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Synonyms for underperform

perform less well or with less success than expected


Related Words

perform too rarely

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
While the Australian share market is at risk of a shortterm pull back it's likely to be higher on a 6-12 month horizon and its period of relative underperformance compared to global shares is likely at or close to an end.
After years of underperformance, gold prices witnessed a historic breakout of $1,350 an ounce in June, breaking away from a six-year-long range of $1,200-$1,300.
"The underperformance of the share price can be attributed to two things.
On Tuesday night during a talk show on Radio Ramogi, Kaluma called for Awiti's resignation, saying he has been unable to sack members of his cabinet accused of underperformance. Residents need services, he said.
He said the ministry, was not aware of any attitude issues between the regional and the school staff which could contribute to the school's underperformance and said they expected performance to improve.
Does he encourage ideas that are not his own to see the light of day?What does the underperformance of your department cost him?
In the first half of 2018, the execution of capital investments was 16.6 percent of the projection which means the considerable underperformance continues, says Finance Think.
In March, Countrywide said it was going "back to basics" after what it described as three years of underperformance in its main sales and lettings business.
Prof Mukhtar said the key factor behind the underperformance of universities was the lack of autonomy.
This has been primarily due to the poor quality of business underwritten, which has led to underperformance of their portfolios.
Looking at knowledge and learning as cultural, historically specific processes, the author considers the challenges of Arabic instruction in Israel related to Arabic proficiency in the Jewish school sector and the underperformance of Arab university students at Arabic grammar.
Moody's Investors Service said that the Cypriot bank's underperformance in the first quarter of the year in meeting loan restructuring indicators set by their supervisor is a credit negative, adding that the overall improvement in asset quality has been so far "lethargic".
However, according to Citi, the recent underperformance is driven by the local bid for Lebanese debt corrupting the relationship between fundamentals and pricing.
Rather, this article addresses how to think about a director's chronic underperformance: when he is so derelict that he no longer engages with other directors or management.