Armed Assault Wiki

NOTE: This article is about the NATO alliance/faction in the main Armaverse. For its semi-official counterpart in ArmA 3's Western Sahara Creator DLC, see NATO (Western Sahara).

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (short form: NATO/French: OTAN, alternately the North Atlantic Alliance) is a multi-national BLUFOR faction that has been featured in ArmA: Cold War Assault, ArmA 2, and ArmA 3.


First signed in 1949, NATO is an intergovernmental military alliance that was formed between several North American and European countries. It was founded on the principle of collective defence, and of guaranteeing the peace and security of its members through mutual political and military co-operation.[2]

Throughout the series, NATO traditionally serves a broad figure used to encompass all of the playable, Western-based factions such as those from the United States or the United Kingdom.

As such, NATO as a whole actually comprises of individual forces from the U.S. Army, the British Army, the Army of the Czech Republic (ACR), German special operations (KSK), and the Livonian Defense Force (LDF).[3][4]

ArmA: Cold War Assault[]

In ArmA: Cold War Assault, the vanguard of NATO's presence on the Malden group of islands consisted solely of forces from the United States. U.S. troops were primarily based on the microstate of Malden and prior to the Soviet invasion, the island of Everon.[5][6][7]


Command of the NATO garrison on Malden[note 6] was initially handled by General Williams of the U.S. Army.[8] He would be succeeded by Colonel Caper Blake in late 1982.[9]

The garrison originally consisted of several companies' worth of mechanised infantry and tank platoons.[10] At the height of the deployment, the garrison's numbers were swelled with the inclusion of ground and air reinforcements brought in by a U.S. Navy Carrier Strike Group.[11][12]

ArmA 2[]

In ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead, a U.S.-led coalition is formed after the Takistani government threatens to invade the neighbouring country of Karzeghistan.[6][13]

Prior to the initiation of hostilities, NATO forces - mandated by a UN Security Council resolution[14], staged counterinvasion troops in nearby Chernarus, off the coast of south-eastern Takistan, and inside Karzeghistan itself along the disputed border with Takistan.[15][16]



TF Knight flag

At the time of the invasion, coalition forces were commanded by U.S. Army Colonel C.F. Kane. The bulk of the NATO presence consisted of troops from the U.S. Army/U.S. Marine Corps along with several British Army paratrooper battalions.[16][17]

A detachment of operatives from the Czech Republic's 601st Special Forces Group (601st SFG) and the German Bundeswehr's Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK) were also sent to support ongoing operations.[3][18][19]

A total of four task forces were assembled to participate in the invasion:

  • Two contingents from the United States consisting of airborne infantry from the Army (Task Force Knight) and Marines (Task Force Bishop).[15][20][21]
  • Royal Marines as part of Task Force Queen.[22]
  • Several Special Air Service (SAS) teams assigned to Task Force Rook.[22]

A Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm (FAA) provided air support for ground troops alongside their counterparts from the U.S. Air Force, tasked with interdicting Takistani naval assets.[23]

ArmA 3[]

In ArmA 3, NATO forces are stationed on the island nation of the Republic of Altis and Stratis. They were deployed as part of a peacekeeping operation aimed at deterring the outbreak of further fighting between Altian government forces and an insurgency that called itself the "Freedom and Independence Army" (FIA).[6][24][25][26]

However, with the Russian Federation continuing to exert its aggressive policies towards NATO's Eastern European members and Chinese expansionism in the South China Sea and East China Sea, focus on the Southern European theatre has sharply dwindled by the 2030s.[27] U.S.-led NATO forces are now shifting away their assets towards Eastern Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.[24][28][29]



TF Aegis' insignia

Main article: NATO/ORBAT (ArmA 3)

NATO peacekeepers were previously based on the island of Stratis. The force, designated as Task Force Aegis[24], initially comprised of both British and American soldiers[30] but was later downsized to just non-combat logistical personnel following the withdrawal of British forces.[31][32] TF Aegis was commanded by a U.S. Army Colonel by the name of Andrew MacKinnon.

As tensions continued to ratchet up between NATO peacekeepers and the Altian government, their presence would be expanded with the inclusion of additional forces from the United States:[33][34][35]

  • Arma3-sign-csg14

    CSG 14's insignia

    Carrier Strike Group 14 (CSG 14)
  • Arma3-insignia-111thid

    Insignia of the 111th

    111th Infantry Division (111th ID)
    • Comprising of two Mechanized Brigade Combat Teams (MBCT) from the U.S. Army[35][36], the 111th was led by Colonel David Armstrong. They conducted the bulk of ground operations both on Malden and later, on the Altian mainland.
    • The 111th initially staged its invasion forces from CSG 14's lead ship, though they later established temporary and more permanent facilities on Stratis and the mainland.

The shift towards the Asia-Pacific, initiated at the turn of the early-mid 2030s[28][29], has been led by several NATO commanders (SOF liaison Lieutenant Colonel Vince Broadale being amongst one of the prominent officials in charge).[37] Working closely with the local authorities as part of Exercise Safe Horizon, several battalions from the U.S. Army comprise the majority of NATO's presence in the Pacific.[27] They were initially based in the Tanoa Province of the Horizon Islands, and were tasked with conducting counterinsurgency operations against an anti-government organisation known as the "Syndikat".[38]


EE-39 insignia

In Eastern Europe, personnel from the U.S. Army, the British Army and the LDF form the bulk of the alliance's presence in Livonia.[39]

Together, the members conduct multilateral training operations as part of Exercise Electron-39. The Electron exercises are aimed at shoring up the alliance's defences in the region.[39] At the time of the deployment, the post of NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) was held by General Hans Brecht.[40]

ArmA: Cold War Assault[]

NATO forces in ArmA: Cold War Assault are based on the Malden and the Everon islands group.[5]


Events of Resistance (1982)[]

During the Soviet occupation of Nogova, a U.S. black ops team led by Major James Gastovski covertly assisted the anti-Soviet partisan movement on the island.[41] They provided shipments with the latest in Western-made firearms and equipment, support that was fundamental in helping the resistance fighters fight back against Soviet forces.[6][42]

When the guerillas were about to be overrun, a squadron of American attack helicopters were dispatched from Malden to assist the beleaguered rebels. After the last of the Soviet tanks were destroyed, the remaining survivors were forced to capitulate to the rebels.[6][9]

Events of Cold War Crisis (1985)[]


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA: Cold War Assault's 'Cold War Crisis' campaign.


NATO forces on Malden prepare to ship out to Everon following the initial attack.

On May 5th, 1985[6], "unknown forces" attack and destroy the NATO training camp based on Everon. A response force is dispatched by the NATO commander on Malden, Colonel Caper Blake, to investigate the identity of the "unknown" attackers[7], but is eventually driven (literally) back into the sea when a massive wave of (apparently) Soviet troops overrun the Americans following a failed attack against the city of Montignac.[43][44]

Two weeks pass without further incident while NATO and Western governments furiously scramble to obtain answers from the Soviet Union, which continued to stubbornly deny any involvement in the occupation.[45] But to make matters worse, the "Soviet" troops suddenly launch a full-scale invasion of Malden itself. They quickly seize Malden's ports from the outnumbered NATO defenders[46][47], while Soviet forces thundered north towards the main airport.[6][48]

Though NATO forces stationed on the island mostly consisted of rookie troops still in training, no men could be spared, and everyone was mobilised to make a stand; at least until reinforcements could be brought in.[49] Outnumbered ten to one, they had to trade territory for time until Soviet forces finally reached the city of Houdan.[48][50] NATO tanks and infantry fought their Soviet counterparts in a fierce battle that lasted for several hours.[51] At the end of it, NATO forces achieved their first "victory" for the first time since the invasion.[6][52]

Having regained some of their initiative, NATO forces slowly pushed back south. They held the city of Chapoi against another massive Soviet attack[53], broke through Soviet lines at the heavily fortified border-zone of Lolisse[54], and then finally retook La Riviere and Malden's ports, cutting off Soviet reinforcements.[55]


NATO forces stage a successful breakout at the village of Lolisse.

To the relief of all sides involved, the commander of the unknown forces is revealed to be (now General) Aleksei Guba, the very same leader who conducted the occupation of Nogova three years earlier. Guba personally issues a televised video directly threatening COL Blake, demanding that they leave the region immediately. If they refused, his personal army would obliterate NATO forces to the last man without a shred of mercy.[56]

Blake disregards the threat however, and continues to work on driving off the Soviets from Malden first. He secretly dispatched MAJ Gastovski and Lieutenant David Armstrong on a covert mission back to Everon to enlist the aid of the guerilla fighters based there.[57]

NATO forces regrouped for one final attack against the remaining Soviet troops on Malden, but first they needed to ascertain the location of their camp, which was hidden somewhere north of the town of Goisse. NATO scouts are able to identify the camp's location after luring their forces out[58] and raze the camp to the ground after another massive battle.[6][59]

Having destroyed their only remaining base on Malden, NATO forces (along with freshly arrived reinforcements) prepared to mount an invasion on Everon itself.[59] With the help of the local guerillas, U.S. special forces infiltrated the island days before the main assault to sabotage Soviet defences.[60][61][62]

On June 20th[6], NATO forces stepped foot onto Everon for the first time in more than a month since their defeat at Montignac. They first secured the main airport north of Everon to clear the way for their heavy armour to be brought in[63], while air support and special operations teams worked around the clock to ferry troops[64] and cripple Soviet supply lines.[65]

NATO forces continued to cut their way through Soviet lines, liberating the villages of Morton, Le Moule and Regina before finally retaking Montignac.[66] Their focus then shifted towards the central sector of the island where the Soviets had set up numerous bases near the village of Levie.[64] NATO tanks rolled through and smashed through the Soviet defensive line whilst also repelling an attempted counterattack aimed at dislodging the Americans.[67][68]

The liberation of Everon finally culminated in a total victory for NATO forces when U.S. troops and armour supported by attack helicopters, struck the main Soviet headquarters at Saint Pierre. The loss of the HQ forced the remaining Soviet troops to flee back to Kolgujev, their base back in Soviet-controlled territory.[6][69][70]


From their bases on both Malden and Everon, NATO aircraft take off to commence airstrikes against Guba's bases on Kolgujev.

