Armed Assault Wiki

Tanoa, alternately the Tanoa Province, is a playable terrain in ArmA 3. It was added with the release of the Apex DLC.



« Walk, swim, drive, fly, and sail your way across 100 km² of South Pacific island terrain.

Home to lush tropical vegetation, unique landmarks, a rich history, and imposing man-made feats of modern engineering, this 100 km² South Pacific archipelago is built to bolster authentic combat on a massive scale. Tanoa’s varied locations, such as the rainforests, volcano, shanty towns, sugar cane factory, and industrial port, cater to all scenario types. Whether it’s to conduct an all-out assault, a small-scale covert op, jungle warfare, or anything else suited to a South Pacific setting – Tanoa is the destination of choice. Your next adventure awaits.
Official ArmA 3 website

One of the four main archipelagoes in the Horizon Islands, the Tanoa Province comprises five landmasses which together form the country's Northern Division:

  • Balavu: The northernmost island in the south-west. Seven towns are scattered throughout the island; the largest (Balavu) being named after the island itself. A bridge and ferry route connects it to the neighbouring landmass of Katkoula.
  • Katkoula: The southernmost landmass in the south-west. It consists of six towns, an airfield, two long range transmitter antennas and a small harbour for local ferries and domestic shipping. Its largest settlement is the town of Katkoula.
  • Moddergat: South-eastern island. It has twelve towns and villages with the largest settlement being the town of Lijnhaven. Moddergat's populace are bilingual and can speak fluently in both French and Dutch.[1]
  • Tanoa: North-eastern landmass. The largest of the five islands in the archipelago, the provincial capital of Georgetown is located here. Heavily industrialised, a railway network - mostly covering the west side, spans across the entire island and helps to deliver raw materials and harvested resources to the province's largest harbour: the Blue Pearl Industrial Port.
  • Tuvanaka: North-western island. It is mostly devoid of civilian settlements and only consists of two towns, Tuvanaka and Belfort. In recent years following the government's political shift towards the East, almost three quarters of the island has been reserved for exclusive use by CSAT peacekeepers and is strictly off-limits to unauthorised personnel.


The name of the archipelago comes from the Fijian word "tanoa" which translates to "bowl" in English. Its namesake stems from the main island itself resembling the shape of a large bowl.[2]


Combined, the five main islands and smaller landmasses cover a total of 100 square kilometres.[3]

Each island throughout Tanoa is typified by its abundance of lush tropical flora. The exterior of each island consists of mangrove swamps and sandy beaches but quickly transitions into dense, sprawling jungles covering a mountainous interior.

The highest point in the archipelago is located on Tanoa island at Mont Tanoa. A now-extinct volcano[4][5], its peak rises to 443 metres above sea level.


With the sole exception of Tuvanaka which can only be accessed via ferries, the islands are all connected by bridges and can be traversed by car.

Settlements on Tanoa
Balavu Island Balavu • Leqa • Laikoro • Muaceba • Namuvaka • Rautake • Tavu
Katkoula Island Bala Airstrip • Cerebu • Katkoula • Koumac • Lailai • Savaka • Yanukka
Moddergat Island Blerick • Bua Bua • Doodstil • Harcourt • La Foa • Lijnhaven • Lösi • Moddergat • Port-Boisé • Saioko • Rereki • Taga • Tobakoro
Ravi-ta Island Ipota
Sosovu Island Sosovu
Tanoa Island Ba • Blue Pearl Industrial Port • Buawa • Galili • Georgetown • Imone • Kotomo • La Rochelle • Lakatoro • Lami • Lifou • Lobaka • Luganville • Momea • Nandai • Nasua • Nicolet • Oua-Oué • Ovau • Ouméré • Pénélo • Petit Nicolet • Red Spring Surface Mine • Saint-Julien • Regina • Tanouka • Saint-Paul • Savu • Vagalala • Vatukoulo
Tuvanaka Island Belfort • Nani • Tuvanaka
Military installations Aéroport de Tanoa • Comms Alpha • Comms Bravo • Comms Whiskey • La Rochelle Aerodrome • Saint-George Airstrip • Tuvanaka Airbase

