gath Cho'Gath 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Evelynn Evelynn 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Janna Janna 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Kayle Kayle 4800 IP 4800 260 RP 260
Malphite Malphite 450 IP 450 260 RP 260
Morgana Morgana 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Nasus Nasus 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Rammus Rammus 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Ryze Ryze 4800 IP 4800 260 RP 260
Sivir Sivir 450 IP 450 260 RP 260
Teemo Teemo 450 IP 450 260 RP 260
Tristana Tristana 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Tryndamere Tryndamere 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Veigar Veigar 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Warwick Warwick 450 IP 450 260 RP 260
Zilean Zilean 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585
Exclusive Skins
Promotional Runeterra map
Runeterra Map old
  • The Map had exclusive character descriptions at the opposite site:


The Minotaur

The last remaining survivor of his clan, Alistar has come to the Institute of War for one purpose — to find the human girl who saved his life years ago. He barters his combat skills for information, determined to pay a life-dept that he is determined to pay in full.


The Sad Mummy

Amumu is a bundle (literally) of emotions, experiencing moments of extreme anger followed by bouts of crushing depression. It is during these times that it is best to stay out of his way, or you may find yourself wrapped up and strangling inside his tear-stained bandages.


The Cryophoenix

It is said that Anivia was born when the world was first created, and that Anivia will be the last being alive when the world ends. Such is the fate of a being that, when the flames of destruction pass over it, will leave behind a frozen egg from which it will be reborn.


The Dark Child

Champions who have met her in the Fields of Justice speak of an Annie that belies her visage. There is no childlike sweetness; there is only the fury of a grey witch and the unbridled power of the cabal


The Frost Archer

As a descendant from ancient nobility, Ashe is one of but a few hearty souls from Freljord who can claim the title of Frost Archer. Along with mastery of the bow, Ashe is renowned for her resourcefulness even in the most dire of environments.


The Harbinger of Doom

Fiddlesticks torments and terrifies all who look upon him with his wickedly crooked smile. His quaint name belies the potency of his prowess in combat; he is the Harbinger of Doom for all of Valoran, bearing the news of his opponents' impending destruction.


The Armsmaster

Jax was the most successful combatant in the history of the Fields of Justice for numerous years. The Institute of War sought to balance his domination by forcing him to fight with a brass lamppost; this has done little to stop his winning ways.


The Judicator

Even with her link to the realms divine severed, her will and heart remained untainted by darkness. She stands as her own veacon of light in combat, dispensing justice upon the unjust as she sees fit.

Mastery Yi

The Wuju Bladesman

Hushed tales tell of Master Yi, the Wuju Bladesmen, being not born of Valoran but rather from the cosmos itself. His mystical nature lends itself well to his unparalleled skill with the blade. It is said that his combat style is magic unto itself.


The Yeti Rider

Crouching down on the edge of a cave, Nunu waited for the biggest yeti he had ever seen to come slumbering out. With a leap and a howl, Nunu came down on the beast's back and held on tight. They have been inseparable ever since.


The Rogue Mage

Ryze is the definition of the ultimate scholar, far surpassing just mere obsession with knowledge. He meticulously catalogs every magical spell he has encountered, going as far as tattooing the most rare and powerful incantations directly onto his own skin.


The Mad Chemist

It is said that madness is merely a matter of perspective. The maniacal gleam Singed gets in his eyes when he unleashes his chemical concoctions on unsuspecting foes leaves little doubt that his perspective on his own madness is quite clear.


The Undead Abomination

His foes thought that the beheading of Sion — the Butcher of Tempest Flats — would be the end of his bloodthirsty ways. For Sion and his executioner's axe he calls "Chopper", however, death was merely the beginning.


The Blade Mistress

The Mercenary known as "The Blade Mistress" brings an unparalleled mastery of bladed weaponry and battlefield tactics to the Fields of Justice. Her weapon of choice is the crossblade - a four bladed ranged weapon designed to return to her no matter how far she throws it.


The Starchild

Among the Ionians, Soraka is known as the "Starchild" — the first among equals, the high priestess of Ionia, and the protector of the Ionian spirit. Time and time again, Soraka has led the peaceful Ionians to victory in the defense of their homeland from would-be conquerors.


