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The Combat Technology Research Group (short form: CTRG) is an elite NATO special operations force in ArmA 3.


Operating under the direct command of NATO's highest echelons, CTRG is a multi-national special forces unit that conducts clandestine, black operations throughout the globe.[1]

CTRG's existence is neither acknowledged nor recognised by NATO.[2][3] All operations involving the unit are always publicly denied by NATO officials or are conducted under the guise of other conventional forces.[4][5]

Its known specialities include but are not limited to: assassination[6], psychological warfare[7], counterinsurgency[8], and military technology espionage[9].


Though the exact size of CTRG is not fully known, the organisation is shown to be structured into different "Groups" which are scattered to various countries throughout the world.[1]

The three Groups that have made a physical appearance thus far (as of Apex Protocol) include 13, 14 and 15:

Group 13[]


Group 13 insignia

Group 13 is commanded by an unknown officer.

It is known to consist of at least two "classes" who regularly participate in firing drills at the Kamino Firing Range on the island of Stratis, Republic of Altis and Stratis.[10] They undergo specially designed Course of Fire (CoF) demonstrations which are often observed by senior NATO officials.[11]

Group 14[]


Group 14 insignia

Group 14 is led by Captain Scott Miller.[12]

Group 14 was initially stationed in the Republic of Altis and Stratis[4], but were later covertly transferred to the South Pacific region.[12] after their mission was aborted following several complications.[13][14]

14's members operated under the guise of being British special forces from the Royal Navy.[4] They were authorised to provide overt combat support for the island's anti-government resistance movement.[15][16][17]

Group 15[]


Group 15 insignia

Group 15 is commanded by Major A.J. Dutton.[18]

Group 15 was stationed on Tanoa, the main island in the South Pacific nation of the Horizon Islands. Their operation was conducted under the cover of conventional Pacific NATO forces operating in the country as part of the "Safe Horizon" joint exercises.[5]


At least six other Groups are known to exist as of the events of Apex Protocol, with six more presumed to be located elsewhere in the world.[1] Each of the Groups are stationed at their respective area of operations:

Group No. AO Geolocation
01 Turkmenistan / Northern Afghanistan Arma3-ctrg-groups-g01
02 Unknown N/A
03 Lebanon / Western Syria Arma3-ctrg-groups-g03
04 Unknown N/A
05 Unknown N/A
06 Central Republic of Iran Arma3-ctrg-groups-g06
07 Unknown N/A
08 Southern Russia Arma3-ctrg-groups-g08
09 Unknown N/A
10 Central Philippines Arma3-ctrg-groups-g10
11 Unknown N/A
12 Western Indonesia Arma3-ctrg-groups-g12
13 Republic of Altis and Stratis N/A
14 Republic of Altis and Stratis Arma3-ctrg-groups-g14
15 Horizon Islands Arma3-ctrg-groups-g15



Logo for CTRG Central, the unit's internal network.

All activities are coordinated through the forces' internal network, which is designated as CTRG Central.[1]

The intranet is used to relay mission orders, store gathered intelligence and electronic data[19], as well as provide a secure communications channel for operatives deployed in the field.[12][20]


Group 14's members consist predominately of operatives with a British background.[4][21][22] Both Group 13 and Group 15's members are primarily made up of Americans.[5][11]

Though the nationalities of the other Groups are not known, they too are presumably made up of members from different NATO countries depending on the region they are deployed to.[1]


Little information is officially known about CTRG's exact date of organisation.

However, the unit has presumably been active for at least a decade prior to the events of The East Wind, as Group 14's operatives were already providing covert assistance for Altian government loyalist forces as early as 2026 at the onset of the Altian Civil War.[15]

In recent years, CTRG's priorities have also begun to shift eastward towards the Asia-Pacific region, as the unit refocuses its ISTAR assets for counter-cyber operations in the South China Sea.[5]

Events of Beyond Hope (2026)[]


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA 3's Tac-Ops Mission Pack DLC scenario 'Beyond Hope'.

Nine years prior to the events of The East Wind, civil war rages on the island country of the Republic of Altis and Stratis in light of the violent coup led by a military official by the name of Georgious Akhanteros.[23][24]


Group 14 operatives provide tactical assistance to the Altian government Loyalists.

CTRG's Group 14 was deployed to the nation in order to assist the pro-civilian government Loyalists (predecessors of the present-day FIA) who were engaged in a bitter struggle against Akhanteros' AAF and his paramilitary allies. Early in the war, Group 14 smuggled arms[15], salvaged heavy vehicles[25], and actively provided tactical support for the Loyalists, participating in the assault against the village of Orino[26][27], and helping to seize the mountain village of Galati.[23][28][29]

Group 14 operated in the country under the guise of being British special forces, but their overall presence in the war was limited and at the same time was divided amongst the Loyalists. While most agreed that their help was necessary to achieve victory, many of the Loyalists also saw their presence as a not-so-subtle attempt at reasserting the United Kingdom's sovereignty over its former colony.[16][30]

In spite of their efforts, Group 14 were unsuccessful in preventing the Loyalists from losing the war.[31] Their activities after the signing of the Jerusalem Cease Fire Agreement in 2030[23], which put an end to the bloodshed, are not known.

Events of The East Wind (2035)[]


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA 3's 'The East Wind' campaign.


In spite of the NATO peacekeeping operation coming to a close after a five year-long deployment, the U.S.-led Task Force Aegis on Stratis suddenly finds itself coming under intense attack from the Altis Armed Forces, who are supposedly retaliating against the peacekeepers for unclear reasons.[23][32]

Arma 3

Captain Miller rallies the remaining survivors of TF Aegis.

With all the remaining NATO officers killed in the initial attack[33][34], CTRG Group 14's leader, Captain Scott Miller, quickly assumes command of the ragtag survivors. Prior to the attack, he and his team had covertly inserted onto Stratis via helicopter[35] and established an outpost at the formerly decommissioned Camp Maxwell in order to "help" the survivors retake the initiative.[23][4][36]

Miller and his CTRG team are viewed with suspicion by the survivors of TF Aegis, who find their sudden appearance unusual as British peacekeepers had pulled out of the country many months prior to the attack.[3][37] Nonetheless, the survivors ultimately choose to follow his orders as Miller was the only high ranking NATO officer left amongst them.[22][36]

« TF Aegis Survivor (1): And who the hell is this Miller guy anyway?
TF Aegis Survivor (2): I dunno. Special Forces. SBS or some shit, man.
TF Aegis Survivor (1): Yeah, I mean sure, 'CTRG'. Whatever the fuck that means. For all I know, he's the royal fucking janitor. And it's like... who died and made him king?.
TF Aegis Survivor (2): MacKinnon. And - to be fair to the guy - he's kept us alive this far.
The survivors voice their doubts about CTRG's presence

After the remaining survivors were gathered at Maxwell, Miller divided up TF Aegis' remnants and his own men into four teams: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta. The soldiers of TF Aegis would be assigned to Alpha (under the command of Sergeant Conway), Bravo (led by SGT Lacey) and Charlie (commanded by SGT Mitchell, whilst Lt. James would take charge of Delta.[38]

Their first priority was to secure the crash site of a gunship that had landed near Maxwell. Bravo was sent off to scout one of the nearby villages while Alpha's men would proceed to secure the crash site.[38] Alpha's medic temporarily stabilised one of the surviving pilots and fought off several AAF patrols.[39] They then requested for medical support from Delta[40] but Lt. James' team did not manage to get to the crash site in time.[41] The pilot perished from his wounds, and Miller ordered them to pull back to Maxwell after they destroyed the gunship's wreckage with explosives.[23][42]