Points of interest[]

Blue Pearl Industrial Port[]

Main article: Blue Pearl Industrial Port

The conduit through which almost all of the province's imports and exports flow[6], the Blue Pearl Industrial Port is operated by the Daltgreen Mining & Exploration Ltd. company.[7] It is one of the country's busiest shipyards and consists of four main sectors:

  • Freight Forwarding (FF): The northern sector serves as the storage area where all containers are stockpiled. The primary crane way loads/unloads containers from ships with ten smaller crane ways lining the interior, separated into six lanes on the western side and four shorter ones on the eastern side.[8]
  • Port Administration (PA): Blue Pearl's port authority structure is located to the west. The main building is situated right next to the entrance on the western side.[9]
  • Power Station (PS): The main/backup power generators supplying electricity to Blue Pearl are built on-site. They are located on the port's eastern side where the dry docks are situated.[10]
  • Transit Depot (TD): The southern side of the port forms the transit depot. It is used by tipper trucks to offload raw materials which are then processed and transferred via conveyor belts directly to ships.[11]

Due to its constant traffic, the sprawling dockyards are carefully monitored by government forces and is well-protected against potential looters and insurgent attacks.[12][13]

Mont Tanoa[]

Main article: Comms Alpha

Mont Tanoa was once an active volcano.[4] At its peak, sightseers could visit the (former) observatory[5] to gain a spectacular view of the entire province.

However in recent years, parts of the peak have been partially converted into a military installation. Designated as Comms Alpha, it is operated by CSAT peacekeepers and comprises a radar dome and surface-to-air missile battery.[14][15]

Red Spring Mine[]


An open-cast mine located on Tanoa Island, this mining complex is vital to the province's economy and accounts for much of the resource exports. Due to its significance, it is extensively guarded by the local authorities and CSAT counterinsurgency operatives.[16] A dirt road running from the south, originating from the town of Vagalala, can be used to reach the mine on foot.

Terrain-specific texts[]

« The mining and heavy ship industry have already devastated many areas of the Tanoan paradise archipelago. »
« During the hottest summers, there are many occurrences of native men missing in the jungle. »
« Local tribes claim that huge reptilian creatures can be encountered at the foot of the volcano. »
« The native people have turned many parts of the wild jungle into fertile fields and plantations. »
« Around the Tanoa archipelago, the native people worship a god of fertility and festivity called Darkon. »
« The name of the archipelago comes from the Fijian word tanoa which means a bowl (the main island resembles a large bowl). »
« Once upon a time, there was a living, fire-breathing volcano... »




  • Tanoa's landscape (at least for the main island) is largely inspired by the Oceania country of Fiji in the South Pacific. Some parts of the in-game city of Georgetown for example, are even based directly on real landmarks in Fiji's capital of Suva.[17]
  • Whilst it isn't the first official tropical island terrain in the series (a position occupied by Sahrani in ArmA: Armed Assault), it is the first of its kind to feature thick rainforest jungles and shallow mangrove environments.[18]
  • In the years prior to the release of ARMA Reforger, Tanoa was selected to be used as a testbed for the development of the Enfusion engine.[19]
    • According to an interview with Pavel Å afář, the project lead of the Enfusion engine, the test was conducted on a Sony PlayStation 4 console. It was intended to measure how well the engine could handle it due to the amount and density of objects on the terrain.[19]
  • A smaller version of the Tanoa terrain (sized at 83 square kilometres rather than 100) would eventually be ported over to Bohemia Interactive's DayZ as part of its "Frostline" expansion. DayZ's counterpart of the terrain, dubbed as "Sakhal", takes the general landscape of the main Tanoa island but changes it to a sub-arctic climate instead.[20]


