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(civil engineering)
Permanent supports replacing or reinforcing the older supports beneath a wall or a column.
Braced props temporarily supporting a structure.
(mining engineering)
Building up the wall of a mine shaft to join that above it.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


The rebuilding or deepening of the foundation of an existing building to provide additional or improved support, as the result of an excavation in adjoining property that is deeper than the existing foundation.
Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture Copyright © 2012, 2002, 1998 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved


The rebuilding or deepening of the foundation of an existing building to provide additional or improved support, e.g., additional support required as a result of a new excavation in adjoining property which is deeper than the existing foundation.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Macroeconomics has no rigorous microeconomic underpinnings, and cannot have them because of the diversity of economic agents and the need to aggregate their behavior.
Beyond the genuinely inspired imagined and real histories of Arrowhead's Ray Bud and the compulsive self-mythologizing of Project Grizzly's Troy Hurtubise, Lynch has delivered a meditation on nothing less than the very epistemological underpinnings of how we create history in the infinite time and space of the North.
Clark alleges that postmodern anti-foundationalism is a significant and convincing new position in philosophy that effecttively cuts the underpinnings from humanists' endeavors to base their world view on anything more substantial than the impulses or inclinations they may individually feel to prefer "a democratic, tolerant, and caring society." These preferences, Clark says, are all the foundation we could ever have or need.
As part of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) pilot project, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) today awarded eight two-year grants totaling $3.4 million to support the development of innovative technologies for exploring the genomic underpinnings of cancer.
The development of the underpinnings for the Yaris (platform, architecture or whatever else you care to call it: that which serves as the basis upon which the vehicle is built, with the visible attributes being those things that use it as the basis) took, says, Junichi Furuyama, chief engineer for the Yaris sedan, two years.
Optical discs from Valco Data Systems and a FormFast electronic and paper form generating and bar coding system--both Meditech compatible vendors--were key underpinnings to the next steps.
Hermeneutical theory is applied in chapters discussing underpinnings of Freud, Skinner, Jung, aspects of Christian Anthropology, and much more.
Fantasy lovers will enjoy the mythological underpinnings of the twisting plot.
It solidifies Twist as a molecule worth studying to sort out the biological underpinnings of metastasis.
By bringing today's technology, its underpinnings, nuances and capabilities to the real estate industry the results are more creative solutions for clients that directly influence their lease terms, financial results, and operational efficiency.
For all its underpinnings in realpolitik, the strategy committed the United States to multilateralism."