Following the gunship's destruction, Bravo would relay a distress call: they had been ambushed, were pinned down at Girna, and needed immediate reinforcements. Miller obliged to Bravo's request and dispatched Alpha to lend support.[43] Alpha broke their way through the AAF's lines and succeeded in relieving Bravo.[21] After the AAF failed to wipe out Bravo with mortars and a follow-up airstrike, Miller once again ordered them to pull back to Maxwell.[23][44][45]

Now that Bravo had been relieved, Miller decided that their next priority was to retake Air Station Mike-26.[46] After their assault succeeded, Delta proceeded to demolish the satellite communications facility in an apparent attempt to prevent the facility from "falling into enemy hands".[23][47] In reality, Miller needed to prevent word of the AAF's attack from getting out in order to delay any NATO reinforcements from arriving to assist the survivors.[48]

« Lacey: Wait, what?! You can't just blow it up! What the fuck was all this for then?!
Miller: Stand down, Bravo! That's an order. If we cant hold it, we raze it. Proceed, Delta. Burn it down.
Miller orders the destruction of Mike-26

In order to further incite and draw additional forces to be brought from the mainland, CTRG plan an assassination attempt against an AAF officer.[49] Although TF Aegis' men succeeded in killing the officer, they would discover that their HVT was not actually the intended target.[50] Rather than weakening the AAF's command structure as they had initially thought, TF Aegis had seemingly made the situation worse by provoking the AAF into sending more troops to reinforce the Stratis garrison.[23][51]


Miller arranges the meeting with Nikos Panagopoulos.

However, with supplies running critically low, the survivors of TF Aegis are informed by Miller that he has arranged a meeting with the FIA, a rebel group from the mainland, who would be able to provide them the necessary contraband to continue their fight.[52] On the following day, the survivors meet up with the resistance members, but are also unsuccessful once again after the caches are destroyed by the AAF.[53][54]

Maxwell itself soon comes under heavy attack by AAF artillery and forces the NATO troops to fall back to the camp.[23]

« I know things don't look good for us right now. We took a hit. We lost a number of good men. Now, nothing I've got to say will change that fact, but I do have new information.

Late last night Delta managed to establish temporary long-range contact with NATO MEDCOM. Reinforcements are inbound. We need to lay the groundwork for a full invasion. They need an established foothold, not a broken down base hidden in the woods.

I say we attack now. We catch the AAF off-guard. We hold the ground we seize.
Miller informs the survivors of NATO reinforcements

Returning to what was left of their hideout, Miller soon informs the survivors that his team "managed" to contact NATO MEDCOM during the chaos (despite the destruction of Mike-26). The surviving group then assaults Agia Marina in an effort to create a bridgehead to NATO reinforcements.[55] The AAF are forced to retreat and the initiative is briefly retaken by TF Aegis.[23][56]

Suddenly, a massive wave of CSAT airborne reinforcements fly over Agia Marina.[57] CSAT gunships open fire on Charlie's position[58] and paratroopers begin landing into the town, pinning down on the remnants of Alpha and Bravo.[59] Now outgunned and outmanned, Miller's team arranges a fast extract via boat from the island with whoever was left.[60] Upon "escaping" together with no time to spare, Miller informs the survivors that they were headed to the mainland in order to continue the fight against the AAF with the help of the FIA resistance. The survivors voice their doubts with Miller's idea but have little choice and are forced to accept CTRG's plans.[23][61]

Before they could get any further, AAF jets suddenly overfly the boats and capsize both vessels with air-to-ground missiles, killing most of the survivors in the process.[23][62]


Under the cover of darkness, James moves to regroup with the rest of Group 14 with Kerry in tow.

Though the surprise ambush had resulted in the deaths of one of their members, Sgt. Hardy[63], Group 14 itself managed to arrive mostly intact on the mainland near the former capital of Kavala. They were posted on overwatch overlooking the city[64], observing a joint CSAT-AAF task force conduct counterinsurgency ops aimed at destroying FIA guerilla caches in the city.[65]

Miraculously, one of the peacekeepers from TF Aegis, U.S. Army infantryman Corporal Ben Kerry, had managed to somehow survive the attack and also washed up ashore on the beaches near the city.[63] James tells him of their location[64], and Kerry manages to sneak his way past the entrenched CSAT and AAF troops to link up with the operatives. It is soon revealed that CTRG has been working with the local guerillas from the very beginning of the conflict on Altis.[66]

After darkness fell and the COIN operation was wrapping up in Kavala, James decides to retreat from the OP and regroup with the rest of his team, led by Sgt. Smith, who were standing by and waiting for James' all-clear.[67] On the way back however, they are compromised when Smith's men are spotted by a CSAT patrol helicopter, forcing James to quickly change their plans.[68] James splits off from the main team and later has Kerry go alone to regroup with the FIA commander, Kostas Stavrou, while James would go back to support Smith and the others.[69]

Kerry would eventually told to drive back to the FIA's main camp in the northwestern section of the island. On the way there, it is also revealed that Miller survived the attack as well.[70][71] Kerry makes his way towards Miller's position and rescues him from a CSAT patrol that had managed to surround the Captain.[72][73] Afterwards, Kerry and Miller make their way towards the FIA's camp at Bomos on foot.[74]

In the coming weeks, the FIA conducted more raids on the AAF with occasional help from Group 14. But most of their time was spent (secretly) continuing their search for the mysterious CSAT experimental superweapon. With CSAT and AAF troops trickling into the west, their search expanded towards the east while the former were preoccupied in dealing with the guerillas.

They planned an assassination attempt on a CSAT officer making his way towards Kavala, which they hoped would draw more forces to divert westward. During an operation to obtain more fuel for the guerillas, Miller informs the guerillas of full cistern that was under heavy guard by CSAT forces. Kerry manages to retrieve the cistern, but Miller asks that he hand it over to the team instead to help in the assassination. However to their surprise, Kerry keeps the cistern and manages to destroy the CSAT officer's convoy without CTRG intervention. Needless to say, the officer's death prompts even more enemy troops to head westward.

But before they could continue their search, they first needed to assist the FIA in retrieving one of their own key members: Nikos Panagopoulos, the very same guerilla leader that had been captured back on Stratis. With their aid, the FIA are finally able to rescue the prisoner after they cause a distraction in the southern half of Stratis, giving Miller's team the opening that they needed to assault Camp Tempest and rescue Nikos.[23]


Project Eastwind's research facility.

Eventually, CTRG are able to finally narrow down their search to an unmarked facility located in the north-east near Ioannina. But the facility was too well-guarded; a direct assault to seize the device now would be suicide. To make matters worse, an actual counterinvasion by NATO was planned to take place soon.

Miller informs the guerillas of the impending invasion by NATO and advises them to attack the towns of Poliakko and Therisa while he would coordinate efforts with the invasion force. Neither himself nor the rest of his team are present to assist with the assaults, however, and to the shock of the FIA, NATO helicopters open fire on the AAF and the guerillas as well, killing Kostas Stavrou in the process and instantly crippling the entire operation.[23][48]

« What about Captain Miller, sir? He was supposed to establish comms with your main force.
Kerry questions COL Armstrong about Miller's supposed inaction

Luckily for the FIA however, Kerry manages to prevent further bloodshed by communicating directly with the invasion force who immediately cease fire on the guerillas. However, as they would soon discover, Miller had never contacted the invasion force's commander and had absolutely no record of him or his team.


Through deliberate sabotage by CTRG[48], the 111th Infantry Division (111th ID) drive headlong into the entrenched CSAT-AAF force at the Altis International Airport, and are forced to retreat all the way back to Neochori in order to regroup.

Even so, time was beginning to run out for the team. As NATO slowly advanced eastward, so too were the bulk of CSAT troops who were now retreating in the same direction to avoid further fighting with NATO troops.


