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Viper (alternately called Viper Team) is an elite CSAT special operations force. It was added to ArmA 3 with the release of the Apex DLC.


« CTRG has been tracking a clandestine network of CSAT operatives. We know them as 'Viper'.
Captain Scott Miller


Viper is an elite special operations unit that answers directly to CSAT high command.[1] Their exact purpose remains highly classified, but they are known to be deployed for use in destabilisation ops against foreign countries with friendly relations to the West.[2]

Often, this involves embedding themselves into anti-government organisations to sow havoc in targeted countries. Their activities range from supplying dissident groups with arms and equipment, to sabotaging vital infrastructure such as power grids or utility services. In some cases, Viper operatives are authorised to provide overt combat support for the organisation(s) they are embedded within.[3][4][5]

The exact composition or size of the force is not known[3], but it can be assumed that they are at least comparable to or are equal in numbers to their NATO counterpart.


No official information is known about Viper Team's date of organisation or activities prior to the 2030s.

It can, however, be assumed that they have been active for at least a year prior to the events of the The East Wind, as Viper are a key component of CSAT's so-called "Apex Protocol" destabilisation efforts against Western nations.[6]

Events of Remnants of War (2034)[]


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA 3's Laws of War DLC 'Remnants of War' campaign.

Arma3 dlc lawsofwar screenshot 06

Viper Team operatives are reportedly spotted calling in the airstrike.

« Katherine: These 'operatives', then - they moved in on the castle?
Nathan: Yup. Must have been a fireteam at least. The guerrillas were taken out - one by one. Then, silence. If we're to believe the goatherd, they then set up a position on the battlements.
Katherine: The man who claimed to have seen all of this - is there anything else you can tell me about him?
Nathan: Not much. Like I say: simple goatherd. Lived alone. Small stone shed, just north of the castle.
Nathan MacDade recalls the herder's statement to AAN journalist Katherine Bishop about witnessing Viper call in the airstrike on Oreokastro

Elements from Viper are implied to have taken part in the siege of Oreokastro. It was stated that they were seen by a local herder who lived nearby and witnessed the team directing in the cluster airstrike that would ultimately wipe out the village.[7][8][9]

Events of Apex Protocol (2035)[]


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA 3 Apex's 'Apex Protocol' campaign.

Following the Pacific disaster that caused massive destruction to much of the Horizon Islands, Viper Team are sent to Tanoa in order to clandestinely provide support to the growing Syndikat insurgency.[1]

Viper supply Syndikat with financial aid and armament[10] in order to foment civil unrest, and to de-legitimise the standing Horizon Islands government, enabling CSAT to expand its political and military influence in the island country under the pretext of restoring order and providing humanitarian aid.[6] Through their aid, Syndikat quickly overwhelm the now outmanned and outgunned Gendarmerie, and seize control over vast amounts of territory.[1]

As NATO forces begin their "Safe Horizon" exercises in coordination with the local authorities, CTRG are secretly deployed into the Tanoa Province in order to identify the source of Syndikat's supplies and in the process, locate one of their own missing assets.


Viper ambush the Western operatives at Namuvaka.

« 是的,长官。两队都已��被包围了。[Yes, sir. Both teams are surrounded. They will not escape.]
Communications from Viper Team after surrounding Raiders 1 and 2

Their continued disruption of Syndikat's operations eventually leads them into conflict with Viper, who attempt to lure CTRG out into the open by using an informant called "Blue Cap" as bait in order to ambush the teams.[11] However, the ambush fails, and even after they attempt to hunt down the Western operatives, the reinforcements are also driven back by CTRG.

With their mission now in jeopardy due to Syndikat's continued failures[12] and at risk of being publicly exposed, Viper prepare to shut down their operations and depart from the country. Before they can finalise their departure, they are suddenly backstabbed by Syndikat's leader and lose control (along with vital information regarding the "Apex Protocol" itself) over the Eastwind device.[13]


Reluctantly, Viper representatives attempt to negotiate a deal with Maru.

