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Synonyms for underpin

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for underpin

support from beneath

support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Moreover, measures to diversify revenue sources and widen the tax base will underpin decreased vulnerability to commodity price volatility and buffer the fiscal accounts.
He will say defence "provides the security and the peace of mind that underpins almost every single other area of this debate".
This should underpin the recovery in non-oil government-driven projects, especially in infrastructure development for the remainder of this year," the report said.
The initiative is also designed to underpin the city's Year of the Environment.
Halifax said that low interest rates and unemployment levels continued to underpin a strong housing market.
Here she uses Hans Georg Gadamer's synthesis of the functional and communicative aspects of architecture, a subtle and persuasive explanation of the relationship between form and function to underpin her own account of the evolution of style and society.
It continues to underpin many programs concerned with primary-secondary transfer, ranging from individual and school cluster initiatives to wider research programs (cf.
Countering the narratives of rupture and discontinuity which underpin much New Historicist scholarship and seeking to emphasize the importance of religion in Renaissance culture, Fowler contends that "it cannot be appropriate to describe the Renaissance as a secular movement, or as a decentralization" (9).
Comments from White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow that Washington expects "to make more headway" in this week's talks also helped to underpin hopes of a U.S.-Sino trade deal, and as of 5:25GMT Topix and Nikkei were up 0.57% and 0.94% respectively.
Summary: House prices rose during August as a lack of supply continued to underpin the property market.
The Asian aviation market is set to underpin Rolls-Royce's overall growth over the next 20 years, with global demand for 6,500 engines forecast by 2026.
In order to safeguard the wall, a specialist sub-contractor - Advanced - was engaged to underpin it prior to excavation.
Auto Business News-April 29, 2019--Mitsubishi to develop platform to underpin new truck and pickup
M2 EQUITYBITES-April 29, 2019--Mitsubishi to develop platform to underpin new truck and pickup
Better than expected data out of China, where the Caixin manufacturing PMI lifted to 49.9 signalling stabilisation helped to underpin confidence in the global economy, especially after the better than feared U.S.