
(redirected from underplanted)


vb (tr)
(Botany) to plant smaller plants around (a larger plant)
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They're also suited to gardens of different sizes as they have a light canopy and often a narrow spread, and look wonderful underplanted with winter-flowering heather or with bronzeleaved carex.
Handily, it's also relatively low maintenance via a combination of structural trees and shrubs heavily underplanted with ground cover.
GELLI UCHAF, WALES At this 1.5 acre organic garden, visitors can see trees and shrubs underplanted with hundreds of thousands of snowdrops, cyclamen, crocus, scillas and other bulbs.
These include scented plants such as daphne and witch hazel, shrubs and trees with interesting bark such as Acer griseum, birches, Rubus cockburnianus and species of dogwood, underplanted with bergenias and cyclamen.
I have it against a west-facing wall underplanted with snowdrops and marsh asparagus."?
It is ideal underplanted with early flowering bulbs and marble-leaved arums and will grow in sunny or semi-shaded sites in fertile, well-drained soil.
In each thinned section, approximately half of the thinned stand was underplanted with Broussonetia papyrifera (a widely distributed deciduous tree species in China) to establish the uneven-aged forest.
Think 'lasagne' and plant in layers, with the bedding plants underplanted with tall tulip bulbs in matching or contrasting colours so that they grow up through them.
In the woodsy "public" section, shapely Arbutus 'Marina' trees are underplanted with mounded deep green Carex tumuticola, which spills onto the entry path in a haze of fine, soft leaves.
I'm growing 30-odd varieties this year, underplanted with brassicas.
Should the witch hazel and the Cornelian cherry be underplanted with spring flowering bulbs that are in bloom at the same time?