Solomon Maru blackmails Viper with an ultimatum, and threatens to sell the device to the highest bidder should they refuse to continue providing support.[14]

Though they attempt to negotiate a deal with Syndikat[15], their meeting is interrupted once again by CTRG when they raid the site in order to put a stop to Syndikat once and for all and to seize the Eastwind device itself.[16][17]


Viper mount their final assault against CTRG.

Just before his death, Solomon armed the Eastwind device in an attempt to cause another earthquake to strike Tanoa.[18][19] Both CTRG and Viper raced to disarm (and to lay claim on) the device before its activation, with the latter launching an all-out assault against the CTRG teams.[20]

Their assault is ultimately futile, however. Through the combined efforts of CTRG Groups 14 and 15; the former arriving just in time to assist, Viper's remaining operatives are wiped out by the Western operatives and control over Eastwind is lost.[21][22]

Post-Apex Protocol[]

« 这些证据与现实不符。即使真是如此,我们也不能因少数几个有着错误行为的人而影响到全体组织的国际形象。[The evidence has little basis in reality. Even so, the actions of a few individuals must not reflect upon the progress made by the whole.]
Xu Haifeng, Supreme Commander of Pacific CSAT forces

The public exposure of CSAT's "Apex Protocol" has put the fate of the organisation (and Viper itself) into question as the United Nations immediately launched an inquiry into almost a decade of CSAT's unchecked expansionism across the globe.[5] Nonetheless, CSAT officials denied any culpability for Viper's actions and brushed aside criticism against the alliance's supposed transgressions.[23]

Events of Old Man (2038)[]

In spite of the "Apex Protocol" revelations, both CSAT itself and Viper continue to exist.


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA 3's 'Old Man' mini-campaign/scenario.


Viper operatives patrol the (abandoned) streets of Belfort.

Three years later, they have been tasked with guarding the bioweapons facility on the island of Tuvanaka.[24] Prior to the artificial outbreak in the Tanoa Province, operatives helped smuggle crates containing contaminated mosquitoes using commercial container ships.[25]

In the aftermath of the outbreak, some of their units were tasked with leading Quick Reaction Force teams in response to the growing frequency of attacks launched by L'Ensemble insurgents. A few of Viper's officers have also been assigned with the duty of training government forces in counterinsurgency warfare and tactics.



Hexacam camouflage patterns employed by Viper operatives (from left-to-right):
- Arid Hex (Altis)
- Green Hex (Tanoa)

Viper are granted access to the latest in CSAT's experimental and prototype hardware. Their signature outfit is a special combat suit that offers superior (even in comparison to standard-issue CSAT fatigues) protection to small arms fire, and also camouflage the wearer against thermal sensors.

They wear advanced helmets that not only provide the best ballistic protection, but also grant Viper operatives with a full panoramic view of their surroundings in both thermal and night vision.

Viper operatives exclusively utilise the Type 115, a bullpup dual-role assault rifle that is chambered to fire caseless 6.5 mm ammunition and can disable vehicles with its underbarrel .50 BW anti-materiel rifle module.

For ground and air transportation, they primarily rely on Qilin LSVs and the Y-32 Xi'an (respectively) in order to travel to-and-from their areas of operations.




