Armed Assault Wiki

ARMA Reforger is the fifth main title in the ARMA series.


Returning to the series' origins, Reforger takes place in an alternate late 1980s Cold War-era setting once more, and is the fifth main entry in the ARMA series.[2]

Reforger focuses heavily on its multiplayer aspect, featuring both competitive and co-operative gameplay modes to showcase large-scale infantry and vehicular warfare. Crossplay is available and can be enabled on official and private servers, allowing players from both the PC and XBOX platforms to play against one another.

The base game's content can be further expanded by downloading mods created by the community via The Workshop, Bohemia Interactive's proprietary online mod repository, which is available to both PC and XBOX players.[2]

However, the primary intent of Reforger is to showcase Bohemia Interactive's new Enfusion engine, with a strong emphasis on providing the community with access to the tools necessary for the creation of usermade addons.[3][4]

Notably, Reforger is intended to provide a polished sample of ARMA 4's potential gameplay (also built upon the Enfusion engine), effectively serving as a "community foundation" for the upcoming main title and true follow-on successor to ArmA 3.[3]

Reforger was originally launched in an Early Access phase[5] but has since gone live as of November 16th, 2023.[6] Although it is no longer in Early Access, Reforger will receive continued support after its full release.[3][7] New features and playable assets will be progressively introduced over time across three major milestones: Ground Support, Air Assault, and Final Strike.[8][9]


Taking place in a parallel universe that breaks off from the main Armaverse Timeline[10], Reforger is set in 1989, four years after the events of Cold War Crisis. Despite the defeat of rogue Soviet forces on the island many years ago, the world teeters on the precipice of an unexpected conflict as storm clouds have again returned to the island of Everon.[2][11]

Soldiers of both the United States and the Soviet Union will once again face battle against one another on the strategic fault lines of the past and future.[2]


Reforger continues the series' gameplay traditions of being a tactical shooter that combines a first- and third-person view camera. However, Reforger also places a greater emphasis on accessibility, allowing for a broader audience while ensuring that the tactical depth of previous main titles is retained.

For instance, controls are streamlined to better match modern platforms. Movement is more fluid, allowing for jumping and mantling as opposed to vaulting, as well as an adjustable movement speed for all stances rather being restricted to pre-set speeds. The traditional scrollwheel-based Action Menu has also been entirely omitted in favour of keybindings and context-based interaction buttons.

With regards to infantry weapons, some notable changes include the ability to wield more than one primary weapon at once (carried on the player's back), as well as using shoulder-fired launchers from a prone position. If available, magnified optics utilise a Picture-in-Picture (PIP) view as opposed to the flat 2D reticle of past titles.

Reforger's sandbox features three main factions by default. Playable assets comprise of multiple ground vehicles (split into variants), numerous handheld firearms, throwable grenades, and multiple dedicated infantry classes.

Unlike previous titles, Reforger does not feature a dedicated mission editor. Rather, the Game Master serves as Reforger's mission creation/editing module equivalent. It functions similarly to ArmA 3's Zeus Curator, allowing one to control events, create unique missions, and guide other players in real-time.


Playable terrains in ARMA Reforger


Factions of ARMA Reforger
BLUFOR United States
REDFOR Soviet Union


Weapons of ARMA Reforger
Handguns M9 9 mmPM 9 mm
Carbines M16 Carbine 5.56 mm (M203)
Assault rifles AK-74 5.45 mm (N) • M16A2 5.56 mm (M203) • Sa 58 P 7.62 mm (V)
Sniper rifles M21 SWS 7.62 mmSVD 7.62 mm
Squad automatic weapons M249 SAW 5.56 mmRPK-74 5.45 mm (N)
Machine guns M60 7.62 mmPKM 7.62 mmUK-59L 7.62 mm
Launchers M72A3 LAWRPG-7V1
Static 2B14M2HB - TripodM252M60 - TripodNSV - TripodPKM - Tripod
(Parenthesis) denotes variants.
Italics denote weapons confirmed to become available in future updates.


Vehicles of ARMA Reforger
Wheeled BRDM 2BTR-70LAV-25M151A2M1025M923A1S1203S105UAZ-452AUAZ-469Ural-4320
Rotor-wing Mi-8MTUH-1H
Italics denote vehicles confirmed to become available in future updates.


Structures of ARMA Reforger
Ammunition Supply PointBunkerCheckpointCommand Post* • Defensive PositionEncampmentField HospitalFuel Supply Point (Small) • Heavy Vehicle Maintenance PointHelipadLight Vehicle Maintenance PointLiving QuartersMachine-Gun NestRadio Relay StationRoadblockSupply Depot* (Cache*)
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
* denotes non-buildable structures.
For defensive fortifications and firing positions that can be placed down as standalone structures, refer to this article.