Group 14 fail to break through the facility's defences.

Just as the primary NATO force began its main assault against the bulk of remaining AAF troops at Ioannina, CSAT were making preparations to extract the device from the facility at the same time.[23] With no time to spare, Miller decides to order an assault on the facility now. Though they manage to get close, the assault ends in complete failure as Group 14 suffers heavy casualties.

« James: ... Kerry ... Do you copy? ...
Kerry: Lieutenant? What the fuck? Where are you?
James: I'm... Checkpoint ... 210 ... 189 ...
Kerry: Lieutenant James!? ... What the hell ... 210-189? ... there's nothing up there. Lieutenant? Respond! ... Goddammit!
James' final message to Kerry before passing out

As a last resort, James tries to contact Kerry to take the device.[75] However, the Corporal had been explicitly ordered to ignore and "...stay the hell away from those Brits and their black ops bullshit" by his commanding officer, Colonel Armstrong.[76] CPL Kerry disregards the message and follows through with his orders.[77]

Without Kerry's intervention, the device is successfully extracted by CSAT special operations who then evacuate the island. The entire operation on Altis ends in failure for CTRG.[13][77] Likewise, Group 14 is presumed to have been annihilated in the process as well and "...go dark".[14]

Events of Apex Protocol (2035)[]


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA 3 Apex's 'Apex Protocol' campaign.

Group 15 is deployed to the South Pacific island nation of the Horizon Islands after a local criminal organisation, known simply as the Syndikat, attacks and seizes vast regions of the central landmass of Tanoa. Two teams from Group 15, callsigns Raider 1 and Raider 2, are sent under the guise of participating in a counterinsurgency operation alongside conventional Pacific NATO forces who are working with the local authorities.[23][5]

CTRG worked on the basis of actionable intelligence which determined that the tsunami was artificially caused, and was likely the result of a sub-sea earthquake triggered by "Eastwind"; the very same device that Group 14 were after on Altis. At the same time, they were attempting to track the location of Captain Miller, codename Keystone, who had been captured by the Syndikat while he was investigating the group.[5][12]


CTRG proceed to the safehouse where "Warlock" is presumably located.

In the process of rooting out Syndikat's caches, an informant known as "Blue Cap" provides the teams with critical information on Syndikat's leader, callsign Warlock. Group 15 tries to assassinate the leader but come up short after multiple failed attempts and dead ends.

Blue Cap eventually informs Group 15 on the elusive leader's main hideout which they immediately proceed to strike under the cover of darkness.[23] However instead of Warlock, they find a badly beaten and cold corpse of Blue Cap himself.


Group 15 stumble into Blue Cap's body.

To make matters worse, Group 15 suddenly finds itself under fire from unknown assailants. Fortunately for Group 15, both teams are able to survive the attempt and annihilate the attackers.

Upon closer inspection, they realise them have been too well-equipped to be from Syndikat, and discover that the attackers were actually Chinese CSAT operatives. Unable to determine their motive, Group 15 put aside their investigation on the attackers for now and continue with trying to find Keystone.


Video footage of the unknown attackers moving into position.

Intel leftover by Blue Cap and additional evidence gathered by Group 15 finally point to the hideout where Keystone was being hidden. Both Raider teams move into position to clear the hideout, and finally free Captain Miller from captivity.

« Fucking hell, lads. What took you so long?
Scott Miller

Miller provides Group 15 with important information regarding both the attackers, now known as Viper Team, and the CSAT superweapon device, which he confirms was responsible for causing the Pacific disaster.


Group 15 finally locate Miller's position.

With Syndikat and Viper hot on their heels, both teams and Miller needed to escape if they were to have any chance of putting a halt to Viper's operation. However, their initial escape route is blocked off when the boat is sunk, and their extraction helicopter also comes under fire as well. The operatives are forced to escape on foot via the same boats that they inserted with.[23]

Upon reaching safety, Miller is immediately debriefed and provides further information regarding Viper's intentions.[12][13] Another raid is conducted by Group 15, this time on Sosovu Island to the west. Their goal was to secure and retrieve the Eastwind device from Viper's black site that was hidden somewhere on the island.


Group 15 move to assault Viper's black sites before they can disappear with Eastwind.

Both teams manage to fight and clear their way through the bulk of the insurgents and eventually, reach the primary black site itself. Instead of Eastwind however, they only find the corpses of several Viper operatives, and a video recording of Warlock executing Viper Team's officer; vowing revenge for their betrayal and threatening to sell Eastwind to the highest bidder.

« What does that mean, 'pay for it'? He'll use this 'Eastwind' device?
Broadale questions Maru's intent for Eastwind

Despite the setback, Group 15 manages to secure more valuable intelligence: information detailing CSAT's so-called "Apex Protocol", a highly classified geopolitical strategy aimed at destabilising Western nations with a combination of Eastwind itself, Viper Team, and economic subterfuge.

Time was running short for Group 15 however, as they needed to find Maru as soon as possible before he could sell the device or worse, use it against them and Viper. Intelligence finally narrows down his location at the Blue Pearl where he and his remaining forces are spotted arranging a secret deal with Viper.


Capt. Miller reaches the terminal and begins the disarm procedure.

Moving into position near the harbour, Raider 1 attempts to secure Eastwind's secondary disarming key and the device itself, while Raider 2 attacks the site of the deal and attempts to retrieve the primary key.[23] Along with the Viper operatives, Maru is finally killed in the attack by Group 15 but to their shock, discover that the former managed arm Eastwind as a last ditch move.

« Int says foreshocks are part of its arming sequence. Time is vital. We must secure Eastwind now!
Dutton informs both Raider teams on Eastwind's status

Fighting their way to the device past the remaining insurgents, Eastwind is finally found stashed away on the very edge of the harbour. With the disarm keys at hand, Miller attempts to input both into the device in the hopes of preventing Eastwind from being fully activated.


Viper attempt one final assault against Group 15.

At that same moment however, Group 15 comes under heavy fire, this time from Viper, who are determined to retake the device before CTRG can retrieve it.

Viper throw everything that they have left at the teams, with even more operatives being ferried in via VTOLs. Raiders 1 and 2 are almost overrun, but at the last minute are saved by the rest of Group 14, who are revealed to have survived the failed attack back on Altis.

« Miller: Nice to have you with us, Falcon. Join the party, feel free to shoot something.
James: You're lucky they pay me pop-star wages to save your arse, Keystone.
The rest of Group 14 arrive at the last moment

With Group 14's assistance, Viper are driven off entirely with the last of the attackers being completely annihilated. Another helicopter is soon flown in, and proceeds to slingload Eastwind with Groups 14 and 15 escorting it away.

Post-Apex Protocol[]

« Broadale: Hey, before we move on to the brief. I can't help but notice just one thing here, gents. There's been no mention of this 'Eastwind' device. Zero.
Miller: Oh, that. Yes. No, we saw no reason to complicate matters further.
Broadale questions the lack of Eastwind's existence in the media

With the exposure of CSAT's "Apex Protocol" to the world media[78], the organisation was now under severe international pressure and in danger of total collapse.[23][79][80][81]


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA 3 Apex's 'Apex Protocol' campaign.

Meanwhile, CTRG managed to escape with the Eastwind device intact, where it is eventually brought to an undisclosed location. Its existence has yet to be revealed to the public.[82]

« It's in safe hands now.

Events of Old Man (2038)[]


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA 3's 'Old Man' campaign.

Three years later[23], a sudden outbreak of a malaria super-strain on the Horizon Islands attracts the attention of CTRG. Initiating Operation Tarnhem, Group 14 leader Scott Miller and his team once again go undercover to investigate the outbreak's origins. They follow a trail of paperwork regarding suspicious shipments of "construction materials" to the country's Tanoa Province.