NATO forces widened the front against the rogue Soviets, hoping to destroy them completely to put a decisive end to their threat. COL Blake launched multiple airstrikes on their bases[71] and carried out an amphibious landing and airborne assault on the southern end of the island.[6][72][73]

But in an unprecedented act of defiance, Guba threatens Blake once again with a televised message, warning that he had nuclear missiles primed and ready to launch if they continued to refuse his demands.[74] To make matters worse, NATO intelligence sources reported that Soviet troops throughout Russia were mobilising, seemingly in preparation for total war.[6][75]

With time running short and the flashpoint on Everon now at a breaking point, NATO forces desperately scrambled to locate the missiles.[75][76][77] U.S. special operations led by MAJ Gastovski manage to locate the missile site in central Kolgujev[78] and destroys it moments before it could be launched.[79] However, before they could proceed with the arrest of Guba, he inexplicably reveals that a second missile was still stashed away in the north of the island[80] and was planning to use it to destroy not just himself but all NATO forces as well, hoping to spark a global conflict between NATO and the Warsaw Pact.[6][81][82]

Fortunately, Gastovski's team are successful in destroying the second missile[83] and take Guba into custody[82], putting an end to the crisis on Everon once and for all.[6]

Post-Cold War Crisis[]

« In an official statement, the Secretary of Defense revealed that a US training camp on the island had been attacked by a small group of lightly-armed terrorists, led by a disgraced former General of the Russian army. US military sources stated that the assault was a poorly-planned, publicity-seeking maneuver by an extremist organisation, which was easily resisted by American troops. There were no significant casualties.
Post-flashpoint radio news report

Guba is apprehended by NATO troops, and possibly awaits trial to face charges over the numerous war crimes his forces committed against the people of Everon. Both the United States and Soviet Union publicly denied any allegations of NATO and Soviet forces coming into conflict.[84] The two governments bilaterally agreed to cover up the incident and of Guba's involvement.[6][85]

ArmA 2[]

NATO forces in ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead are deployed to Takistan, a country in the Green Sea Region.[86]


« Some of the NATO armies supported the operations in Takistan by sending in their cream of the crop: usually the special forces or specialized detachments, e.g. Czech Rapid Reaction Brigade and Special Forces Group or German Kommando Spezialkräfte.
Official ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead site description


Events of Operation Arrowhead (2012)[]


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead's 'Operation Arrowhead' campaign.

With his power gradually slipping away, the dictator of Takistan, Colonel Muhammad R. Aziz, threatens the nearby country of Karzeghistan with an ultimatum; chemical missiles would be launched against the country should the oil-rich fields of the Sharig Plateau not be "immediately returned to the people of Takistan".[6][13][87]


The main invasion of Takistan begins with U.S.-led NATO force striking the Loy Manara airfield.

With unanimous approval from the Security Council[14], the United Nations directs that the Takistani government step down from its demands. Aziz refuses to do, and the Council authorises foreign intervention in the country to pre-empt Aziz' threat. Operation Arrowhead immediately commences in full swing after the deadline expires with U.S. troops from Task Force Knight leading the charge into the country.[87][15]

Prior to the operation's start, sniper teams and British special operations also quietly inserted behind enemy lines. They were successful in disabling many of the Takistani Army's SCUD ballistic missile launchers and assassinating key officials within the Takistani Army.[6][88]


NATO special operations forces assassinate key Takistani Army officers.

After a day of heavy fighting, NATO forces begin to establish forward bases to support their push northward, liberating several Army/Republican militia-held towns and villages while suffering minimal casualties.[89] The advance does encounter a slight setback after a cargo plane transporting journalists and Non-Government Organisation workers is shot down by the Takistani Army.[90][91] The priority for NATO switches from continuing to search-and-rescue, but they are unable to find any trace of the survivors.[6][92]

NATO forces eventually move onto the provincial capital of Zargabad after U.S. intelligence sources successfully gain actionable intel on the location of both Aziz and the hostages.[93][94] At the same time however, Aziz, in a moment of desperation, orders the last of his SCUD missiles to be armed in order to inflict serious damage on coalition forces, as well as on the neighbouring country of Karzeghistan.[6][95]


The Battle for Zargabad begins as U.S. troops race against time to stop the SCUD missiles from launching.

Even with time running short, U.S.-led NATO forces successfully dismantle the last of the ballistic missile threat before their refuelling process can finish.[96] On top of that, Aziz himself is fatally shot by U.S. troops after he is cornered at his villa.[97] Several hours later, British SAS teams were able to hunt down one final SCUD launcher that had initially evaded coalition forces.[6][98][99]

A press conference is later held at FOB Revolver with the commander of the U.S. Army's TF Knight, Colonel Kane, reporting on NATO's success to the global media.[100]

Post-Operation Arrowhead[]

With Aziz and his senior officers out of the way, NATO's priorities in the region immediately shifted from regime change to peacekeeping, counterinsurgency, and stabilisation operations instead.[17][19]

Their main focus was hunting down remnants of the Takistani Army along with training the local authorities and the reformed New Takistani Army (NTA) in maintaining peace throughout the country. To assist in these efforts, a troop surge consisting primarily of British forces spearheaded ongoing operations.[17][101][102][103]

Dubbed Operation Crimson Lance, this troop surge bolstered NATO's presence in the region and a few days later, successfully rooted out the last remnants of the pro-Aziz faction.[6][104]


Distribution of coalition forces throughout Takistan (2013)

Unfortunately, this victory also heralded the beginning of the country's gradual slide into chaos once more. As the bulk of NATO forces - including those from both the United States and the United Kingdom, began to withdraw from the country, only a few non-frontline and administrative personnel remained in static positions within the secure "Green Zones" of the country.[6][105][106]

A mixture of government corruption and infighting between NTA troops and the regional warlords (former rebel leaders) increased, as the latter were no longer unconditionally pro-NATO. Numerous factions began challenging the NTA's authority, hoping to seize control of the country for their own motives.[107][108][109][110]

By the mid 2010s, the last of the NATO peacekeeping force was completely pulled out of Takistan.[6] In 2020, a small detachment of U.S. troops were dispatched to assist Non-Government Organisations still operating in the country. However, their presence was limited to providing security rather than helping to restore order.[111][112]

ArmA 3[]

NATO forces in ArmA 3 are deployed on a peacekeeping operation to the Republic of Altis and Stratis, an island nation based in the Mediterranean region.[24] They also maintain a small presence in the abandoned Nadbór regions of Livonia, Eastern Europe, as part of multi-national training exercises aimed at countering Russian infiltration attempts.[39]


« Decades of economic and political turbulence across member states has left NATO weakened and facing a strategic paradigm shift.

With CSAT political and military influence dominating from the Pacific to the Mediterranean, NATO seeks to consolidate their diminished forces around traditional strongholds. As tensions continue to grow in the east, a US-led joint NATO-AAF peacekeeping force stationed on Stratis - Task Force Aegis - is in the middle of a staged drawdown.

The remaining units - a company of combat units, a helicopter squadron, and support staff under the command of Col. Andrew MacKinnon - are chiefly involved in dismantling military infrastructure and decommissioning vehicles in preparation of their final withdrawal, as the US shifts the focus of its conventional forces to the Pacific theatre.
Official ArmA 3 site description



Top-left: Public opinion in the United States begins to turn away from supporting NATO
Top-right: Waning American power sees a dramatic rise in China's hold over the Pacific region, intruding into areas traditionally dominated by American influence
Bottom-left: The ongoing economic depression sees constant riots take place in many Western European capitals
Bottom-right: The peacekeeping mandate for the continued deployment of British forces on Altis is denied an extension by an overwhelming majority in the UK's Parliament

Two decades of geopolitical turmoil, as well as protracted economic downturn and unrest after the events of Operation Arrowhead have seen a drastic reduction to NATO's influence on global affairs.[24]

In the subsequent power vacuum, the Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty (CSAT), a coalition of Eastern nations led by the People's Republic of China, has risen to assume its place on the world stage.[24]

« AAN News Report: Meanwhile, civil disorder spilled over into a third week of violent riots and mass protest across European capitals. Again, the streets of Paris and Rome were ablaze last night as military-enforced curfews passed ignored, and the number of deaths rose into the hundreds.

Senator Raymond Givens (R-GA): 'CSAT wants to invest in Altis? Let them! The US can no longer be seen to prop up Europe's failed economic situation. This is their mess. We got our own problems - let's deal with those.'
Civil unrest and political deadlock throughout NATO sees its existence left hanging in the balance

Economic issues continue to plague many of the core NATO members. A two decade-long depression in the United States, as well as throughout the European continent, has set into motion an irreversible dwindling of Western European soft power.[24][113]


Top: U.S. prisoners of war held at an undisclosed location in Karpanga (2022)
Middle: U.S. soldiers await evacuation at Bodrum, Turkey (Türkiye), following their defeat at the hands of CSAT forces in the Battle at Galfara Gorge (2029)
Bottom: Despite cutbacks to the military budget being reversed, analysts forecast yet another contraction of the economy in Q2 FY35 (2035)

All member states within the European Union are suffering from a staggering 42% average unemployment rate.[114] The value of the Euro continues to plummet[115], while anti-austerity riots in capital cities break out on a regular basis, necessitating the deployment of soldiers to enforce martial law and often culminating in bloodshed.[116][117]

The U.S. has been equally impacted by the depression, with its economy shrinking at the turn of every financial quarter.[118] Combined with a series of embarrassing military defeats in proxy wars throughout the globe[119][120], as well as being locked into a bitter fight for influence against China in the Asia-Pacific region[121][122], these setbacks have contributed to a sharp rise in isolationist sentiments at home.[27][29][123][124]

As the alliance collectively struggles to tackle domestic issues, many of its members have opted to shy away from foreign deployments.[113] This has resulted in the U.S. being stretched thin militarily and being unable to secure its traditional spheres of influence against CSAT expansionism.[24][27]

« For far too long we've been relying on the cunning monkey approach, waiting in a tree for the bear and tiger to fight it out and exhaust themselves. But time's healed these animosities and now, we're stuck. The next 50 years will be about survival. Defending interests both militarily and economically. It's a situation we have feared, with no good course of action.
GEN Hans Brecht, Supreme Allied Commander Europe

Prior to the start of the events of The East Wind, the alliance has already been severely fragmented. Several of its Eastern, Southern and even Western European members are on the brink of total economic collapse[114][125], whilst others have become bitterly divided on the alliance's policies and aims in a rapidly shifting world order.[32][113][126]

Events of the Prologue (2034)[]


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA 3's 'Prologue' campaign.