  1. ↑ Vida, J et al. 2015, Tanoa, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 7 February 2024, <>.
  2. ↑ ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Tanoa, "The name of the archipelago comes from the Fijian word tanoa which means a bowl (the main island resembles a large bowl)."
  3. ↑ Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2015, 'E3 2015 - Bohemia Interactive reveals terrain for upcoming Arma 3 expansion', Developer's Blog, 30 July, viewed 1 April 2023, <>.
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Tanoa, "Once upon a time, there was a living, fire-breathing volcano..."
  5. ↑ 5.0 5.1 ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Firestarter, "Once all supply stockpiles have been destroyed, you are to rendezvous with Angel 3-2 at the abandoned observatory atop the dormant volcano."
  6. ↑ ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "CSAT: Industrial Port The docks at Blue Pearl Industrial Port are the conduit through which almost all of Tanoa's imports and exports flow. Consequently, it is well defended by CSAT."
  7. ↑ ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \a3\structures_f_exp\signs\companies\data\corporatesign_01_mine_co.paa
  8. ↑ ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \a3\languagemissions_f_exp\stringtable.xml, Freight Forwarding
  9. ↑ ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \a3\languagemissions_f_exp\stringtable.xml, Port Administration
  10. ↑ ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \a3\languagemissions_f_exp\stringtable.xml, Power Station
  11. ↑ ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \a3\languagemissions_f_exp\stringtable.xml, Transit Depot
  12. ↑ ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "GENDARMERIE: Industrial Port The sprawling dockyards at Blue Pearl Industrial Port are carefully monitored by Tanoa's gendarmerie. The site is well protected."
  13. ↑ ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "I forgot to mention. I heard it on good authority there's a shipping container in Blue Pearl Industrial Port - full of guns. It belongs to Syndikat. Apparently, it's bright orange and near one labeled IDAP. Just - be warned - that place is well-guarded. Be careful if you want to check it out."
  14. ↑ ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "CSAT: Main Radar The radome providing all of CSAT's SAM sites with target data is located at Comms Alpha on Mont Tanoa. There ought to be an auxiliary mobile radar somewhere nearby."
  15. ↑ ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "Two strategic radar buildings, protected by CSAT soldiers, have been destroyed in a series of audacious raids. L'Ensemble, widely believed to be behind the attacks, denied involvement and instead proclaimed ordinary Tanoans were taking up arms in a spontaneous fight against neo-colonial oppressors.", Radio Horizons
  16. ↑ ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "A mining complex, important to Tanoa's economy. It's guarded by gendarmes and CSAT counter insurgency operatives."
  17. ↑ Sedlacek, P, Vitek, R 2015, REPORT IN: RADIM VITEK & PETR SEDLACEK - ENVIRONMENT, Arma 3, viewed 1 April 2023, <>.
  18. ↑ Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2015, 'Arma 3 Developer Diary: Welcome To Tanoa', Developer's Blog, 30 July, viewed 1 April 2023, <>.
  19. ↑ 19.0 19.1 Burton, A, Šafář, P 2022, The Development Process Behind Bohemia Interactive's Enfusion Engine, 80 level, viewed 4 September 2022, <>.
  20. ↑ Kyiara 2024, Is Sakhal ported from Arma 3 Tanoa? Why? Yes. Developing a brand-new landscape is a time-intensive process. By having the general landscape features—such as islands and hills—already defined, we were able to allocate our attention to refining other environmental elements within the given timeline. This approach ensured that the end product would be a unique map, with no compromise on detail or quality., DayZ Forums, viewed 15 May 2024, <>.

External links[]

See also[]

Playable terrains in ArmA 3
Official Terrains Altis (Amsterdam) • Livonia • Malden • Stratis • Tanoa • Virtual Reality
Third Party Terrains Cam Lao Nam • Gabreta • Khe Sanh • Normandy • Sefrou-Ramal • "The Bra" • Weferlingen
Official DLC: Apex DLC | Contact DLC
Creator DLC: CSLA Iron Curtain | Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany | S.O.G. Prairie Fire | Spearhead 1944 | Western Sahara