Captured intel reveals that CSAT have managed to develop a biological weapon of mass destruction known only as the "Atrox strain". This artificial strain of malaria was designed to target specific human genotypes while remaining completely resistant to any known form of anti-malaria medication. Without "special" medications containing an Atrox counteragent fabricated by CSAT scientists, Atrox was untreatable and would - for all intents and purposes, force the governments of affected countries to rely exclusively on CSAT for aid.

« CSAT are responsible for the malaria epidemic. It's part of a covert, biogenetic weapons program.
Group 14 leader, Scott Miller, explains the origins of Atrox to agent "Santiago"

With the assistance of a CTRG asset named "Santiago" and the L'Ensemble, a rebel organisation consisting of former members from the Syndikat, Group 14 successfully stage multiple raids against CSAT forces.


Acting as his handler, Miller oversees "Santiago" in the field.

After several days, they finally locate the hidden facility at Tuvanaka where the strain was being developed. With Santiago's help, Group 14 manage to neutralise the facility's guards and demolish a SAM site protecting it. The base is completely crippled, and Miller personally manages to retrieve a sample of the anti-Atrox counteragent used by CSAT doctors from Santiago.

« The mission's over, we were able to find a sample for a cure. But, it's just that: a sample. Bottom line is, we just can't spare any to help the people here. The long game's the only thing that matters, we have to have a solution for the future.
With Operation Tarnhem completed, Group 14 flees with the Atrox counteragent

Though they had obtained a sample of the counteragent, it was already too late for the people of the Horizon Islands. Nothing could be done as there simply wasn't enough of the counteragent to spare for the affected victims.

Operation Tarnhem was nonetheless a total success. Group 14 subsequently returned to the HMS Proteus, abandoning the region to its fate.


Like their CSAT counterpart, CTRG have access to the latest in experimental and prototype NATO equipment. Their standard-issue uniform is a modified version of the combat fatigues worn by conventional NATO forces, but also features specialised variants designed with thermal masking technology which - when combined with a special balaclava, camouflages them from head-to-toe against infrared cameras.


Dazzle camouflage patterns employed by CTRG operators in order from left-to-right:
- Arid (Group 13/14, Altis)
- Urban (Group 14, Altis/Tanoa)
- Tropic (Group 14/15; Tanoa)

Headgear varies depending on the area of operations. 14's operatives for example, simply wear compact Light Combat Helmets that are painted in a variety of snakeskin and arid-themed camouflage patterns. 13's/15's members on the other hand, wear Arid or Tropic Dazzle-camouflaged Stealth Combat Helmets and balaclavas which not only mask them from thermal sensors/infrared optics, but provide full-face protection against small arms fire.

Operators often wear derivatives of conventional body armour vests modified with custom camouflage schemes. But except for certain cases when cover is required (i.e. Group 14 posing as British special forces), their helmets and plate carriers are usually left unmarked and lack the national flag found on standard NATO gear.

Due to the nature of their operations, CTRG operatives use equipment based on personal preferences and are not forced to choose from a specific set of firearms like their CSAT counterpart. For instance, operatives from Group 15 and 13 often utilise the SPAR-16 family of 5.56 mm assault rifles, but 14's members prefer to employ the 6.5 mm-chambered MX instead.

In the case of optoelectronics, CTRG tend to avoid the older binocular-style night vision goggles used by conventional forces and usually carry the ENVG-II instead, which provides access to both night and white-hot thermal vision modes.

CTRG mainly utilises Prowler LSVs and the UH-80 Ghost Hawk for ground/air transportation. In the case of missions that span distances too great for the Ghost Hawk, they rely on V-44X Blackfish VTOLs instead. Depending on whether stealth or improvisation is required, operatives may decide to "requisition" alternate forms of transportation sourced from the local populace.



  • Initially, only Groups 14/15 were physically represented in ArmA 3. Group 13 would eventually be added in Game Update 2.00 to celebrate ArmA 3's seventh year of release.[83]
  • Miller's Group 14 appears to possess the highest authority and secrecy even within CTRG itself, as the members of Group 15 were completely unaware that most of its members survived the events of The East Wind after they had apparently "went dark".[14]
  • Arma3-character-scottmiller-00

    The aftermath of the Oreokastro bombing, supposedly carried out by "CSAT" special forces.

    It is heavily implied that Miller's team were responsible for calling in the cluster airstrike that devastated the village of Oreokastro in the Remnants of War campaign for the Laws of War DLC.[84]
    • Hints include the discovery of NATO mil-spec 5.56 mm casings at the castle where the supposed "CSAT special forces" directed the airstrike, as well as the usage of SPAR-16 rifles by the CTRG members that are briefly shown in the ending cutscene for The Redacted memory.[7]
  • Likewise, the non-canon ending of The East Wind (Game Over) essentially confirms that CTRG were largely responsible for the loss of TF Aegis. Alongside this, the destruction of vital NATO facilities such as Air Station Mike-26, and the failure of NATO's initial counterinvasion attempt on Altis during the events of Win.[48]
    • Apex Protocol provides further evidence of CTRG's deliberate acts of sabotage in The East Wind, as Miller states that Group 14's goal was the retrieval of the Eastwind device on Altis all along.[13]
    • Last but not least, the Cultural Property showcase even suggests that CTRG were directly responsible for initiating hostilities between the AAF and NATO peacekeepers in Drawdown 2035, and that the AAF wasn't the culprit.[85]
The information below details unused, pre-release or removed content.
  • In the final release of Apex, there are only three patches available for Groups 13, 14 and 15 which are all generically labelled under NATO.
    • Interestingly, there are several unused text strings located within the game files which include separate country-specific codes. These unused entries include:
      • CTRG 15 - GE (string name: str_a3_cfgunitinsignia_ctrg15_ge0)[86]
      • CTRG 15 - IE (string name: str_a3_cfgunitinsignia_ctrg15_ie0)[87]
      • CTRG 15 - PT (string name: str_a3_cfgunitinsignia_ctrg15_pt0)[88]
      • CTRG 15 - UK (string name: str_a3_cfgunitinsignia_ctrg15_uk0)[89]
      • CTRG 15 - US (string name: str_a3_cfgunitinsignia_ctrg15_us0)[90]
      • CTRG 15 - CA (string name: str_a3_cfgunitinsignia_ctrg15_ca0)[91]
    • The latter three unused names are self-explanatory, but the first three are country codes for the Republic of Georgia (GE), the Republic of Ireland (IE) and Portugal (PT). Of the three, only Portugal is officially an established member of NATO in real-life.
    • This could suggest that at some point during Apex's development, Group 15 was supposed to consist of a wider variety of nationalities rather than just being exclusively American as depicted in the final release.
  • Prior to its significant development overhaul in early 2012, CTRG's date of formation was intended to have taken place in 2032. It was founded by a Czech Canadian Colonel by the name of Martin Novak, a character who no longer exists canonically.[92]
    • Naturally, this is no longer the case in the release iteration of the main campaign, as CTRG's establishment begins much earlier compared to the original storyline (before 2026 as depicted by the events of Tac-Ops' Beyond Hope mini-campaign).[15][16][23]


  1. CTRG's exact date of establishment is not known, though it cannot occur any later than prior to the events of Beyond Hope (2026) as the organisation is explicitly referred to by its name (by anti-Akhanteros Loyalist fighters).