Four years after the end of the civil war on Altis, NATO forces from the joint-U.S./British Task Force Aegis are in their fourth year of a five year-long deployment. Their primary mission is limited to peacekeeping; aimed at preventing any further major outbreak of hostilities between the AAF and the anti-government FIA insurgency.[6][25]


NATO forces clash with the AAF on the latter's questionable ethics.

U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Adams, alongside Sergeant Conway, are a part of a small detachment of the task force that have been assigned to train AAF recruits in military basics and counterinsurgency warfare.[127][128]

Relations between the AAF and NATO forces gradually between to wear down however, as one incident after another begins to cause conflicts of interest between the two forces.[129][130] The deterioration in relations hits a new low after the AAF and FIA agree to a sit-down at the old capital of the nation, Kavala, in order to arrange a ceasefire between the two sides.[6][131]

In reality, both sides had hidden motives for agreeing to the meeting; the former sought to take out all of the FIA's leaders in one stroke, whilst the latter hoped to stir an uprising in the city to seize it from government control. Predictably, the uprising fails and is quickly crushed by the AAF.[132][133]

Following a small skirmish with the guerillas, NATO forces eventually return to the capital to the sight of a one-sided massacre. According to the AAF, the guerillas had "thrown themselves" against the military and were "forced" to retaliate against them.[132][134]


NATO forces arrive in Kavala to find things having gone from bad to worse.

« Akhanteros: Is there a problem here, Sergeant?
Conway: What's the problem? Your men are abusing these prisoners.
Akhanteros: This is none of your business, American.
Conway: The hell it is! Corporal, arrest them.
Akhanteros: What my men do is my concern, and mine alone, Sergeant.
TF Aegis peacekeeper SGT Conway angrily protests against Akhanteros' treatment of the guerillas

Unable to overrule them due to CSAT influence, NATO forces are forced to simply stand aside and merely watch with disgust while the surviving FIA guerillas are rounded up and executed by the AAF.[6][135][136]

Events of Remnants of War (2034)[]


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA 3's Laws of War DLC 'Remnants of War' campaign.

Almost a week after the failed uprising in Kavala, NATO forces are reassigned to other areas of the country, with the village of Oreokastro to the north-west of the country being one of the notable locations that they were present in where they worked alongside the local IDAP NGO group.[6][137][138]


NATO ferries in supplies for the IDAP encampment in the centre of the village.

As ground transportation was simply too risky to attempt due to the prevalence of bandit raids on vehicle convoys, NATO forces on-site helped to direct in an airdrop of much-needed humanitarian supplies for the village.[6][139]

Though they came under fire from bandits while retrieving the airdrop, they managed to recover all of the supplies and brought them back to the camp intact.[140][141]

Events of The East Wind (2035)[]


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA 3's 'The East Wind' campaign.

Drawdown 2035

The last of the NATO forces on Stratis prepare to pack up and leave.

As their mandate had already expired and there was absolutely no chance of it being extended, NATO forces from TF Aegis begin preparations to leave the island nation.[142]

By the start of The East Wind, most of the NATO forces have already left the country, with only U.S. Army engineering and support personnel staying behind in order to oversee the decommissioning of the remaining NATO facilities on the island of Stratis.[142] Likewise, British forces had also already left the country many months prior due to their government's motion to extend their deployment being overruled in Parliament.[32][113]

« Broadway to all NATO forces on Stratis: Code Foxtrot. Code Foxtrot. AAF forces have overwhelmed the airfield and Air Station Mike-26. We're pulling back.
Callsign Broadway, moments before being cut off

Without notice, the AAF launch a supposedly unprovoked attack on NATO forces.[6] Caught completely off-guard, both the Stratis airbase and several other facilities quickly overrun. All remaining high-ranking officers were swiftly eliminated in a single stroke[143][144], and what was left of the survivors were forced to retreat into the woods.[145][146]

NATO forces eventually regroup at Camp Maxwell[146], a former NATO encampment that had been decommissioned many months prior.[147] Under the leadership of a British special forces Captain, Scott Miller, they wage a series of guerilla-style operations against the AAF to take back the initiative.[148][149][150] At the same time, they attempted to call for reinforcements.[6][151]


The last of the U.S. troops retake Agia Marina from the AAF.

While successful to some extent, they suffer a major setback when the AAF finally locate Maxwell and raze it with an artillery strike.[152][153] It is then revealed that during the chaos, Miller's team was able to raise communications with NATO MEDCOM, but they would first need to secure the town of Agia Marina before the invasion force could arrive.[154]

Combining the last of their fighting strength, the remaining NATO forces attack the town[154] and in spite of the odds that were against them, manage to seize it from the AAF.[155] However, just as they had seemingly achieved victory, a CSAT force counterattacks and wipes out what's left of the NATO task force.[156] A few survivors attempt to escape via boats, but their vessels are soon sunk by AAF fighter jets.[6][157][158]

Stepping Stone

NOTE: Stepping Stone takes place during the events of The East Wind's Adapt episode.


NATO forces based on the USS Freedom take-off in preparation to invade Malden.

In response to the AAF's surprise attack against the peacekeepers of TF Aegis, a U.S.-led NATO task force sails eastward towards the Republic of Altis and Stratis.[159] Before they can invade the island nation however, the skies over the Gibraltar Straits must first be secured to ensure that air superiority can be maintained over the region.[33][160]

To that end, the U.S. Navy's 6th Fleet sails into position to strike Malden. Once a former NATO outpost during the Cold War, the island has fallen under CSAT influence in the past two decades. Since then, it has become a strategic airbase for CSAT forces in the region.[160]

A small Chinese fleet of fighters are stationed at the former U.S. airbase to the north of the island[160], and a North African garrison are based in the south of the island. While the Chinese remain neutral and even allow NATO forces to observe their activities, North African Scimitar Regiment forces refuse to back down and remain hostile to NATO forces.[161]

Arma3 dlc tacops screenshot 04

NATO forces begin their final push towards Dourdan.

Invading through Le Port, U.S.-led NATO forces seize multiple key locations throughout the towns of Chapoi and Cancon[162][163], while also taking Scimitar Regiment's MSR at Hourdan. After inflicting severe damage against the North Africans, NATO forces roll northwards to deal a finishing blow against them by striking against the city of Dourdan and eventually, La Trinité itself.[6][164]

Although NATO command remains concerned about the Chinese possibly intervening at the last second, their worries are immediately dashed after the Chinese government disavows any involvement in the fighting, which essentially gives a green light for the invasion force to continue advancing northward.[161]

Without Chinese support, the North Africans are easily overwhelmed by NATO forces, and promptly choose to surrender their remaining troops to the invasion force.[165][166]


The 111th ID plan their next move on the mainland following the initial failed attack on the airport

Now with Malden secured and air superiority achieved, NATO forces begin the invasion of Altis with a multi-pronged attack against the island of Stratis first. They quickly take the island from the now-outgunned AAF and make preparations to take Altis' main airport.[167][168][169]

Leading the charge into the country, the U.S. Army's 111th Infantry Division (111th ID) attempts to simultaneously seize multiple strategic targets on the mainland.[6][159][169][170]


NATO forces race to plug the gap in the defensive lines at Neochori after the CSAT counteroffensive

Though they manage to easily secure the entire western half of the island, the drive eastward is met with failure as they encounter heavier-than-expected resistance from the AAF/CSAT garrison at the Altis International Airport.[169]

They are forced to retreat all the way back to Neochori and plan for another offensive.[169] Soon after however, a CSAT raid[171] and armoured counteroffensive[172] almost overruns the defensive lines at Neochori[173][174], but are beaten back at the last moment with the help of the local guerillas.[6][175]

Arma3 dlc tacops screenshot 06

Against all odds, NATO forces manage to lay claim on Chalkeia in spite of their heavy losses.

Meanwhile, a second offensive is attempted via airborne assault on the south-eastern half of the island, aimed at seizing the city of Chalkeia in order to draw the AAF away from the airport.[6][144][176]

The invasion almost fails when an unforeseen chain of events almost results in half of the strike force being destroyed.[177] However, the initiative is regained thanks to the resourcefulness of surviving NATO troops, who manage to regroup[178] and eventually deal a critical blow to the AAF garrison in Chalkeia.[36][179]

At the same time, the bulk of the NATO invasion force manages to overrun the main airport, seizing it from the AAF and CSAT garrison.[179][170][180] NATO forces continue to push southwards towards the capital, Pyrgos[181], and succeeded in capturing the city by morning.[6][182]


NATO forces move north-east to deal the finishing blow against the AAF

The combined elements of the 111th then move to strike north-east, aiming to take the towns of Kalochori and Sofia.[183] A separate force of ground units is dispatched to advance south towards Selakano instead, where they run into the remainder of the AAF's heavy armour assets.[6][184]

They continue to remain wary of the CSAT garrison who are suspiciously attempting to avoid all direct combat with the U.S.-led NATO forces, leaving the majority of the fighting to the AAF.[183]

« All units, stand down. I say again, stand down. The AAF have issued their formal surrender. Straight from Akhanteros himself. Hold your fire and prepare to receive POWs.
Armstrong's orders to all NATO forces following Akhanteros' surrender

After almost every town is seized by NATO forces, they eventually reach the north-eastern corner of the island.[185] With more than a third of his troops confirmed to be either dead or mortally wounded and his remaining forces defeated at Ioannina, the AAF's commander, Colonel Akhanteros, unconditionally surrenders to NATO forces.[186][187][188]

Post-The East Wind[]


U.S.-led NATO forces continue to maintain watch over the island nation.

