
(redirected from underplanting)


vb (tr)
(Botany) to plant smaller plants around (a larger plant)
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* Crocuses are ideal bulbs for naturalizing, for rock gardens or for underplanting beneath tall trees.
This makes them fantastic for underplanting beneath deciduous trees and shrubs that lose their leaves for winter, since these allow some light through to the ground, come spring.
"The bulbs planted last autumn at Church View Garden looked lovely this spring time, giving months of colour but unfortunately by July when judging took place the gardens looked very parched and the perennial wild flowers used as underplanting had all gone over in the extreme heat, so as the main strength of our entry is permanent, sustainable and wildlife friendly planting this year was tough.
This variety is perfect for dense area plantings or as an underplanting.
Bergenias should be grown in good-sized groups or as a carpet underplanting big shrubs.
Thinning and underplanting are two important silvicultural strategies to change the monoculture stand structure, and they are widely applied in plantation management [4, 7].
Enjoy more than 200 different selections of shrub, climbing and rambling roses, along with a wide range of herbaceous underplanting, such as geraniums, violets and achilleas.
The catkin garden and its underplanting will without doubt warm the hearts of many at the National Trust's Plas Newydd, but this spring there is another new garden which has been inspired by winning more than hearts.
Underplanting with creeping thyme to attract bees will help too.
The garden has been established 40 years now and over that period the structure remains as first laid out, but the underplanting style has changed four times.