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Bargaining strategy paper.

The board received the final draft of the NZNO bargaining strategy paper. This sets out, in a consistent framework, NZNO's strategies, pro cesses and objectives which will underpin all bargaining conducted by NZNO. Underpinning the strategy are the union principles of collective and determined action and democratic processes.

Strategies included NZNO support for Te Tiriti o Waitangi; achieving pay parity across sectors and equal pay for work of equal value; using an issues-based model for resolving issues; consolidating employment agreements into multi-employer and multi-union agreements; and supporting family-friendly and healthy workplace conditions. The final paper is expected to be released this month.
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Title Annotation:final draft
Publication:Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand
Article Type:Brief article
Geographic Code:8NEWZ
Date:Apr 1, 2013
Previous Article:Celebrating IND in regions.
Next Article:NZNO deficit reducing.

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