« NATO's invasion - albeit swift and, ultimately, successful - has stirred a new round of debates over the funding of military forces in this region. The conclusion was clear: there is no way NATO can maintain their position here while tensions in the pacific region rise. The decommissioning will continue and NATO will abandon this region.
The aftermath of the Altis Incident

Six weeks pass following the AAF's capitulation.[6] Under the leadership of its new civilian government and soon-to-be president-elect, Nikos Panagopoulos, the FIA guerillas have transitioned from a military opposition into a political body and work hard restore their homeland.[29]

NATO forces continue to maintain a heavy presence in order to ensure the stability of the country[29], and can also be seen overseeing the conference being held at Kavala as the new Altian government, NATO and CSAT agree to a joint peacekeeping deal.

While successful, the invasion had nonetheless been a costly expedition for NATO, as more than a hundred NATO soldiers had been killed before and after the invasion, and several other key SIGINT facilities (such as Mike-26) had been completely destroyed in the fighting. The last of the U.S. Army troops on the island eventually leave the country for good after the remaining NATO facilities are decommissioned.[126][29]

Events of Apex Protocol (2035)[]

U.S. Army troops form the bulk of the Pacific NATO forces operating in the Tanoa Province, one of the central landmasses in the Horizon Islands. Working alongside the local authorities as part of the "Safe Horizon" exercises, their primary mission was to assist them in rooting out a growing insurgency threat that called itself the Syndikat.[6]

In reality, the exercises were being used as a cover for NATO's CTRG black ops unit, who had a completely different set of priorities and reasons for operating in the country. Their initial involvement is mostly limited to providing just logistical support. They otherwise do not directly take part in any of the covert operations being conducted by CTRG.

Post-Apex Protocol[]


NATO's focus continues to shift towards the South China Sea.

« NATO sources have moved quickly to condemn the, quote, 'illegal, immoral, and indefensible act of war'. With a UN Security Council Resolution set to mandate peacekeeping operations in the South China Sea, NATO forces remain on a heightened state of alert.
News reports detailing the aftermath of the revelations

Upon revelation of the "Apex Protocol Papers"[6], NATO leaders were quick to voice their disapproval and condemnation of CSAT's activities[37]; in spite of the latter's continued denials in the face of the overwhelming evidence covertly provided by CTRG.[189]

With global tensions running high and CSAT influence now on the back foot, Western representatives have moved to put forward a new motion at the UN Security Council. If successful, NATO-led peacekeepers would be authorised to conduct joint patrols in the South China Sea - all in order to curtail Chinese influence in the region.[190]


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA 3 Apex's 'Apex Protocol' campaign.

However, while the "Apex Protocol" itself was exposed to the public, the existence of CSAT's Eastwind device is never revealed.[191] Its fate is ultimately left unclear even in light of the revelations.

Events of Old Man (2038)[]

U.S.-led NATO forces continued to maintain a moderate presence on the Horizon Islands long after the "Apex Protocol Papers", working alongside their local counterparts to root out the final remnants of the Syndikat.[192]

Nonetheless in spite of the revelations, CSAT expansionism in the region was only temporarily held in check, not halted. Since then, the country has entered into a wildly turbulent era of politics and controversies in the three years that have passed.[192][193]

The retirement of former president Benjamin Hope[194], and the outbreak of an unknown super-strain of malaria in the country's Tanoa province; all of this has led to the election victory of a pro-CSAT political party named "Nouveaux Horizons". Furthermore, NATO scientists and medical teams were puzzled by the malaria super-strain and could not formulate a solution to the sudden outbreak.[192]


Forgoing their commitments, the NATO withdrawal comes into effect almost immediately and is completed by mid 2038.

Conventional anti-malaria medications proved to be ineffective[195][196], and discontent from the newly elected government for the NATO presence was growing. CSAT humanitarian assistance on the hand, immediately succeeded at halting the diseases' spread, with patients quickly recovering from the illness under their treatments.[192][197]

As the CSAT presence slowly grew in scope, the Horizon Islands government saw little reason for NATO forces to remain in the country. With the Exercise Safe Horizon deployment effectively finished, the last of the U.S. Army garrison would be withdrawn by mid 2038. Their departure would be heralded with the arrival of fresh Chinese-led CSAT troops accompanying the growing numbers of medical personnel.[192][198][197][193]

Post-Old Man[]


UKSF operatives training alongside their allies for Exercise Electron-37 (2037)

« About 14,000 Livonian and 10,000 US personnel are taking part this week, as well as 1,000 from the UK and other NATO states. Attending forces will focus on interoperability, CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) defenses, and Electronic Warfare. But AAN's correspondent in Andrzejów, Sean Bradwell, says paranoia in Eastern Europe has reached a fever pitch since Belarus began accession talks with CSAT, following the 2035 Moscow Summit.
News reports on Electron-39's commencement

In-conjunction with Livonian forces, a contingent of U.S. Army soldiers and UKSF operatives are conducting joint training operations as part of the biennial "Electron" exercises. First held in late 2035, this year's "Exercise Electron-39" is the third to take place and will be conducted in the semi-abandoned Nadbór region.[39]

It will involve over 14,000 soldiers from the Livonian Defense Force, approximately 10,000 personnel from the U.S. Army, and 1,000 from the British Army and other NATO members.[39] Troops from each member state will be swapping between playing the role of aggressors (portraying an armed incursion by the Russian military) whilst the others will be working to counter their infiltration attempt.[199]


Livonia lies at the heart of the so-called "Andrzejów Gap", a region under constant threat of Russian infiltration.

Livonia's close proximity to the Russian Federation's border has rendered the region of particularly vital importance to NATO interests in recent years.[4] The region - dubbed the "Andrzejów Gap" - is essentially NATO's modern-day Fulda Gap; it is the only land route that links NATO's remaining Eastern European members to the Baltics.[199]

However, the proximity of the exercises to the Russian border immediately sparks protest from the Kremlin. The thinly veiled portrayal of the "aggressors" is quickly denounced[200], though NATO officials dismissed such concerns, stating that Electron-39 was aimed at improving interoperability between allies and training in electronic/CBRN warfare.[39]

Nonetheless, a membership offer from CSAT to the Russian government has further heightened tensions and anti-CSAT paranoia in the region.[39][40]


NATO's continued existence and by extension, Western influence, hinges entirely on the Russian government as they debate the merits of joining CSAT (2039)

« Russia says that such a show of force, close to its borders, is a threat to its security. Foreign Minister Poda Makarovich said: "NATO sabre-rattling is counterproductive. The world is already on a precipice. A return to bilateral Cold War-era thinking could be disastrous for everyone. If the US continues to ignore the new world order, and insists on creating enemies where there are none, they run the risk of making their fears a reality."
Russian officials denounce Electron-39's commencement

Should Russia join CSAT; a move made likely as a result of NATO's geopolitical mistakes and the poor timing of Electron-39's commencement, CSAT's ascension to status of being the dominant global hegemony would be set into stone. This would effectively reverse the NATO alliance's attempts at regaining its standing and influence on the world stage.[39][40]


ArmA: Cold War Assault[]


ERDL woodland camouflage pattern utilised by ArmA: Cold War Assault-era NATO forces.

The bulk of NATO forces on Everon and Malden consisted of U.S. Army troops, who mainly utilised the ALICE load bearing system and wore Battle Dress Uniforms (BDU) which were concealed in the ERDL woodland camouflage pattern.

On the other hand, the PASGT helmet served as the basic combat helmet worn by NATO forces, which was also camouflaged in ERDL.

ArmA 2[]


Camouflage patterns used by ArmA 2-era NATO forces from left-to-right, top row:
- MARPAT Woodland (USMC, Chernarus)
- UCP (U.S. Army, Takistan)
- MultiCam (U.S. Army, 1st SFOD-D only)
- Multi-Terrain Pattern (British Army, Takistan)
- DPM (British Army, Chernarus)

Bottom row:
- DDPM (British Army, Takistan)
- vz 95 Woodland (ACR, Bystrica/Chernarus)
- vz 95 Desert (ACR, Takistan)
- Tropentarn (Bundeswehr, KSK only)

Equipment used by each nation's military (American, British, Czech, German) drastically varied on a country-by-country basis. All Western forces were always equipped with the latest in electronic devices and weapons, which made the average BLUFOR soldier superior in capability to their REDFOR counterparts.

Likewise, camouflage utilised by each nation varied depending on the area of operations and their preferred pattern; U.S. Army soldiers for example, were always seen using Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP)-camouflaged gear.

British Army troopers on the other hand wore gear that utilised a mixture of the older DPM and DDPM patterns, along with the newer Multi-Terrain Pattern camouflage patterns while operating in Takistan.

German and Czech special operations units deployed to Takistan used their own arid camouflage patterns, while conventional Czech forces utilised a woodland-based pattern for use in Bystrica.

ArmA 3[]


Camouflage patterns used by ArmA 3-era NATO forces, clockwise from top-left:
- MTP (U.S. Army/Altis)
- Tropic MTP (U.S. Army/Tanoa)
- Geometric (LDF/Livonia)
- Woodland MTP (U.S. Army/Livonia)

Predominately consisting of infantrymen from the U.S. Army, the majority of NATO forces wear plate carriers and helmets which offer decent protection to the head and torso at the cost of storage capacity.

Conventional troops wear a mixture of light and blast-resistant carrier vests. Squad leaders and some specialist troops on the other hand, prefer to don special plate carriers made out of ceramic materials. Combat helmets range from Light, Enhanced and Camouflaged variants, which are standard issue across all NATO forces.

Soldiers deployed to the Mediterranean theatre wear MTP-camouflaged uniforms with ranger green-coloured vests and a variety of spraypainted helmets, while soldiers operating in the Pacific are issued Tropic-camouflaged uniforms, vests and headgear instead.