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Warm Welcome, \a3\missions_f_exp_video\exp_m02_vin.ogv, 00:30, "GLOBALOPS"
  2. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Status Quo, "COLE: What caused it? The public's waiting for an explanation. KERRY: I'm not really at liberty to talk about that. But, speaking off the record ... they still don't really know for sure. I mean, Christ, sure, it's easy to blame CSAT. But the greenbacks - sorry, the AAF - they definitely needed a push. COLE: And who, in your view, gave them that push? KERRY: Isn't that supposed to be your job to find out? COLE: Oh, believe me, Sergeant Kerry, I'm trying."
  3. 3.0 3.1 ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Status Quo, "COLE: Just one last question then, sergeant. KERRY: Shoot. COLE: Did British forces play any part in this incident? KERRY: What do you mean? They shipped out long before the flashpoint started. COLE: Yeah, that's what the UK government keeps saying - hell, they almost seem to believe it. KERRY: I'm not sure I follow here. COLE: Tell me, Sergeant, have you ever met Kostas Stavrou? KERRY: Yeah. COLE: Then why don't you ask him?"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Situation Normal, "This is Captain Scott Miller, Royal Navy. Come in, over. [...] Next time, avoid broadcasting over the whole net, soldier. We're consolidating the remnants of our forces at Camp Maxwell. You're welcome to join us, if you want."
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Warm Welcome, "DUTTON: Besides our ISTAR remit, we've been running counter-cyber operations in the South China Sea. Now, we've got assets in the field, so this Exercise - this disaster 'clean up' shit - it's a distraction for us. BROADALE: I get that. Look, it's political, strategic. The region's a mess - we're just here to help. That's where CTRG comes in. We need a ... special tool for the job."
  6. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Bingo Fuel, "That depends. How would you like to take down the highest ranking officer on this island? [...] Use your imagination for once. Two thousand litres of fuel? That's a pretty big fireball. Now, our target's MRAP just left the airbase. An armoured convoy will be passing through your AO. For reference, I'm sending you their route now. Over. [...] Look, neutralising this target is a game-changer. Opportunities like this sometimes require snap decisions. It's up to you. One of my guys is en route to a small construction yard north of Alikampos. You have 10 minutes. Deliver the truck; we'll take it from there. Falcon out."
  7. 7.0 7.1 ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, The Redacted, "BISHOP: I understand that CSAT denied any involvement. MACDADE: Yeah. Who knows? Maybe with good reason. BISHOP: Oh? MACDADE: Look, I dunno... there were shell casings - found at the castle. NATO mil-spec. BISHOP: Okay. So then, either they were supplying the guerrillas or... MACDADE: Or, they were there. Maybe... trying to win back the government's support. Maybe... BISHOP: What? MACDADE: I dunno."
  8. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Warm Welcome, "Our local informant, codename 'Blue Cap', has revealed that Syndikat intend to attack the town of Regina, one of the hardest-hit locations following the tsunami some months ago. With both the local populace and various NGOs in the vicinity, the likelihood of civilian casualties is extremely high. As such, local police have asked us to assist."
  9. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Paradise Found, "Kerry ... There's not much time... [...] Shut the fuck up ... Listen, Kerry! In the base ... There's something... A... A truck... You'll know it... When you see it. You'll know... Take it to Miller... He's... He's north of here... [...] We tried... We..."
  10. ARMA 3 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Course of Fire: Gray, \a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\whiteboards\whiteboard_sp_fd14_a_co.paa, "BIENVENUE! CTRG-13 CLASS 2 / 2039"
  11. 11.0 11.1 ARMA 3 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Course of Fire: Gray, "Show NATO top brass what you're made of during this CTRG demonstration drill. Are you ready for Miller's Fortress of Fun?"
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Extraction, "DUTTON: Okay, we're on with CTRG 2 i/c, Captain, Scott Miller. Callsign: Keystone. Scott, you there? MILLER: Loud and clear, boss. DUTTON: Scott, I'm here with our NATO SOF Liaison, Vince Broadale. [...] Okay, Scott, bring Vince up to speed. Everything you know. [...] MILLER: Over the past 4 weeks I've been on the ground and - in the last 4 days - focused on the Northern Division. BROADALE: Wait. You guys have been operating here before we brought you in to deal with our Syndikat problem? [...] Yes. Although the connection wasn't clear, at first. It's clear now that a covert CSAT presence has been giving Syndikat all sorts of hardware. [...] As we understand it, they aim to destabilise the region by proxy. In fact, it's my opinion that they're responsible for the Pacific disaster itself."
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Extraction, "Group 14 got close in the Med, but the opportunity slipped away."
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Heart of Darkness, "What's going on, boss? I thought 14 went dark after Altis?"
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Beyond Hope, No Reprieve, "LOYALIST FIGHTER 1: Yeah. But, they are bringing in the guns. LOYALIST FIGHTER 2: These...? They're antiques! We need proper weapons! Not hand-me-downs shipped in on the sly from fuck knows where. LOYALIST FIGHTER 1: Ah, CTRG have to keep their distance, Dimos - y'know they can't commit."
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Beyond Hope, No Reprieve, "Nah, mate It ain't about that. Our government's got a lotta vested interests. If that Colonel and his army remain in power it ain't gonna be business as usual, y'know?"
  17. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Topolia (The East Wind), "American, come - please - walk with me now. My name is Nikos Panagopoulos and, from what I hear, I owe you a debt of gratitude. The situation has now changed. I will let Commander Stavrou share the details but, let me say, it is good news. I am - we together are - determined to change the status quo. Ever since our legitimate government was overthrown, we have waited for such a day. Thanks in part to you and, of course, our British friends over all these years, we are much closer to being able to do that. So, thank you, Corporal Kerry. Now, come, Stavrou will debrief everyone soon."
  18. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Warm Welcome, \a3\missions_f_exp_video\exp_m02_vtitlecard.ogv, 00:10, "MAJ. DUTTON, A. (CTRG SOF Commander)"
  19. ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "Thanks. You got a knack for this, Santiago. And it seems we're making progress. Our INTREPs all agree on one thing. CSAT have developed a mosquito-borne parasite; lethal only to certain genotypes. They've dubbed it the Atrox strain. And they're testing it out here, on ethnic Tanoans. Creating a disaster they themselves can respond to. Now, according to data from our eye in the sky, there were construction materials transported to the island of Tuvanaka. There's even rumors that a geodesic dome is being built there... That must be where they are engineering these outbreaks. If we destroy it, we can expose the operation - drag these bastards out into the open... Obviously, we'll need some support. That means working with L'Ensemble. Or, in other words, doing a devil's deal with Syndikat."
  20. ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "Santiago. This is Keystone. Listen. Intel from our remote surveillance. Looks like we got a hit. Good work. I'm going to send you the data now. If you're at home, check it on your secure connection. I'll call, as soon as I can see the one-time link is active."
  21. 21.0 21.1 ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Death Valley, "Entrench your positions'? That's easy for him to say. Where the hell are the Brits, anyway? What the fuck is Delta doing?"
  22. 22.0 22.1 ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Maxwell, "TF AEGIS PEACEKEEPER 1: And who the hell is this Miller guy anyway? TF AEGIS PEACEKEEPER 2: I dunno. Special Forces. SBS or some shit, man. TF AEGIS PEACEKEEPER 1: Yeah, I mean sure, 'CTRG'. Whatever the fuck that means. For all I know, he's the royal fucking janitor. And it's like... who died and made him king? TF AEGIS PEACEKEEPER 2: MacKinnon. And - to be fair to the guy - he's kept us alive this far. TF AEGIS PEACEKEEPER 1: Sure, you're right. It's just that accent, you know? Gets right up my nose. TF AEGIS PEACEKEEPER 2: I hear that, man, I hear that..."
