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Synonyms for underperformer

a student who does not perform as well as expected or as well as the IQ indicates

a business that is less successful than expected

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Destinies are transformed when leaders opt to give underperformers a chance.
The goal of offering these insights into coaching or firing underperformers like Justin is to help you run a smooth operation that turns payroll dollars into higher profits.
The AUD was the main underperformer on the day, giving back some of the prior days' gains.
This really puts a different spin on things -- who wouldn't prefer to be appraised along with peers instead of feeling like he or she has been singled out for being an "underperformer''?
But many boards have been less inclined to deal with a more insidious phenomenon in their midst--the 'go-along-to-get-along' underperformer who makes no waves but also adds little value.
India, May 2 -- Front facing cameras have always been one of those features that everyone wanted, but never really put to extensive use, due to the fact that it was always an underperformer. In fact up until now, all the focus has been on developing the rear camera as the primary imaging device, the front facing camera just became "that something every phone must have on its spec sheet." However, Omnivision is set to change all that with two new sensors for front facing cameras that would be capable of delivering true 1080p video quality at 60 fps.
The Shanghai property sub-index was a key underperformer among sectors, down 1.2%.
"We are an embarrassment and we are a great underperformer," he said.
Leaving conspiracy theories aside, we highlight that Rostelecom's stock has been an underperformer YtD.
"It's clear from last week's debate the country wants change," smarmed underperformer David Cameron.
It will look inconsistent to a judge or jury, however, if an underperformer gets the same raise as another employee doing well.
Rosen outlines how sales managers, executives, and business owners can coach and motivate their salespeople to bring in more sales, and integrate a model into the team's plan, as well as how to turn around or fire an underperformer. He describes principles of coaching, mistakes and how to avoid them, types of managers and qualities they need, and developing an internal coaching program.
HE was the biggest underperformer in a Reds top since Butlins hired Shane Richie, but former Liverpool striker Erik Meijer finally has something to celebrate.
Eric Ende, an analyst at Merril, said: "Chiron has been a chronic underperformer. Chiron shareholders would get more value and reduce risk through an all-cash acquisition by Novartis than if existing management continued to run the business."
This indicates a more proactive stance at Circuit City to improve its real estate portfolio." Wewer has the company pegged with a "Sector Underperformer" rating.