Troops based in mainland Europe utilise Woodland MTP-camouflaged uniforms and personal gear specially tailored for the temperate forests of Eastern Europe. On the other hand, Livonian forces use their own unique camouflage pattern; a multi-tone pattern comprised of various geometric shapes, that is applied onto their uniforms and plate carriers/helmets.

Depending on whether NBC threats to humans are present, MOPP gear may also be distributed to line infantry in the form of protective suits and respirators with gas masks. Intended to shield them against the hazards of a contaminated battlefield, these cumbersome (but essential) pieces of equipment are available to all NATO forces regardless of the region they operate in.

Lastly, both American and Livonian soldiers wear dedicated parade uniforms/hats whenever attending formal occasions or military parades. These outfits are tailored to the standards of each alliance member's armed forces.




Name Description


Calibre: .45 ACP


M320 LRR

Sniper Rifle
Calibre: .408 Cheetah


Marksman Rifle
Calibre: .338 Lapua Magnum

MAAWS Mk4 Mod 1

Rocket Launcher
Calibre: 84 mm


Designated Marksman Rifle
Caliber: 7.62×51 mm NATO


Assault Rifle
Calibre: 6.5×39 mm NATO


Designated Marksman Rifle
Calibre: 6.5×39 mm NATO


Light Support Weapon
Calibre: 6.5×39 mm NATO


Calibre: 9×21 mm


Anti-Tank Missile Launcher
Diameter: 150 mm


Underwater Assault Rifle
Calibre: 5.56×45 mm UW/5.56×45 mm NATO


Assault Rifle
Calibre: 5.56×45 mm NATO


Designated Marksman Rifle
Calibre: 7.62×51 mm NATO


General-Purpose Machine Gun
Calibre: .338 Norma Magnum

Titan MPRL

Surface-to-Air Missile Launcher
Diameter: 127 mm
Titan MPRL Compact

Titan MPRL Compact

Anti-Tank Missile Launcher
Diameter: 127 mm


Submachine Gun
Calibre: .45 ACP

Motor Pool[]

Vehicle Role Notes
A-164 Wipeout
Ground Attack Craft - Has twelve (12) weapon pylon hardpoints
- Does not possess an active radar
- Has an anti-radiation passive radar
AH-9 Pawnee
Light Attack Helicopter - Cannot transport any passengers
- Has two (2) weapon pylon hardpoints
- Can utilise Slingloading
- Semi-stealthed against radars
AH-99 Blackfoot
Reconnaissance Attack Helicopter - Cannot transport any passengers
- Has four (4) internal weapon pylon hardpoints
- Semi-stealthed against radars
AL-6 Pelican
Small UAV - Laws of War DLC-exclusive vehicle
- Autonomous
- Can disperse information leaflets
AMV-7 Marshall
Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Amphibious
- Can transport up to 8 passengers
AR-2 Darter
Small UAV - Autonomous
- Has a laser designator
- Uses a visual sensor to detect infantry
Assault Boat
Rubber Inflatable Boat - Can transport up to 4 passengers
CH-67 Huron
Heavy Transport Helicopter - Helicopters DLC-exclusive vehicle
- Unarmed variant can transport up to 18 passengers
- Armed variant can only transport 16 passengers
- Can utilise Slingloading
CRV-6e Bobcat
Combat Engineering Vehicle - Can repair, rearm, and refuel nearby ground vehicles
ED-1 Mini UGV
UGV / UGCV - Contact DLC-exclusive vehicle
- Autonomous
- Military variant can destroy landmines/explosives with disruption shotgun
F/A-181 Black Wasp II
Stealth Air Superiority Fighter - Jets DLC-exclusive vehicle
- Has eight (8) internal weapon pylon hardpoints
- Has four (4) external weapon pylon hardpoints
- Has dedicated variant that is stealthed against radars
- Stealthed variant does not have external hardpoints
Heavy Tactical Truck - Variable transportation capacity depending on variant
- Has dedicated variants that can repair, rearm, and refuel nearby ground vehicles and heal infantry
MRAP - Unarmed variant can transport up to 3 passengers
- Armed variants can only transport 2 passengers
IFV-6a Cheetah
Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Vehicle - Is Data Link-enabled
- Cannot transport any passengers
IFV-6c Panther
Armoured Personnel Carrier - Can transport up to 8 passengers
M2A1 Slammer
Main Battle Tank - Can transport up to 6 passengers
M2A4 Slammer UP
Main Battle Tank - Can transport up to 6 passengers
M4 Scorcher
Self-Propelled Howitzer - Gun-based artillery system
- Cannot transport any passengers
M5 Sandstorm
Self-Propelled Rocket Artillery - Rocket-based artillery system
- Cannot transport any passengers
MH-9 Hummingbird
Light Helicopter - Can transport up to 6 passengers
- Can utilise Slingloading
- Semi-stealthed against radars
MQ-4A Greyhawk
UAV / UCAV - Autonomous
- Has six (6) weapon pylon hardpoints
- Semi-stealthed against radars
MQ-12 Falcon
UAV / UCAV - Apex DLC-exclusive vehicle
- Autonomous
- Has four (4) weapon pylon hardpoints
- Semi-stealthed against radars
Light Strike Vehicle - Apex DLC-exclusive vehicle
- Unarmed variant can transport up to 4 passengers
- Armed variant can only transport 2 passengers
All-Terrain Vehicle - Can transport a single passenger
Rhino MGS
Tank Destroyer - Tanks DLC-exclusive vehicle
- Is Data Link-enabled
- Cannot transport any passengers
Rhino MGS UP
Tank Destroyer - Tanks DLC-exclusive vehicle
- Is Data Link-enabled
- Cannot transport any passengers
Diver Propulsion Vehicle - Can transport up to 2 passengers
- Commander can utilise observational periscope
- Has a laser designator
Speedboat Minigun
Light Patrol Vessel - Can transport up to 8 passengers
UCAV Sentinel
UAV / UCAV - Jets DLC-exclusive vehicle
- Autonomous
- Has two (2) internal weapon pylon hardpoints
- Stealthed against radars
- Is the fastest fixed-wing unmanned jet
UGV Stomper
UGV / UGCV - Autonomous
- Can transport a single passenger
UH-80 Ghost Hawk
Utility Helicopter - Can transport up to 8 passengers
- Can utilise Slingloading
- Semi-stealthed against radars
V-44X Blackfish
VTOL Transport / Gunship - Apex DLC-exclusive vehicle
- Variable transportation capacity depending on variant
- Can utilise Vehicle-in-Vehicle Transportation



  • The U.S. Army reinforcements in ArmA 3 were initially known as the 111th Mechanized Brigade Combat Team (111th MBCT) before being retconned into becoming the 111th ID.
  • For unclear reasons, Livonian forces in ArmA 3 are strangely categorised as an INDFOR faction rather than BLUFOR in spite of the country being a member of NATO.[4]
    • This is later expanded on during the events of the First Contact campaign due to gameplay reasons, though its spinoff/non-canonical status renders the LDF's categorisation of not being a BLUFOR faction questionable.
  • The so-called "MTP" camo utilised by ArmA 3 NATO forces is directly based on the real-world "MultiCam" family of camouflage patterns produced by Crye Precision.
    • The arid and tropic versions worn by in-game Mediterranean and Pacific NATO forces (respectively) are inspired by two real MultiCam derivatives: the original "MultiCam" and "MultiCam Tropic".[201] The woodland version on the other hand, appears to be based on the "SG-14" camouflage pattern, a derivative of the MultiCam pattern used by the Polish Border Guard (first adopted in 2014-2015).[202]
    • It should not be confused with the British Army's "Multi-Terrain Pattern" which is also referred to in short as MTP.[203] Nor should it be confused with the U.S. Army's "Operational Camouflage Pattern" (OCP), as the latter is visibly different to both MultiCam and the in-game "MTP".[204]


  1. It is unclear if the following countries remain as members of the Armaverse NATO alliance: Albania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Romania.
  2. Membership status of Turkey (Türkiye) is not known due to the events of the Marmara Crisis (2027) and the Bodrum Evacuations (2029).
  3. Membership status of Sweden and Finland in the Armaverse NATO alliance is not known. However, according to ArmA 3's Field Manual entries, the Armaverse Sweden is known to co-operate closely with NATO member states on the development and acquisition of military hardware such as the M5 Sandstorm multiple rocket launcher and the MAAWS recoilless rifle.
  4. Unknown U.S. Navy Rear Admiral in command of Carrier Strike Group 14 during the events of Stepping Stone, Altis Requiem, Steel Pegasus, and The East Wind (2035).
  5. Despite LtCol. Broadale's role as a commander of Pacific NATO forces, it is not known as to whether the nation of Australia remains as a major non-NATO ally or is actually an official member of the Armaverse NATO alliance.
  6. U.S.-led NATO forces on Malden and Everon possibly belong to a unit designated as "Task Force Malden". However, due to the ambiguity of ARMA Reforger's background setting and storyline, it is not known if the force is canonically designated as such.