  23. 23.00 23.01 23.02 23.03 23.04 23.05 23.06 23.07 23.08 23.09 23.10 23.11 23.12 23.13 23.14 23.15 23.16 23.17 23.18 23.19 23.20 23.21 23.22 Mořický, K et al. 2011, Armaverse Timeline, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 29 September 2023, <>.
  24. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Beyond Hope, No Reprieve, "Altis, 2026. A military coup has toppled the government in Kavala. Opposition groups are crushed and peaceful protests end in violence. Support for the army wanes. Hundreds of soldiers disobey their orders and join the people, sparking civil war. Cities, towns, and villages are ravaged by the brutal fighting."
  25. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Beyond Hope, No Reprieve, "CARRAS: Thanos... how's that Gorgon working out for you? THANOS: Yeah. Finished them repairs... But those tires you shot out - it's not easy to replace them. CARRAS: Huh, well. Tell you what. Next time you want a twenty-two ton killing machine, go and ask someone else. THANOS: Mr. James? JAMES: I don't think so - we got the first one for you."
  26. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Beyond Hope, No Reprieve, "For this mission, our British friends have offered clandestine fire support. (press 0-8-1 to mark target). But remember, we can't expect too much. They have a small window of opportunity and a limited number of rounds; we can only call on them once and select a maximum of three locations. So, try and mark co-ordinates accurately."
  27. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Beyond Hope, No Reprieve, "JAMES: Better make a move, lads. It's gettin' light. If you come across Spartan, call it in - we'll organize extraction. MAVROS: Got it."
  28. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Beyond Hope, Avenging Furies, "Join Falcon (Optional) Assist British special forces and setup an ambush, providing accurate sniper fire to cover supporting elements."
  29. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Beyond Hope, Avenging Furies, "JAMES: Falcon to Hoplite. Proceed. We have your back. CARRAS: Good to know. Just be sure to check your targets. Those paramilitary groups, they can look a lot like us. Out."
  30. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Beyond Hope, No Reprieve, "Nobody asked you, Sergeant... we're not your island any -"
  31. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Beyond Hope, Avenging Furies, "The tide however, gradually turned against loyalist forces. The military might of the rebels prevailed against the rag-tag, People's Army. Acts of repression followed. Hundreds were executed. Hundreds more disappeared, without a trace. In 2030, hostilities ended with the signing of a ceasefire in Jerusalem. But the peace did not last..."
  32. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Drawdown 2035, "Copy that, Kamino. Dispatching reinforcements. Just hold on! Broadway to all NATO forces on Stratis: Green on Blue, I say again, Green on Blue. AAF forces considered hostile. Hold your ground! Out."
  33. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Drawdown 2035, "Staff Sergeant Adams to Kamino, come in! Commander MacKinnon's down! Requesting urgent assistance! Over! Kamino, I say again, requesting urgent medical support at our position! Commander MacKinnon is down! Please respond!"
  34. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Drawdown 2035, "That's a negative, Rogain. Broadway to all NATO forces on Stratis: Code Foxtrot. Code Foxtrot. AAF forces have overwhelmed the airfield and Air Station Mike-26. We're pulling back. Try to get -"
  35. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Drawdown 2035, "LACEY: Hey, check out Maxwell - there's a helo - didn't we finish with that place already? ADAMS: Guess not. Then again, command doesn't really seem to know or particularly care what's going on. Part of me can't really blame them."
  36. 36.0 36.1 ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Maxwell, "Alright, follow me. For now, we're regrouping at Maxwell - whoever's left. Just don't get too comfortable. You're one of the last groups we've been in contact with. Captain Miller's coordinating things. Believe it or not, he's the ranking officer left on this fucking rock. He's just over there ... setting up a temporary briefing area now. We're pooling what little weapons and ammo we have just beside it. It's not exactly an armory, but we need to take stock of whatever we've got left. So, for now, we're divided up into four squads, Alpha through Delta. I'm leading Delta - and your squad leader's just over there - Sergeant Conway's heading up Alpha, you guys must know each other. Anyway, Miller's got the details. A helo went down in a forest nearby. He's putting together a plan. Get your shit together and report in when your set, Corporal. We'll try to sort out exactly what the fuck is going on."
  37. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Drawdown 2035, "TF AEGIS PEACEKEEPER: If it's their goddamn problem, where the hell are they? CONWAY: The Brits are broke, man. Everyone knows it. They can't even afford to defend their pointless little islands any more. TF AEGIS PEACEKEEPER: So why do we get stuck with them? CONWAY: Why d'you think we're shipping out? We did our time. We kept our peace. Now we get to go play with the big boys in the Pacific."
  38. 38.0 38.1 ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Maxwell, "We're still piecing together what happened this morning, but one thing's clear: Altis Armed Forces on Stratis are hostile. Right now, long-range comms are down, Commander MacKinnon is confirmed KIA, and whatever equipment we may have had is either halfway-scrapped or wrecked entirely. We need to organise. Rearm. Make a plan. Take back the initiative. We'll split up. I've nominated three men - Conway, Lacey and Mitchell - to each lead a squad, Alpha through Charlie. My own team will operate as Delta under the command of Lt. James. Now, our first priority is situational awareness. Half our force will move out on recon. Another squad will dig in here and take stock of whatever equipment we've got at hand. That just leaves our most pressing concern. The AAF managed to bring down a Blackfoot. It crash-landed dangerously close to our position. There's a burning wreck and smoke-stack a mile high - that's no good. Alpha will secure the crash site, make a sweep for survivors, and get rid of it. Questions? Alright. Let's move out, gentlemen."
  39. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Blackfoot Down, "CONWAY: Falcon, we've got a survivor at the crash site. He's immobilized. We don't have the supplies to get him moving. Requesting medevac, over. MILLER: Medevac? With respect, Alpha, it's not like we've got a helo on standby here. Bear with me. Wait one. All right, Alpha, the best we can do is divert an element from Delta. They can bring a stretcher. Sit tight. Out."
  40. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Blackfoot Down, "JAMES: Delta to Alpha, we're on the way. Sending our medic to your guy. Over. ALPHA COMBAT LIFESAVER: Copy that - just hurry the fuck up - we're losing him."
  41. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Blackfoot Down, "ALPHA COMBAT LIFESAVER: Fuck. JAMES: What is it? ALPHA COMBAT LIFESAVER: I've got no pulse here - he's gone. JAMES: Shit."
  42. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Blackfoot Down, "JAMES: Falcon, this is Delta. They've lost their pilot. Please advise, over. MILLER: Acknowledged, Delta, you did what you could. Fall back. Alpha, continue on mission. Destroy the wreck and get back to Maxwell. Out."
  43. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Maxwell, "As you're probably aware, we've been scouting positions to our north, keeping tabs on enemy movement. Unfortunately, Bravo ran into trouble, taking contact in a village a little to the west of our position. They're pinned down and need our support, gentlemen. Now, an advanced element has already set up a position nearby to get eyes on the situation. AAF units have mobilized along the valley leading to the village. More support is no doubt en route. Alpha will approach from the east. Use the high ground and forest cover to your advantage. Clear the village and get our boys out of there. Okay. Regroup and report in."
  44. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Death Valley, "Sir, mortar neutralized!"
  45. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Death Valley, "LACEY: Bravo to Falcon, we just got buzzed out here! MILLER: Copy, Bravo, we saw him! Get out of there! LACEY: You heard him, guys! Get the fuck out before he comes back!"