The Swift Scout

The Leader of the Bantam City Scouts is the foremost authority on Yordle military tactics. His curriculum for young Yordle scouts includes teaching blow-dart carpet bombing tactics and the proper way to load trebuchets with poison-tipped sewing needles.


The Megling Gunner

Tristana is the leader of the First Ruby Megling Brigade of Bantam City, or Rubies for short. They are crack Yordle infantry squad armed with devastating ranged weaponry and explosives. For Tristana, there isn't a big enough explosion that her Robies can make in the Fields of Justice.


The Barbarian King

It was said that when this child was born, it would signal the beginning of a new era. It was said that the barbarian tribes would rise up. And under the banner of a serpant-shaped rune, they would rule the world.

Twisted Fate

The Cardmaster

No matter what hand he is dealt, whether it is in a card game or in a heated battle in the Fields of Justice, Twisted Fate always finds a way to make his own luck and come out on top. When asked how he does it, he merely smiles and says, "It just takes a little fate, friend."


The Blood Hunter

To Warwick, his past as a mere chemist is irrelevant. All that concerns him is his new life after "The Change". Warrick has embraced his lycanthropic transformation fully, finding power in the hunt for the blood of his enemies that simple chemical formulas would have never given him.

Bundle Comparisons[]

Champion IP Cost RP Cost DCP GCP CE CB
Alistar Alistar 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 X X X -
Amumu Amumu 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 X X X -
Anivia Anivia 3150 IP 3150 975 RP 975 - - - X
Annie Annie 450 IP 450 260 RP 260 X X X -
Ashe Ashe 450 IP 450 260 RP 260 - - - X
Blitzcrank Blitzcrank 3150 IP 3150 975 RP 975 - - - X
Cho'Gath Cho'Gath 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 X X X -
Corki Corki 3150 IP 3150 975 RP 975 - - - X
Dr Dr. Mundo 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 - - - X
Evelynn Evelynn 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 X X X -
Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 X X X -
Gangplank Gangplank 3150 IP 3150 975 RP 975 - - - X
Janna Janna 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 X X X -
Kayle Kayle 450 IP 450 260 RP 260 X X X -
Heimerdinger Heimerdinger 3150 IP 3150 975 RP 975 - - - X
Jax Jax 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 - - - X
Karthus Karthus 3150 IP 3150 975 RP 975 - - - X
Kassadin Kassadin 3150 IP 3150 975 RP 975 - - - X
Katarina Katarina 3150 IP 3150 975 RP 975 - - - X
Malphite Malphite 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 X X X -
Master Yi Master Yi 450 IP 450 260 RP 260 - - - X
Morgana Morgana 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 X X X -
Nasus Nasus 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 X X X -
Nunu Nunu 450 IP 450 260 RP 260 - - - X
Rammus Rammus 3150 IP 3150 975 RP 975 X X X -
Ryze Ryze 450 IP 450 260 RP 260 X X X -
Shaco Shaco 3150 IP 3150 975 RP 975 - - - X
Singed Singed 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 - - - X
Sion Sion 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 - - - X
Sivir Sivir 450 IP 450 260 RP 260 X X X -
Soraka Soraka 450 IP 450 260 RP 260 - - - X
Taric Taric 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 - - - X
Teemo Teemo 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 X X X -
Tristana Tristana 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 X X X -
Tryndamere Tryndamere 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 X X X -
Twisted Fate Twisted Fate 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 - - - X
Twitch Twitch 3150 IP 3150 975 RP 975 - - - X
Veigar Veigar 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 X X X -
Warwick Warwick 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 X X X -
Zilean Zilean 1350 IP 1350 585 RP 585 X X X -
Skins IP Cost RP Cost DCP GCP CE CB
Goth Annie --- --- X - - -
Huntress Sivir --- --- - X - -
Silver Kayle --- --- - - X -
Runes IP Cost RP Cost DCP GCP CE CB
Greater Mark of Malice 410 IP 410 --- X - X -
Greater Seal of Vitality 410 IP 410 --- X - X -
Greater Glyph of Knowledge 410 IP 410 --- X - X -
Greater Quintessence of Revival 1025 IP 1025 --- X - X -
Other IP Cost RP Cost DCP GCP CE CB
200% XP Boost for 10 Wins --- 350 RP 350 - X - -
Riot Points (US,EU)
Riot Points (Nordic,East)
--- 1380 RP 1380
1779 RP 1779
X - X -

See Also[]