  1. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \a3\ui_f_orange\data\cfgleaflets\west_ca.paa"
  2. North Atlantic Treaty Organization 2003, What is NATO?,, viewed 12 July 2023, <>.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2010, NATO and UNO, Arma 2, viewed 12 July 2023, <>.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2019, Contact, Arma 3, viewed 8 November 2023, <>.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Bohemia Interactive a.s., The Codemasters Software Company Limited 2000, Overview,, viewed 6 October 2023, <>. (archived link)
  6. 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 6.23 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.27 6.28 6.29 6.30 6.31 6.32 6.33 6.34 6.35 6.36 6.37 6.38 6.39 6.40 Mořický, K et al. 2011, Armaverse Timeline, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 17 July 2023, <>.
  7. 7.0 7.1 ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Training, "At oh-seven-hundred hours yesterday morning, contact was lost with Everon, the easternmost island in this group. The last communications that came from the island reported heavy military activity in and over the streets. From what we can ascertain, Everon has been occupied by a hostile force, origin unknown. As the only NATO presence in the area it is our job to respond."
  8. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Resistance, Fire Fight, "GASTOVSKI: I've checked in with HQ. Now, I have to wait to hear from General Williams. Until then... BLACK OPS: Sir, I've got Almighty on the line... GASTOVSKI: This is Lone Wolf. Copy. Sir? Yes, exactly as you said, sir! No, sir, of course not. But sir! How can you be certain? You have to move immediately! Otherwise... No, sir, but... This is serious. He's out of his mind! Goddammit, if you're wrong, thousands people are going to die! Yes, sir. Out. Game over. They’re not coming. TROSKA: What? GASTOVSKI: They're sending a letter of complaint to Moscow. And they'll dispatch a observation cruiser to the area. TROSKA: Great. When they get here, they can barbeque steaks on the fires of Nogova. If Guba sends in those bombers, the whole island's going to go up in smoke."
  9. 9.0 9.1 ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Resistance, Fire Fight, "Major Gastovski to Colonel Blake. Nogova, October 12th. Sir, I'll try to keep this simple. I don't know how to put it any other way. Thanks to the air support you managed to get for us, we finally defeated the Soviets here. We couldn't have done it without you. If we'd relied on General Williams, we'd probably all be dead now. Please accept my congratulations on your promotion to the role of commanding officer of the forces on Malden."
  10. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Unfinished Business, "One thousand troops, sir? That's five times what we've got left here on Malden!"
  11. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Training, "A carrier battle group is heading for the area at flank speed, but it's still a few days away. And the longer we wait, the longer those guys, whoever they are, have to dig in and reinforce. Washington wants to move fast, before Moscow gets involved. If they aren't already... We're going to have to do the best we can with what we've got."
  12. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Turning the Tide, "Jun 15, 1985 Finally, reinforcements have arrived. Goisse is full of NATO soldiers now. So we're ready to move on that Russian camp I located yesterday - and my unit will lead the attack, with support from Bravo squad on my command. It's scary, but I think I'm starting to get pretty good at this war business. And it sure is nice to have a serious amount of hardware at my disposal."
  13. 13.0 13.1 ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Backstab, "AAN NEWS ANCHOR: ...and I think we can go live to Takistan now with our front line reporter, Joe Harris. Joe, what's the situation on the ground? HARRIS: Yes, good morning. We're seeing a significant military presence on the streets of Takmyr; the Republican Militia is being issued heavy weapons and assigned to anti-air defence positions. This increased activity stems from the expiration of the Alliance ultimatum four hours ago, which had stipulatied the total withdrawal of Takistani forces operating in Karzeghistan's border region, and which has passed with no response. Takistan had demanded control of the oil-rich border area two weeks ago, prompting heightened tensions and alerting world leading powers to a potential flashpoint in the Green Sea Region.", AAN News
  14. 14.0 14.1 ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Backstab, "UN Security Council authorize Allied counterattack in Takistan this morning.", AAN News
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Backstab, "Allied forces have just entered Takistani territory with an objective to overthrow the Takistani junta. The American 1st Armored Division just crossed the Takistani border from Karzeghistan; the 27th and 9th Marine Expeditionary Units are moving to seize the key ports of Takmyr and Bandar-e-Ghazmi. Government and military installations in Takmyr and Karichar have been targetted by joint US and British airstrikes. Colonel Muhammad Rahim Aziz - hero of the 1988 coup d'état - has threatened to respond to American agression with decisive force, deploying the tactical ballistic missiles under his command against allied formations in Karzeghistan and the Alliance fleet amassed in the Green Sea. Latest reports indicate that American special forces have commenced operations in deep within Takistani borders... This is Joe Harris, AAN, speaking from Takmyr, capital of Takistan.", AAN News
  16. 16.0 16.1 Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2010, United States Army, Arma 2, viewed 12 July 2023, <>.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2010, British Armed Forces, Arma 2, viewed 12 July 2023, <>.
  18. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Press Conference, "German Special Forces free political activists imprisoned in Bandar-e Ghazmi."
  19. 19.0 19.1 Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2012, Arma 2: Army of the Czech Republic, Arma 2, viewed 27 October 2023, <>.
  20. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Backstab, "US Army Task Force Knight deployed to forward base established by Marine Task Force Bishop.", AAN News
  21. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Backstab, "US amphibious assault ship 'USS Khe Sanh' sustains light damage from Takistani gunboat.", AAN News
  22. 22.0 22.1 ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Backstab, "British SAS troops seize port authority building of Bandar-e Ghazmi; harbour area secured by Royal Marines.", AAN News
  23. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Backstab, "British RN Harriers sink Takistani light cruiser 'Pride of Chalang' in Salak Darya delta.", AAN News
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 24.7 Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2013, Factions, Arma 3, viewed 17 July 2023, <>.
  25. 25.0 25.1 ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Prologue, Common Denominator, "Peacekeeping efforts continue in The Republic of Altis and Stratis following the Civil War. Although some progress has been made, the newly-established government still faces serious obstacles, namely the inexperience of the Altis Armed Forces, or AAF for short. Officially, NATO Peacekeepers, primarily stationed on Stratis, have been seconded to Altis to cooperate and consult with the AAF. Unofficially, they have been assisting with training members of the AAF in order to ensure their ability to maintain security within the Republic itself. Recently, however, member states of CSAT have expressed interest in the Republic, further increasing already-heightened global tensions with NATO."
  26. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, ORBAT/Task Force Aegis, "A US-led joint NATO-AAF peacekeeping force stationed on Stratis, with a strictly limited mandate and combat capacity."
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, \a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_in_intro.ogv, 00:17, "However, with the US-led peacekeeping deployment coming to an end of its mandate, NATO forces are finalising their staged withdrawal from the region. As millions of dollars of military equipment and infrastructure is decommissioned, opinion is split as to the wisdom of the drawdown. In light of CSAT forces stepping up joint military exercises in the Pacific, the US is keen to re-orient its conventional forces, reinforcing battalions in the east. Yet, with the Mediterranean basin representing a strategic fault-line between crumbling European influence and a powerful, resurgent East, some argue that the withdrawal could not come at a worse time.", AAN News
  28. 28.0 28.1 ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Drawdown 2035, "The decommissioning of NATO assets on Stratis is roughly halfway complete, but Commander MacKinnon wants to step up the pace of tearing down these bases. To that end, additional support is required across at Camp Rogain and Kamino; however, an AAF lockdown is making the process all the more difficult. The Greenback brass are due to visit (more than likely to protest against our work, our flags, our very presence - the same old, same old). Most of the roads are closed. Those which are actually open have our friendly neighborhood watch closely monitoring them. At the moment, only specially authorized vehicles are currently permitted freedom of movement. Airspace is open, but it's heavily restricted. We'll have to assess the situation on-the-fly to determine what work we can actually get done. Bring a good book, though, it's nailed on that there'll be plenty of hanging around today."
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 29.5 ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Status Quo, "Six weeks have passed since the AAF's capitulation. The FIA, under the leadership of Nikos Panagopoulos, have transitioned from a military opposition to a political body and, alongside our forces, are working hard to restore their homeland. Although it will take time for this country to recover from war, the new government has the confidence of the people of Altis. However, NATO's invasion - albeit swift and, ultimately, successful - has stirred a new round of debates over the funding of military forces in this region. The conclusion was clear: there is no way NATO can maintain their position here while tensions in the pacific region rise. The decommissioning will continue and NATO will abandon this region."
  30. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \a3\signs_f\signspecial\data\signspec_mike26_co.paa, "NATO Joint Air Radar Station MIKE - 26"
  31. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, \a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_in_intro.ogv, 00:55, "In the UK, parliament was recalled for an urgent debate and vote over the possible redeployment of British peacekeeping forces on Stratis.", AAN News
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, \a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_in_intro.ogv, 01:00, "Prime Minister Nicholas Ramsden said he would respect the defeat of his government's motion, which, effectively, ruled out the possibility of any extension to the NATO deployment in the former sovereign territory.", AAN News
  33. 33.0 33.1 ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Stepping Stone, Fait Accompli, "The strategic island of Malden once again prepares for war. CSAT have taken control. NATO reinforcements, responding to a surprise attack on Stratis, must intercede. There are no good options. Air superiority over the Gibraltar Straits must be secured. The invasion simply cannot fail."
  34. 34.0 34.1 ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Stepping Stone, Disintegration Point, "Once Houdan and Dourdan fell, CSAT's Scimitar Regiment surrendered. Having severed logistics, their hold on Malden crumbled. NATO forces quickly secured the island. Despite losing precious time, the US 6th Fleet entered the Mediterranean. Soon after, Altis and Stratis were successfully invaded..."
  35. 35.0 35.1 ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, ORBAT/111th Infantry Division, "7th Mechanized Brigade Combat Team (MBCT), 111th Infantry Division, rapidly deployed to the Republic of Altis and Stratis to respond to apparent CSAT aggression."
  36. 36.0 36.1 ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Steel Pegasus, Final Strike, "[...] Chalkeia fell to the 21st Combat Group. "
  37. 37.0 37.1 ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, End Game, \a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m07_vout.ogv, 00:32, "'NATO sources have moved quickly to condemn the, quote, 'illegal, immoral, and indefensible act of war'.", AAN News
