

inadequately prepared
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Unfortunately, a new survey by LendEDU suggests Americans are woefully underprepared for the prospect of an imminent recession.
A staggering amount of first year college students enter into institutions of higher education underprepared. Research suggests 40 percent annually, and this figure is disproportionately comprised of racial minorities and low-income students.
KARACHI -- Former PakAisAtan captain Rashid Latif feels 'underprepared' pitAchAes, during the ongoing HBL Pakistan Super LeaAgue (PSL) are not providing exciting cricket for fans.
Summary: Companies are underprepared and in a lot of cases not even aware of the impact and risks to their business
A sentimental script asks us to have sympathy for this cowardly, underprepared chancer who quickly resorts to cheating.
Disaster-prone the Philippines is battered by some 20 typhoons a year, leaving millions of Filipinos vulnerable and underprepared for such calamities.
Read: (http://www.ibtimes.com/what-will-next-epidemic-be-world-not-prepared-another-disease-ebola-or-zika-study-2480447) World 'Grossly Underprepared' For Another Epidemic
They were under-par, under-pressure, underprepared - come May they'll be under everyone.
Gates, meanwhile, warned that Africa is "chronically underprepared" for a looming demographic bulge in young people, who are most at risk for HIV.
Yes, the French authorities seemed strangely underprepared.
After Stoke's Capital One Cup semi-final penalty shootout defeat at Liverpool on Tuesday there is a risk they will be underprepared for today.