  46. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Maxwell, "As I'm sure you're all well aware, comms are still down. Efforts to restore contact with NATO MEDCOM have, thus far, proven fruitless. The plain truth is, gentlemen - with the AAF regrouping - we must re-establish a link soon. Now, aside from the airbase, Mike-26 is probably the most hi-tech installation on Stratis. It's also one of the most strategically valuable positions on the island. It's a risk, but hitting the facility will deal a serious blow to the AAF, and - if anywhere holds an opportunity to re-open com channels - it's there. This will be a coordinated effort. Charlie will set up a mortar. Alpha will provide overwatch and mark priority targets. We'll strike hard from distance and - together with Bravo - move in quickly, holding the position against any potential counter-attack. Ok, squad leaders, form on me. I'll share some extra details. The rest of you, get set. Dismissed."
  47. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Radio Silence, "CONWAY: Alpha to Falcon, enemy reinforcements neutralized. Awaiting further orders, over. MILLER: Fine work, Alpha, entrench your position for now. Delta, SITREP. Over. JAMES: Bad news, sir. We've got nothing here - no way to establish a link to MEDCOM - all the equipment's fried. At least we can rig it to blow. We're setting the charges now. All squads, get clear! LACEY: Wait, what?! You can't just blow it up! What the fuck was all this for then?! MILLER: Stand down, Bravo. That's an order. If we cant hold it, we raze it. Proceed, Delta. Burn it down. The rest of you, fall back to Maxwell. Falcon Out."
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Paradise Found, "KERRY: This is what it's all been about, isn't it? Stratis, Mike-26, the airport, everything. You sabotaged the invasion. MILLER: We needed more time."
  49. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Maxwell, "Ok, listen up. Recon reports indicate that the AAF will make a push south in the next few hours. It appears they're keen to lock down the area around Girna. Intel suggests that the highest-ranking officer on Stratis will himself be in the area. Neutralising him will deal a serious blow to our enemy. Decapitating their command structure may even signal an end to this whole situation. We simply cannot let this opportunity pass us by, gentlemen. Now, we've come up with a plan of action. My team has a submersible stashed just off the west coast. That's why we asked for volunteers - those with diving experience. One of my men, Lieutenant James here, will use it to lead a small team and insert just north of Girna. Meanwhile, Bravo will circle around and take up a position to the south. Once both teams are in place, we close the trap. Alright, let's set this in motion. Dismissed."
  50. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Wet Work, "KERRY: Sir, it's not him! JAMES: What? KERRY: It's not him! It's an officer - pretty high-ranking - but it's not our guy! JAMES: Dammit! Falcon, be advised, our intel was faulty. The target isn't here. Over. MILLER: Say again, Swordfish? You're positive it's not him? Over. JAMES: It's definitely a high-ranking officer, sir, but it's not our target. Over. MILLER: Shit... Understood, Swordfish. Get yourselves back here. Falcon out."
  51. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Wet Work, "You managed to clear the town and successfully neutralized a high-ranking enemy officer. Unfortunately, it was not our intended target, Goblin. While the loss of this commander won't go unnoticed among the AAF, it was not the decisive blow we were looking for. Instead, we may have just kicked the hornet's nest."
  52. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Maxwell, "We've struck some fairly significant blows against the AAF. They've been weakened. We only have a small window of opportunity to exploit that fact, though, before they're reinforced. It's also become clear that we're running short on ammo and supplies. We've got the momentum, but we risk stretching ourselves thin, gentlemen. Fortunately, an opportunity has presented itself. We've managed to re-establish communication with a contact that has ties to the local guerrillas. It's a small cell. Part of a larger network of resistance on the Altis mainland. They call themselves the F-I-A. 'Fee-ah'. In the wake of the AAF attack, our contact - goes by the name 'Nikos' - set up an ammunition dump somewhere near LZ Connor. He's offering to, well, share it, in a manner of speaking. Now, we've agreed to link up just south of here. Meet with him, secure some supplies, and RTB. Be on your guard and good luck."
  53. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Crossing Paths, "CONWAY: What the hell? Holy shit! That's Connor! PANAGOPOULOS: Shit. We need to go. Now. Move. CONWAY: Falcon, this is Alpha, do you copy?! MILLER: Alpha, what the fuck was that?! CONWAY: It's Connor! Something blew the fuck up! MILLER: Dammit, Alpha, get moving! We need those supplies! CONWAY: Way ahead of you! We're on it!"
  54. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Crossing Paths, "CONWAY: Miller, Connor's secure but we're too late. They've butchered the resistance. Over. MILLER: What's the status of the supplies, Alpha? CONWAY: Hard to say who destroyed them, but they're sure as hell gone now. Over. MILLER: Goddammit! Alright, strike hard, Alpha. Make a point. Clear the area. CONWAY: Understood. With pleasure. Out."
  55. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Maxwell, "I know things don't look good for us right now. We took a hit. We lost a number of good men. Now, nothing I've got to say will change that fact, but I do have new information. Late last night Delta managed to establish temporary long-range contact with NATO MEDCOM. Reinforcements are inbound. We need to lay the groundwork for a full invasion. They need an established foothold, not a broken down base hidden in the woods. I say we attack now. We catch the AAF off-guard. We hold the ground we seize. I'll lead Delta behind enemy lines and take up an advanced position to the North of Agia Marina. Alpha and Bravo will lead the main assault on the military range, while Charlie hit Camp Rogain and contain any counter-attack that might flank our main assault. Once the range is secure, we'll converge on the town and entrench our position. I'll go through the exact details of the plan with each individual squad leader. They'll bring the rest of their men up to speed. Good luck, gentlemen."
  56. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Tipping Point, "MILLER: Splendid news, Alpha. We see AAF forces pulling back. Acknowledge, over. CONWAY: Fan-fucking-tastic, Delta! Any guess why? Over. MILLER: Uncertain. It could be that they're regrouping for a counter-offensive. Either way, now is the time to strike. Push forward, Alpha. Seize and hold. CONWAY: Solid copy, Delta. We'll get it done. Alpha out."
  57. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Tipping Point, "What the fuck?! Alpha to Delta, a bunch of unidentified helos just buzzed the capital, heading east. Please advise, over."
  58. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Tipping Point, "All callsigns, this is Charlie! We're facing a huge counter-attack here! We're being engaged by multiple unknown contacts! Numerous aircraft and infantry firing on our positions! Charlie is under heavy assault, I say again -"
  59. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Tipping Point, "Paratroopers!"
  60. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Tipping Point, "CONWAY: Delta, what about Charlie?! MILLER: They're non-responsive, Alpha. There's nothing we can do for them. Unless you'd like to end up the same way, I suggest you get your ass into gear! Double time, Alpha. We'll be waiting. Delta out."
  61. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Tipping Point, "KERRY: ... Permission to speak, sir? MILLER: Granted. KERRY: Respectfully, sir, when the hell are you going to tell us what's going on? MILLER: Saying 'respectfully', Corporal, and proceeding to be disrespectful somewhat defeats the purpose, don't you think? ... Look, I can't say exactly what happened. What I can say is what's happening right now. We're headed to Altis. There's a local guerilla movement there - FIA - the same guys that got themselves killed for us back on Stratis. We'll make a quiet entrance and link up with them. KERRY: Well, with respect - MILLER: You're doing it again, Corporal. KERRY: Okay, fine. It sounds insane. We're walking straight into a hornet's nest! MILLER: It's our best option - and there are only bad options."
  62. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Tipping Point, "JAMES: Miller! To the left! Fastmovers inbound! Sir? Orders?! MILLER: Open fire!"
  63. 63.0 63.1 ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Signal Lost, "JAMES: What the fuck? Kerry, is that you? KERRY: A piece of him. JAMES: What's your status? Where's Sergeant Hardy? KERRY: He - Hardy didn't make it, I'm sorry - I found him washed up on the beach - I - I have absolutely no idea where I am."