  38. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Keystone, "DUTTON: So, as you know, CTRG's taking part in 'Exercise Safe Horizon'. Anti-piracy, security, etcetera. But - as our NATO liaison - you should be aware of a few, uh, 'operational extras'. BROADALE: Heh. Well - as your NATO liaison - I'm all ears, commander."
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 39.5 39.6 39.7 ARMA 3: Contact 2019 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \a3\missions_f_contact\data\img\intro1\articles\intro1_aan_screen_electron_co.paa, "Some 25,000 Livonian, US, and British troops are participating in joint training operations, less than 15 km from the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad. Named Excercise Electron-39, the event will be the biggest of its kind and comes just weeks ahead of a Kremlin decision on a CSAT membership action plan. Russia says that such a show of force, close to its borders, is a threat to its security. Foreign Minister Poda Makarovich said: 'NATO sabre-rattling is counterproductive. The world is already on a precipice. A return to bilateral Cold War-era thinking could be disastrous for everyone. If the US continues to ignore the new world order, and insists on creating enemies where there are none, they run the risk of making their fears a reality.' The Electron exercises began in 2035 and occur every two years. About 14,000 Livonian and 10,000 US personnel are taking part this week, as well as 1,000 from the UK and other NATO states. Attending forces will focus on interoperability, CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) defenses, and Electronic Warfare. But AAN's correspondent in Andrzejów, Sean Bradwell, says paranoia in Eastern Europe has reached a fever pitch since Belarus began accession talks with CSAT, following the 2035 Moscow Summit. He added that many in the West are still concerned over the 'Apex Protocol Papers' and the bloc's projection of soft power expansionism. Exercise Electron, Bradwell states, is a way of bolstering confidence at a time when CSAT looks poised to achieve complete global hegemony. If Russia enters the fold, it would mean the final and most important domino has fallen.", AAN News
  40. 40.0 40.1 40.2 ARMA 3: Contact 2019 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., News Today 06.18.39, \a3\props_f_enoch\items\documents\data\newspaper_01_co.paa, "Hans Brecht, NATO's Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, responded by saying the 'hour glass had turned' and that the West's sphere of influence would rapidly contract if Russia came into CSAT's fold. 'For far too long we've been relying on the cunning monkey approach, waiting in a tree for the bear and tiger to fight it out and exhaust themselves. But time's healed these animosities and now, we're stuck. The next 50 years will be about survival. Defending interests both militarily and economically. It's a situation we have feared, with no good course of action.'", News Today
  41. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Resistance, Information, "But the best news was that the Americans were sending someone covertly to get in touch with us. We weren't sure what to expect, but it was good to know that they were finally showing some interest. We arrived at the designated rendezvous point around three am."
  42. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Resistance, Information, "I'm going to stay here, to assist however I can and report back. Tomorrow, we'll bring a few more guys in, and we can get you some gear, if you need it. All through third parties - totally deniable - and I'm here as a private individual... I think you understand."
  43. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Montignac Must Fall, "Papa Bear to Black, back off! We have new orders. All US Army personnel must withdraw from Everon! Backup no longer assigned, they've been called away. Out."
  44. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Montignac Must Fall, "Papa Bear to all US units, Code Foxtrot! Code Foxtrot! New orders, all US personnel must withdraw from Everon. Out."
  45. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Night Patrol, "Listen, Armstrong, I appreciate that things are bad on Everon - really, I do. But there's simply nothing we can do to assist at this time. We've got our own problems right here on Malden. [...] For all we know, the Russians could be on their way right now. We've got to secure our position here before we can even think about pushing back to Everon. I'm sorry, but these resistance fighters will have to manage by themselves for a while longer. "
  46. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Hold Malden, "There's too many of 'em, damn it! They're all over us! We'll never hold the port!"
  47. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Hold Malden, "All units, we've got bad guys coming in from every side! We can't let them take the port!"
  48. 48.0 48.1 ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Defender, "A Russian tank column is advancing towards La Pessagne. NATO defenses in the town will be unable to withstand a substantial armored assault. You and Sergeant Fuller must try to intercept the incoming tanks, using mines and anti-tank missiles."
  49. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Tank Training, "I'd put you on dishwashing duty, but the truth is we need you on the frontline. [...] Tell me about it. But we have more tanks than tank crews right now, and the Soviets have got us on the run. [...] Well, they're wearing Russian uniforms, and they're driving Russian tanks, but they're fighting like... well, I ain't never seen nothing like it. [...] And get a move on - Russian tanks are rolling onto Malden as we speak."
  50. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Defender, "Good work. Your squad has managed to hold La Pessagne - for now."
  51. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Battle of Houdan, "Yankee One to Papa Bear. Objective achieved. Enemy tank force neutralised. There's still some infantry out there but nothing to worry about. Over."
  52. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Battle of Houdan, "Papa Bear, this is Yankee One. Mission accomplished. Everything is dead, dying or running home to mom. Over."
  53. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Pathfinder, "OK, Armstrong. The Soviets have moved a large concentration of tanks into the city of Chapoi, making a direct ground assault too risky. Helicopters could do the job, but the area is defended by a pair of Shilkas. Your task is to eliminate them, wait for the choppers to deal with the tanks, and then move into Chapoi."
  54. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Spearhead, "Lieutenant Hammer, now that a path has been cleared through the valley, our tanks can roll forward. You'll be tackling the remaining enemy forces in the pass before pushing on to the village of Lolisse."
  55. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Tank Rally, "Lieutenant Hammer, your new platoon is being assigned to counter an assault on Chapoi. Intel reports large numbers of Soviet tanks and other heavy armor moving towards the town. Your platoon, call sign Yankee, starts on this road heading for Chapoi. Your first objective is to help stop the Soviet attack on Chapoi. You must then press on to La Riviere."
  56. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Unfinished Business, "BLAKE: Now, there's something I want both of you to see. It was passed to us earlier this evening. GUBA: Forty-eight hours, Colonel Blake. That's how long you and your NATO forces have to remove yourselves from these islands. If you haven't effected a complete withdrawal by eighteen hundred hours on Tuesday, an entire tank division, two squadrons of helicopter gunships and one thousand of the Red Army's finest men will obliterate you. There will be no further warnings. I wish you a safe and comfortable journey home. [...] BLAKE: You don't know the half of it. I've had our intel boys look into his background, and the file doesn't make pretty reading. His name's Guba. General Aleksei Guba. Did five years as a Commandant in one of Stalin's Siberian gulags, where they nicknamed him The Dentist."
  57. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Unfinished Business, "Armstrong, I want you to lead a squad escorting Commander Gastovski back to Everon. You know the resistance forces, and I need you to talk to them. It's important they cooperate with our Special Forces in the upcoming incursion. Get ready. You're leaving this evening."
  58. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Scouting, "Lieutenant Armstrong, we need to find the camp from which the Soviets launched their attack on Goisse. Your men's job is to pinpoint its exact location and report back. Do not engage the enemy - the attack will follow later."
  59. 59.0 59.1 ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Turning the Tide, "The enemy base was located and destroyed. Finally, the Russians have no more camps or bases on our island. Although we may still encounter some remaining troops, we can now prepare for an attack on Everon."
  60. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Saboteur, May 10, 1985 - I've been skulking around Everon for two weeks now, making a few observations and keeping out of sight. There are a couple of other Special Ops guys on this island, but they’re staying low too. Command woke me at mid-afternoon two days ago. Their people reported a large movement of armored forces in this area - a good opportunity to give Ivan a headache. My orders are to infiltrate the enemy base, use satchel charges to destroy as many enemy tanks as possible, then disappear. Should be easy."
  61. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Saboteur, "Commander Gastovski, on this mission your task is to sabotage a number of tanks being serviced at a depot near the village of Levie. Slip in unnoticed, avoiding the ground and air defenses, and you should be able to catch them napping."
  62. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Saboteur, "Multiple targets eliminated, evacuation successful. Great job."
  63. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Return to Eden, "Congratulations on all your work so far, Lieutenant Armstrong. Now here's where we start taking this fight back to the Russians. It's time for us to liberate Everon. To begin with, we need you to secure the airport at the North of the island with an infantry assault. You will land on the beach at grid reference Eb04. Your first objective is the hill at grid Dj03. Cleanse it of enemy units, and hold it. Bravo will cover your left flank, and Charlie your right as you put down the expected Soviet counter-attack. Begin the assault on the airport. When Bravo and Charlie are ready, they will let you know. Send them a signal (0-0-1) to attack. Destroy the defending Shilka and radio the Cobra gunships, designation November, for additional support (0-0-2). Secure the Airport."
  64. 64.0 64.1 ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Airborne, "Captain Nicholls, we want you to take your Blackhawk to pick up a group of soldiers who've landed at one of NATO's makeshift harbors, and ferry them to the front line at Montignac. If you run into difficulties you are of course armed with rockets, but your best course would be to steer clear of the action and concentrate on getting home in one piece."
  65. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Hind Attack, "Jun 21, 1985 - Nearly got spotted yesterday. Been out here so long now, I'm in danger of getting complacent. Gotta stay sharp. The word came through from HQ that Armstrong's managed to lead a successful attack on the airport to the North. I knew that guy looked smart. Next time I see him, I'll have to give him my congratulations. If he manages to stay alive, that is. With US forces back on Everon, the Commies are running around like crazy - a good time for me to make a move, while they're distracted trying to re-take the airport. The top priority target has got to be their chopper base, and we've got a lead on a possible location. So tonight I'm going Hind-hunting..."
  66. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Rolling Thunder, "Lieutenant Hammer, we now hold the Northern part of Everon. Your task is to break to the South, to Montignac, so we can secure the strategically vital center of the island. You’ll begin at Orion Base to the North of Everon. Your platoon's call sign is Yankee. Head South. Your first objective is to neutralize the enemy defensive position at Tyrone. Then continue to Montignac. But stay alert: there's a heavily defended enemy position between Tyrone and Montignac. Eliminate it if you can, but exercise caution. Golf force, consisting of two additional M1A1s, will join the assault from another direction. Try to synchronize your attack with theirs."
  67. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Killdozer, "Lieutenant Hammer, NATO armor is finally gaining the upper hand on Everon. The Soviet tank force has been pushed down to the southern end of the island, and it's your platoon's task to squeeze it back even further."