  1. Viper's exact date of formation is not known. However, the organisation cannot be formed any earlier than the events of Operation Black Gauntlet (2013) and, as an entity that answers directly to CSAT command, cannot exist before the alliance is established.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Extraction, "The fact is, we have scant intel. The little we have is classified. CTRG has been tracking a clandestine network of CSAT operatives. We know them as 'Viper'. [...] Bottom line: we believe Viper possess the means - a device - to trigger a natural disaster. It's clear they're using Tanoan dissidents as cover."
  2. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Extraction, "Hold up. Atmospherics have changed. [...] Viper isn't an ordinary unit. They're used specifically for destabilization ops. Move carefully."
  3. 3.0 3.1 ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Extraction, "RIKER: Miller, what are we facing here? MILLER: Some sort of embedded SOF. Codename Viper. RIKER: Estimated numbers? MILLER: It's unclear. More than I thought. GRIMM: And advising Syndikat, obviously. MILLER: They're a threat. But we've made it this far. That's a good start."
  4. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, End Game, \a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m07_vin.ogv, 00:05, "INTREP FROM: INT GROUP TO: CTRG COMMAND [DELTA-2] INFO: Apex Protocol Analysis PRECEDENCE: Flash", CTRG Central
  5. 5.0 5.1 ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, \a3\missions_f_exp_video\exp_m07_vout.ogv, 00:01, "Barely two months on from the Pacific Disaster, new revelations have shocked the international community. Documents seen by AAN investigative journalists - the so-called 'Apex Protocol Papers' - have exposed a global network of illegal CSAT operations. [...] Evidence of a deliberate, sustained, high-level effort to incite death and chaos, has brought into question the continued viability of the Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance itself. Leaders from across the world have united in a call for action, seeking to bring those responsible to justice swiftly.", AAN News
  6. 6.0 6.1 ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Apex Protocol (mission), "DUTTON: We've been analysing the int recovered. It points to what we suspected. Using embedded operatives, CSAT destabilise small, strategically valuable nation states. This strategy - the so-called 'Apex Protocol' - it's a pretext for CSAT diplomats, special advisors - even peacekeeping forces - to deploy. BROADALE: Resolving their very own chaos... DUTTON: Correct. Grooming a network of pro-CSAT governments."
  7. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, The Redacted, "Okay. According to my notes... several targets were identified from afar - presumably by these special forces at the castle. Once they had a handle on what was what, they called it in. A jet approached from the east and dropped a single bomb. The positions in the town were then destroyed, but the church and IDAP's camp were left untouched."
  8. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, The Redacted, "BISHOP: I understand that CSAT denied any involvement. MACDADE: Yeah. Who knows? Maybe with good reason. BISHOP: Oh? MACDADE: Look, I dunno... there were shell casings - found at the castle. NATO mil-spec. BISHOP: Okay. So then, either they were supplying the guerrillas or... MACDADE: Or, they were there. Maybe... trying to win back the government's support. Maybe... BISHOP: What? MACDADE: I dunno."
  9. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, The Redacted, "BISHOP: Right, and - the evidence in the commission report - doesn't it point to CSAT? MACDADE: Ahuh. But... truth can be the first casualty of war. BISHOP: Sure, but didn't somebody witness them in action? MACDADE: From a distance, yeah. Though he wasn't exactly what'd you call reliable. Guy was a goatherd - barely spoke any English. BISHOP: That... was not in the report I read. MACDADE: It never is. Still, he did say they came down by parachute. And that, at least, was corroborated by multiple sources."
  10. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Extraction, "SALVO: All these Chinese, Russian, Iranian weapons we keep finding - and who knows what else - someone's bringing them in. MILLER: It's complicated. Part of something bigger. TRUCK: But what's their agenda? MILLER: It's not the priority now. We'll sort out the details later."
  11. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Heart of Darkness, "停住。已经能看到敌人了,指挥官。准备好进行交战。 [...] 是的,长官。两队都已经被包围了。 [...] 了解,指挥官。他们是跑不掉的。通话完毕。 [Hold here. Enemy agents in sight, Commander. Ready to engage. [...] Yes, sir. Both teams are surrounded. [...] Understood, Commander. They will not escape. Out.]"