  64. 64.0 64.1 ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Signal Lost, "Right. Listen carefully. It sounds like you're nearby the old capital, Kavala. That's where the fighting is; we're just to the north of it, on overwatch."
  65. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Signal Lost, "KERRY: Lieutenant, I see infantry close by. What's the situation? JAMES: Both AAF and CSAT forces are operating in the area. Mopping up after some offensive against the guerrillas. The situation's still pretty fucked up. Scattered pockets of resistance. You might use that to your advantage. I'd suggest you avoid contact where possible but, if your back's against the wall, just pray it's an isolated patrol. And, remember, CSAT is going to be better trained, better armed. Be fucking careful. Don't get swarmed. Play the odds. Over."
  66. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Signal Lost, "JAMES: Alright then, Corporal, get your head down and make yourself comfortable. We'll be here for a while yet. RADCLIFFE: Hey, kid, I've got a spare shirt and vest here. It's going to get cold after dark. KERRY: I - uh - thanks. Appreciate it."
  67. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Common Enemy, "RADCLIFFE: Ice-2, Ice-1. We're inbound from the west. I've got Falcon-2 and a Yank with me. Watch your fire, over. SMITH: Understood Ice-1. Out."
  68. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Common Enemy, "Falcon, I don't think that helo's holding in a patrol pattern anymore!"
  69. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Common Enemy, "Okay, take the Yank and get to the powerplant. We'll take this from here."
  70. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Common Enemy, "JAMES: Alright, Slingshot, take him to Miller. KERRY: Miller? Miller's alive? JAMES: No time to explain, Kerry. Go with them. I've got to go back for the others."
  71. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Common Enemy, "MILLER: Falcon to Slingshot, come in, over. KERRY: Miller? It's Kerry. Slingshot is, uh, occupied right now - I read you loud and clear, over. MILLER: Ah, I didn't think you made it, Corporal. Anyway, I've had to change the rendezvous. CSAT moved in. KERRY: Yeah, I can kinda see that. We're at the factory now - this place is crawling with them. MILLER: Indeed. The new RV is at 048-170. That should be just northwest of where you are now. Make sure Slingshot knows. Over. KERRY: Will do. Looks like we'll have to head that direction anyway. MILLER: Copy. See you soon. It's good to hear from you, Kerry. Out."
  72. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Common Enemy, "MILLER: Slingshot, come in. STAVROU: This is Slingshot. MILLER: CSAT have compromised my position. Recommend you avoid a direct approach, over. STAVROU: Understood, Falcon. We will be there shortly. Out. KERRY: Um, you know, there's only two of us - and you don't have a gun. STAVROU: Three. I have another man on his way."
  73. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Common Enemy, "Goddammit, Falcon, our truck is wrecked - CSAT will be all over this area in no time. We must split up. Head north. Stick to the forests. Meet at our camp. And, Falcon, you people owe us for saving your life again today! Slingshot out."
  74. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Common Enemy, "MILLER: Kerry, just how did you end up here? KERRY: Lieutenant James. He left me with the guerrillas some place south of here. I think he had some sort of operation in that area? MILLER: Yes, of course. So you met with the rest of his team? KERRY: Uh, some new guys. Brits, I guess. MILLER: For now, Corporal, let's focus on getting to their camp - Commander Stavrou will explain the situation."
  75. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Paradise Found, "ARMSTRONG: All elements, we're moving out. Converge on the main road, grid 218-180. Crossroads out. JAMES: ... Kerry ... Do you copy? ... KERRY: Lieutenant? What the fuck? Where are you? JAMES: I'm... Checkpoint ... 210 ... 189 ... KERRY: Lieutenant James? ... What the hell ... 210-189? ... there's nothing up there. Lieutenant? Respond! ... Goddammit!"
  76. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Moral Fiber, "ARMSTRONG: Crossroads to Nomad. Message. If you encounter Captain Miller or one of his teams, you are not authorized to provide assistance. How copy? KERRY: Say again, sir? ARMSTRONG: You will stay the hell away from those Brits and their black ops bullshit, Corporal. Do you understand? KERRY: Uh ... Affirmative, sir. ARMSTRONG: Good. Crossroads out."
  77. 77.0 77.1 Mořický, K 2018, The ending where you help Miller is not canon, as explained in the Apex Protocol campaign., 24 April, viewed 11 June 2024, <>.
  78. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, \a3\missions_f_exp_video\exp_m07_vout.ogv, 00:01, "Barely two months on from the Pacific Disaster, new revelations have shocked the international community. Documents seen by AAN investigative journalists - the so-called 'Apex Protocol Papers' - have exposed a global network of illegal CSAT operations. [...] Evidence of a deliberate, sustained, high-level effort to incite death and chaos, has brought into question the continued viability of the Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance itself. Leaders from across the world have united in a call for action, seeking to bring those responsible to justice swiftly.", AAN News
  79. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, End Game, \a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m07_vout.ogv, 00:32, "'NATO sources have moved quickly to condemn the, quote, 'illegal, immoral, and indefensible act of war'.", AAN News
  80. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, End Game, \a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m07_vout.ogv, 00:46, "The evidence has little basis in reality. Even so, the actions of a few individuals must not reflect upon the progress made by the whole.", AAN News
  81. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, End Game, "CSAT member states are due to convene for an emergency session in the coming days, exposing fault-lines within the alliance itself, and calling into question a decade of CSAT's soft power expansionism across Eurasia, Africa, and the Pacific region.", AAN News
  82. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, End Game, \a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m07_vout.ogv, 01:32, "BROADALE: Hey, before we move on to the brief. I can't help but notice just one thing here, gents. [...] There's been no mention of this 'Eastwind' device. Zero. MILLER: Oh, that. Yes. No, we saw no reason to complicate matters further. It's in safe hands now.", AAN News
  83. van 't Land, J.J. 2020, SPOTREP #00095, Arma 3, viewed 25 September 2020, <>.
  84. Mořický, K 2018, *campaign spoilers* 11% blamed CSAT. 6% blamed NATO. Truth can be the first casualty of war., 21 March, viewed 29 September 2023, <>.
  85. ARMA 3: Art of War 2021 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cultural Property, \a3\missions_f_aow_data\img\leaflets\dead_letter_ca.paa, "To my enemy, You are close and therefore, my time is short. To my family, I have said all that can be said. To you, there is still the truth. That was our first casualty - and yours. It has condemned me and now, it shall avenge me, for we did not start this war. You did. You coordinated the terrorist attack on Stratis and you murdered my countrymen. The evidence is here. All of it. Irrefutable evidence. But then, perhaps we have both been deceived. Perhaps we are not even enemies at all. I am sorry for what's become of my country. Nothing else. I gave consent to greater nations to save our own, to shake the earth with Poseidon's wrath and level the world. Forgive me."
  86. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \a3\language_f_exp\stringtable.xml, CTRG 15 - GE
  87. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \a3\language_f_exp\stringtable.xml, CTRG 15 - IE
  88. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \a3\language_f_exp\stringtable.xml, CTRG 15 - PT
  89. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \a3\language_f_exp\stringtable.xml, CTRG 15 - UK
  90. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \a3\language_f_exp\stringtable.xml, CTRG 15 - US
  91. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \a3\language_f_exp\stringtable.xml, CTRG 15 - CA
  92. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2011, Personnel, Arma 3, viewed 29 September 2023, <>. (archived link)

External links[]

See also[]

Factions of ArmA 3
REDFOR CSATGendarmerieRussian SpetsnazViper
Apex DLC | Contact DLC
Factions - BLUFOR (ArmA 3)
Apex DLC
ArmA: Armed Assault Black ElementResistanceUSMC
ArmA 2 Bystrican MilitiaTakistani Militia
ArmA 3 CTRGIDAPTask Force AegisThe Visitors*Viper
ArmA: Mobile Ops Attidan GuerrillasTask Force
* this sub-faction does not canonically exist within the main Armaverse timeline.