Multiplayer scenarios

Multiplayer missions in ARMA Reforger


Combat OpsConflictGame Master


Combat OpsConflictGame Master


OS Windows 10 64-bit Windows 10 64-bit
PROCESSOR Intel Core i5-4460
AMD FX-4300
Intel Core i7-6700
AMD equivalent
AMD Radeon RX 570
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti
AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT
DirectX® Version 12 Version 12
HARD DRIVE 20 GB free space 25 GB free space
AUDIO DirectX® compatible DirectX® compatible
OTHER Internet connection and DirectX 12 compatible PC required Internet connection and DirectX 12 compatible PC required

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
Accurate as of June 2024[12]




  • Unlike Cold War Assault's third party-published Elite port for the original XBOX console, Reforger is the first main title in the series to be explicitly designed as a multi-platform game.
  • Reforger marks the series' first transition to an entirely new engine (Enfusion) that is not based on an iteration of the Real Virtuality engine originally made for Cold War Assault (then-known as Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis).
  • It is the first game in the entire series (including mobile spin-off titles) to not feature a singleplayer campaign.
  • Crossplay between PC and XBOX was not initially possible upon Reforger's launch. Support for the feature was finally enabled after the release of Update[13]
  • Reforger was initially slated to leave its Early Access phase after one year of development. On December 6th, 2022, this was later postponed[5] until November 16th, 2023[6], due to technical issues with the game.
  • An official port for the Sony PlayStation 5 console has been planned. However, it is not known as to when exactly or if it will be released.[14][15]
  • At launch, Reforger's assets and features were originally scheduled to be released according to a fixed timeline (over the current three milestones: Ground Support/Air Assault/Final Strike).[16] Due to development delays and issues with the engine, the roadmap was refactored on October 14th, 2023.[17]
    • Different features and assets have since been pushed back to the Final Strike milestone, while others are scheduled to be introduced much earlier than originally planned.[17]
  • During Reforger's Early Access period, the lack of an in-game 3D mission editor on the same scale and depth as ArmA 3's Eden editor was acknowledged by the developers in response to community feedback. At the time (Dev Report #15), it was stated that the Workbench's Scenario Framework module was not meant to be a replacement for a "future in-game editor".[5]
    • However, as of February 2nd, 2024, the developers have officially ruled out an in-game mission editor. It has since been stated that a "full Eden-style editor" is considered to be out of scope for Reforger's development and is only planned to make a return in ARMA 4.[18]
  • Reforger's ties to the main Armaverse was originally left in a state of ambiguity at launch. On April 11th, 2024, the Timeline would eventually clarify that its events are completely non-canonical.[10]


  1. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2021, Enfusion Engine - Powering the future of Bohemia,, viewed 19 May 2022, <>.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2022, Game, Arma Reforger, viewed 30 August 2023, <>.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2022, FAQ, Arma Reforger, viewed 18 May 2022, <>.
  4. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2022, 'Arma Reforger is out now', Developer's Blog, 16 May, viewed 19 May 2022, <>.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2022, Dev Report #15, Arma Reforger, viewed 18 May 2022, <>.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2023, Official 1.0 Release, Arma Reforger, viewed 17 November 2023, <>.
  7. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2023, Arma Reforger: What Does 1.0 Mean?, 18 November, viewed 18 November 2023, <>.
  8. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2023, Roadmap, Arma Reforger, viewed 14 October 2023, <>.
  9. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2022, Ground Support Changelog, Arma Reforger, viewed 1 December 2022, <>.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Mořický, K et al. 2011, Armaverse Timeline, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 11 April 2024, <>.
  11. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2022, Arma Reforger: Lore & Setting, 10 June, viewed 26 February 2024, <>.
  12. Valve Corporation 2022, Arma Reforger, Steam, viewed 13 June 2024, <>.
  13. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2022, Update, Arma Reforger, viewed 10 August 2022, <>.
  14. Nillers 2022, We plan to release Arma Reforger for PS5. That much can be said at this time., Discord [Social Media], viewed 22 June 2023, <>.
  15. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2024, We answer quite frequently, but we do not have an update for the public yet. The PS5 version of Arma Reforger (not Arma 3) is in the works. We cannot give more specific information at this time. We will provide more details as soon as we can., 22 April, viewed 3 June 2024, <>.
  16. Dušek, J 2022, Roadmap, Arma Reforger, viewed 2 August 2022, <>.
  17. 17.0 17.1 Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2023, Roadmap Update, Arma Reforger, viewed 14 October 2023, <>.
  18. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2024, A full Eden-style editor is not within the scope of Arma Reforger. However, it is planned for Arma 4., 2 February, viewed 3 February 2024, <>.

External links

See also

ARMA series
Main games Arma3-game-arma3-logoReforger-logoArma4-logo
Legacy games OFP-game-coldwarassault-logoArma1-game-armedassault-logoArma2-game-arma2-logo
Expansion packs Arma1-dlc-queensgambit-logoArma2-dlc-operationarrowhead-logoArma3-dlc-apex-logoArma3-dlc-contact-logo
DLC Arma2-dlc-britisharmedforces-logoArma2-dlc-privatemilitarycompany-logoArma2-dlc-armyoftheczechrepublic-logoArma3-dlc-karts-logoArma3-dlc-helicopters-logoArma3-dlc-marksmen-logoArma3-dlc-jets-logoArma3-dlc-lawsofwar-logoArma3-dlc-tacops-logoArma3-dlc-tanks-logo
Spin-off Tactics-logoMobileOps-logo
Entries are listed in order of release dates from left-to-right.