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slang A person's legs or feet. I felt a little shaky on my underpinnings as I got up out of the chair. I know you want big pecs and biceps, but don't forget to work out your underpinnings, too!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


n. the legs. He has good underpinnings—ought to be able to run faster. With underpinnings like that, he ought to be able to win the marathon.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Speaking exclusively to Hotelier at the Arabian Hotel Investment Conference in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE, Rossmann said that one of the ultimate elements underpinning investment in hotels across the region is that they are among the highest profitability levels in the world.
'So the legal underpinnings are the existing tax laws such as Personal Income Tax Act, Company Income Tax Act, VAT Act and then supplemented with an Executive Order that gave us authority to waive interest and penalties.
The underpinning technology in China started relatively late, but with the massive construction of the national infrastructure, the number and scale of underpinning projects continue to grow.
"There are different types of underpinning methods that are used in different situations, but basically the idea is to extend the foundation deeper until it reaches a more supportive soil layer, or increase its breadth so that the weight of the house is distributed more evenly.
After all, the newer the underpinning, the more reliable you might expect it to be.
Tony Dyhouse, knowledge transfer director at TSI, added: "Our daily lives and industrial processes are now heavily reliant on a wide range of underpinning software.
3) Our expectation that economic activity will accelerate through 2016, underpinning a sustained improvement in credit metrics relative to similarly-rated peers.
Underpinning the strategy are the union principles of collective and determined action and democratic processes.
However, Labour and the Tories have been embroiled in a war of words over the negotiations and have differing views over the argument for 'statutory underpinning.'
The PM's amendment to the Crime and Courts Bill will not provide statutory underpinning for the new regulator, but will allow courts to impose "exemplary damages" on newspapers which refuse to sign up to the system.
whether the new Independent Press Regulator should be underpinned by legislation from the House of Commons, but it needs to be stressed, legislative underpinning is not statutory regulation, which nobody wants, including the main political parties.
In a Holyrood debate about the findings of the Leveson report into press ethics, Salmond stressed a "Scottish solution" had to be found for its central recommendation of an independent system of self-regulation with a "legal underpinning".
THE royal wedding will highlight the values underpinning Christian marriage, one of the most senior Roman Catholic clerics in England and Wales has said.
According to the report from Standard & Poor's Ratings Services, titled "How Sovereign Wealth Funds Are Underpinning Gulf States' Credit Quality", SWFs underpin fiscal and external stability for their sponsoring nations, and have become integral to their sovereign creditworthiness.