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To provide a new foundation for a wall or column in an existing building without removing the superstructure.
Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture Copyright © 2012, 2002, 1998 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved
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market, and the dynamic generated by their success then underpined a move towards the complementary incorporation of the product development role, which in turn increased the importance of the labs within their overall operations.
Interestingly, in opposition to Lefebvre's evidence, Ramsay finds no fear of an "aristocratic plot" that underpined events in the Soissonnais.
It is clear that, for Wilson, the danger lay in undermining his scheme for a League of Nations, based upon an American leadership, through an unnecessary humiliation of Germany and that a similar consideration had underpined his approach during the confrontation with Mexico, whose humiliation would have undermined his proposed Pan-American League.
Torex and iSoft, two hospital and general practice IT groups, both issued bullish trading updates yesterday underpined by the Government's drive to revive the NHS.