(redirected from Underpinning Knowledge)
UPKUser Productivity Kit (Oracle)
UPKUser Productivity Kit
UPKUniversal Pre-Kindergarten
UPKUniversity Press of Kentucky (est. 1969; Lexington, KY)
UPKUnderpinning Knowledge
UPKUniversal Practical Knowledge
UPKUnit Pengurusan Kolej (Malaysian college)
UPKUnit Pack
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We focus on: industry associated health and safety training; foundation training courses so that operatives have the necessary underpinning knowledge to carry out works safely; classroom and practical teaching in small groups; modular assessments; and management training for site engineers, foremen and chargehands.
Apprentices on a JTL scheme split their time between a college or training centre, where they study the theory of their discipline and gain the underpinning knowledge they require, and their employer's workplace, where they gain experience and their competence is assessed.
National Occupational Standards (NOS) are statements of the standards of performance individuals must achieve when carrying out functions in the workplace, together with specifications of the underpinning knowledge and understanding.
He said: "With the strong underpinning knowledge and skills gained on the EMBA, I found that I was able to engage more confidently and effectively with stakeholders at the highest levels.
It is great to be involved in developing Zoe's underpinning knowledge and to train her in the skills and ethos which are important to our organisation.
Phonetics for phonics; underpinning knowledge for adult literacy practitioners.
"If you want to be a professional, then you need to learn all the underpinning knowledge behind every treatment.
Underpinning knowledge is conceived of as the skills and competencies-based 'know how' that enables students to become capable practitioners, typically obtained through critical reflection and legitimate peripheral participation within communities of practice.
They may also work for the ABTA Travel Agents Certificate (ABTAC) at Primary or Advanced Level, which is relevant for retail travel agency work and provides evidence of underpinning knowledge for NVQ/SVQ candidates.
The NVQ standards consisted of lists of criteria, broken down into units covering underpinning knowledge and practical skills for all perioperative areas.
This paper aims to contribute to the discussion on the quality and accessibility of underpinning knowledge in competency-based training.