  12. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Heart of Darkness, "SYNDIKAT LEADER: I don't know what you're trying to tell me. We did everything you asked. What did you expect? That we could manage them alone? It was your men who failed! Fuck! VIPER OFFICER: We gave you instructions. You failed to follow them. You do not want to die today. Lower your weapon. Good. Stand down, Lieutenant."
  13. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Apex Protocol (mission), "MILLER: Riker, looks like Syndikat caught up with Viper. It's a mess. RIKER: Syndikat double-cross? MILLER: Syndikat double-cross. RIKER: This just got interesting. MILLER: Indeed. Keystone out."
  14. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Apex Protocol (mission), "Putain de fantômes. Vous pensez que vous pouvez disparaître? C'est notre patrie. Nos terres! Un pas de trop. La jungle est un endroit dangereux. Nous allons prendre votre jouet. Et vous allez payer pour ça. Pour tout ça. [Fucking ghosts. Think you can disappear? This is our home. Our home! One step too far. The jungle is a dangerous place. We'll take your toy. And you will pay for it, all of it!]"
  15. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, End Game, "An hour ago we intercepted comms between Syndikat and Viper. [...] More like desperate. Viper are willing to strike a deal. Weapons and cash. The hand-over will happen at the Blue Pearl. We're moving now."
  16. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, End Game, "We'll hit them now. Warlock carries the disarm key on his person. We can't give them any time to react."
  17. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, End Game, "Keystone, SITREP, confirmed several Viper dead at the meeting location. Looks like Raider 2 intervened before they could complete their deal."
  18. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, End Game, "There's a snag. SIGINT suggests the device has been armed."
  19. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, End Game, "RIKER: Watchtower, this is Raider 1. We just felt a tremor at our position - what's the latest at Blue Pearl? MILLER: Confirmed here. Eastwind is armed. DUTTON: Roger your last. Int says foreshocks are part of its arming sequence. Time is vital. We must secure Eastwind now."
  20. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, End Game, "This is Falcon, we've got eyes on. They're ghosting between the containers. Looks like Viper's last play. "
  21. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, End Game, "RIKER: Watchtower, SITREP, most Viper callsigns engaged and destroyed. 1 or 2 are running, can we pursue? DUTTON: Negative Raider 1. All callsigns, brilliant work. Eastwind Device secure. ENDEX."
  22. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, End Game, "MILLER: Alright. Payload secure. Falcon, continue on task. Watchtower, this is Keystone. We're figures few to ENDEX. DUTTON: Roger, Keystone. All callsigns, move to exfil! "
  23. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, \a3\missions_f_exp_video\exp_m07_vout.ogv, 00:46, "这些证据与现实不符。即使真是如此,我们也不能因少数几个有着错误行为的人而影响到全体组织的国际形象。 [The evidence has little basis in reality. Even so, the actions of a few individuals must not reflect upon the progress made by the whole.]", AAN News
  24. ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "Former president of the Horizon Islands, Benjamin Hope, has condemned government decisions regarding CSAT's militarization of Tanoa. Speaking at a fundraising event for Nouveaux Horizons, he condemned both foreign intervention and militant groups affiliated with L'Ensemble for exploiting the nation's current malaria crisis. La Roche agreed to Canton Protocol demands for combined counter insurgency operations with local gendarmes last week, sparking violent protests in Georgetown, Tanouka, and Ouméré.", Radio Horizons
  25. ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "You got a knack for this, Santiago. And it seems we're making progress. Our INTREPs all agree on one thing. CSAT have developed a mosquito-borne parasite; lethal only to certain genotypes. They've dubbed it the Atrox strain. And they're testing it out here, on ethnic Tanoans. Creating a disaster they themselves can respond to. Now, according to data from our eye in the sky, there were construction materials transported to the island of Tuvanaka. There's even rumors that a geodesic dome is being built there... That must be where they are engineering these outbreaks. If we destroy it, we can expose the operation - drag these bastards out into the open... Obviously, we'll need some support. That means working with L'Ensemble. Or, in other words, doing a devil's deal with Syndikat."

External links[]

See also[]

Factions of ArmA 3
REDFOR CSATGendarmerieRussian SpetsnazViper
Apex DLC | Contact DLC
Factions - REDFOR (ArmA 3)
CSATGendarmerieRussian SpetsnazViper
Apex DLC | Contact DLC
ArmA: Armed Assault Black ElementResistanceUSMC
ArmA 2 Bystrican MilitiaTakistani Militia
ArmA 3 CTRGIDAPTask Force AegisThe Visitors*Viper
ArmA: Mobile Ops Attidan GuerrillasTask Force
* this sub-faction does not canonically exist within the main Armaverse timeline.