  68. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Air Assault, "November One, this is Firefly Base. Buffalo reports the situation is under control and thanks you for you help. Revert to mission plan. Out."
  69. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Air Assault, "It's mopping-up time, Captain Nicholls. Today we clear all remaining Russian forces from Everon. The Russian anti-aircraft forces have been destroyed and their helicopters are back on Kolgujev. Enemies have been spotted near Saint Pierre and Vernon only. Climb aboard your Cobra, which is parked at its field base. Your call sign is November One. Follow your flight plan, which takes you over Morton and Durras to Saint Pierre. Support NATO's tank force, designated Zulu and Foxtrot, to ensure the city is liberated."
  70. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Air Assault, "Mission completed! Everon is ours. Well done, everybody. Now the people of Everon are free, we've achieved one of our main goals in this conflict. But that's not the end of the story; the Russians are still too strong on Kolgujev, and they can attack again any time. We have to defeat them completely!"
  71. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Planes Start, "Now that the air defenses have been neutralized to the South of Kolgujev, you're being assigned to an A-10 ground attack squadron. Your objective is to take out as many enemy tanks as you can in the Southern half of the island. Be careful: we haven't been able to deal with the AA guns to the North yet."
  72. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Counter Strike, "July 3, 1985 - OK, so the planes have done their thing from the air, and now it's time for the infantry to do all the hard work on the ground, as usual. We've got some Intel from Commander Gastovski, who took out the Russian AA guns just before the invasion commenced. (Nice job, James.) So at least we're not going in completely blind. While Charlie squad comes in via boat, we will parachute on to the beach. Our goal is a base on the Southern part of Kolgujev - one of those which used to support a Shilka. It's supposed be empty now, following the air assault, but I'm sure there will be a few soldiers remaining. Then there'll be a Russian counter-attack. And we'll be ready for them."
  73. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Counter Strike, "In this mission, Lieutenant Armstrong, you'll be taking a paratrooper force into the South of Kolgujev, seizing the base that's already been softened up by our A-10s, and then moving on to secure a second Soviet base. "
  74. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Escape, "Americans! I asked you politely to leave these islands. This you have refused to do. Your defiance has cost the lives of many, many brave Russians - and, of course, many of your own soldiers. Your next casualty is with me here now. He will not be your last. You see, Colonel Blake, you have sampled only a taste of the bloodshed that is to come. So far you have dealt with my conventional forces. Undergoing final preparations for launch at a secret location is a little surprise that has, shall we say, come into my possession. Yes, Colonel Blake. I am stronger than you thought. I have captured one of your elite men. He will be executed as an example, and then all of you will die. Unless... unless you leave these islands - Kolgujev, Everon and Malden. This is our land; this is the land of Mother Russia!"
  75. 75.0 75.1 ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Escape, "BLAKE: And there's something else. Intel reports massive Soviet mobilisation across the whole of Russia. GASTOVSKI: Oh, great. BLAKE: The official line is that it's just a big exercise. But we know the Kremlin's livid about what's going on out here. Guba may be a maverick, but those are still Red Army troops he's commanding. And Kolguyev is Soviet territory. GASTOVSKI: We're about to start World War III. BLAKE: No. We're going to finish this thing, as quickly and cleanly as possible. Find that missile, James. Intel's working flat out - but we need you on the ground. GASTOVSKI: Back to Kolgujev. BLAKE: Back to Kolgujev. GASTOVSKI: And Nicholls? The pilot from the video? BLAKE: Perhaps he can find some way to escape... but there's nothing we can do. I'm sorry."
  76. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Incursion, "July 8, 1985 - We're so close, so very near to victory out here... but there's the small matter of this nuke standing in our way. Time is short - God knows what's going on in Guba's mind. He could launch the missile at any moment. So I've got to go in, right into the center of his main base. Of course - what could be easier? I'm planning to use as little force as possible - reckon I can do this without firing a single shot, even. (Although if I am discovered, all hell's going to break loose, so I'd better take some extra HK clips just in case...) And I should probably take at least one satchel charge with me, to destroy the fence so I can get inside without using the main gate. Here goes nothing..."
  77. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Incursion, "James, the situation is desperate. We need you to break into Guba's headquarters and get any information you can to help us to find the SCUD."
  78. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Search And Destroy, "July 9, 1985 - Guba's forces are on their knees, but he still has his trump card to play: that nuclear missile. According to the intelligence report, any full-scale assault would give the Russians enough warning to launch the SCUD prematurely - so I'm going to take in a few key units, get in as close as I can without being spotted, then strike fast and hard. I've got one hour. It all comes down to this. And I don't even want to think about what's going to happen if I don't make it..."
  79. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Search And Destroy, "Papa Bear to all units. Congratulations. You got the SCUD. Now get out of there - Guba's not going to be happy. Out."
  80. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Red Dawn, "GUBA: Colonel Eusev, prime the second SCUD. EUSEV: The second SCUD? GUBA: Plan B. Prepare my car."
  81. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Red Dawn, "GUBA: So you think you have me, eh, American? You think you have won? You fool! Even as you enjoy your little victory, my masterplan moves towards completion. While you stand there smiling like some conquering hero, my second missile is being readied for launch at the far north-east corner of this island. Soon you and all your ignorant friends will be dead - and the whole world will be plunged into chaos! GASTOVSKI: I doubt it."
  82. 82.0 82.1 ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Red Dawn, "GASTOVSKI: Papa Bear, this is Alpha One. Target captured. Repeat, target captured. Over. BLAKE: Roger that, Alpha One. Time to celebrate, over. GASTOVSKI: Not so fast, Papa Bear. Be advised second missile located Kolgujev north east. Moving to neutralise. Over. BLAKE: Received and understood. Fast as you can, Alpha One. Good luck. Out."
  83. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Red Dawn, "BLAKE: Alpha One, this is Papa Bear. You saved the world yet, over? GASTOVSKI: I sure have, Papa Bear. The missile's history, and Guba's in custody, over."
  84. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Red Dawn, "President Reagan gave no comment on the alleged incident, but one senior official privately described the Congressman's behavior as laughable. Meanwhile, tensions appear to have eased on the island of Everon, cause of so much speculation over the past few days, with American forces reportedly engaging hostile troops of unknown origin. In an official statement, the Secretary of Defense revealed that a US training camp on the island had been attacked by a small group of lightly-armed terrorists, led by a disgraced former General of the Russian army. US military sources stated that the assault was a poorly-planned, publicity-seeking maneuver by an extremist organisation, which was easily resisted by American troops. There were no significant casualties. Moscow has termed the incident 'highly regrettable', and the whereabouts of the terrorist leader remain unknown."
  85. ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Red Dawn, "EVERONIAN CIVILIAN 1: 'Unknown' - tch. I hope he's rotting in hell. EVERONIAN CIVILIAN 2: They wouldn't tell us if he was. Will anyone ever hear the truth? EVERONIAN CIVILIAN 1: No one wants to look bad, my friend. They all have too much to lose. The story will never be told. But at least we're still alive. Be thankful. Be thankful."
  86. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2010, Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead Features, Arma 2, viewed 27 October 2023, <>.
  87. 87.0 87.1 Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2010, History Of Takistan, Arma 2, viewed 27 October 2023, <>.
  88. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., One Shot One Kill (showcase), "US Army sniper team, codename 'Dingo' is on its way to Takistani military base that an important officer of the Army of Takistan, codename 'Spider' will be inspecting. 'Dingo' must assassinate 'Spider'. 'Spider' will be visiting a base about 1 kilometer away from you. ETA of his chopper is about 10 minutes. The base is probably guarded by Takistanis on patrol routes. They expect a high officer, so security will be tight. Your spotter will keep an eye out for them as well help you to identify targets."
  89. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Pathfinder, "TF Knight pushes OPFOR towards mountain ridges N of FOB Revolver. The decisive strike gave us momentum we must exploit. Your task is to clear the Naran Darre pass NNE of Loy Manara and secure it against counterattacks by moving to Timurkalay and establishing FOS (Forward Operating Site) Planck there."
  90. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Pathfinder, "C-130J PILOT: Mayday, mayday. Mohican 5-1, SAM impact, I'm going down! REVOLVER: Mohican 5-1, Revolver. Keep cool, attempt an emergency landing. Rescue inbound."
  91. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Pathfinder, "Badger, I need you to check the site and search for survivors. There were some civvie doctors and embeds aboard. Hold position while Revolver uploads the details to your onboard computers."
  92. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Pathfinder, "TAKISTANI GUERILLA: Yes, we know this. Soldiers take them to Feruz Abad, they had trucks. There is base near the mines. Coltan. Understand? [...] HERRERA: Citizen, this is Badger, come in, over. [...] Citizen, we've teamed up with Karzegh rebels to fight the Takistani specials guarding the wreck. No survivors at the crash site, but the rebels claim they saw the OPFOR taking survivors in trucks. Please advise, over. [...] Well, I don't think they'd lie to us. KANE: Citizen copies. The coltan mine's where you're heading anyway. Citizen out."
  93. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Eye Of The Hurricane, "Col. Aziz is our high priority target. He's located in his villa. We suppose he'll be heavily guarded and will not give up easily. He also might have an escape plan. Our confidence is high that he'll be picked up by a chopper and try to leave if things prove wrong for him."
  94. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Eye Of The Hurricane, "According to local intel sources, the civilian POW's are held in Zargabad. It is imperative we save them before they are moved or worse."
  95. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Eye Of The Hurricane, "Aziz has deployed 3 SCUD launchers here, here and here. He claims he's going to fire them at major Takistani cities as our forces will try to capture him. We need the launchers eliminated ASAP, preferably before we strike on Aziz."
  96. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Eye Of The Hurricane, "DRAKE: Sir, we just neutralized the SCUD launchers. Over. KANE: Citizen copies, all SCUDs dead. Good work. Citizen out."
  97. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Eye Of The Hurricane, "Citizen to all units. Our forces have eliminated Enemy Number One. We just nailed Aziz's ass. Stick to your plans, people, it should be easier now. Citizen out."
  98. ARMA 2: British Armed Forces 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Scud Busters (showcase), "In the days immediately following the invasion, British SAS troops were inserted into the Takistani desert to hunt for mobile Scud launchers. Patrol Golf-3 has been ordered to execute a hasty attack on a nearby mobile launcher which was spared by the Coalition air strikes, and is currently preparing to launch its deadly cargo. The site must be destroyed."
  99. ARMA 2: British Armed Forces 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Scud Busters (showcase), "Patrol Golf-3 successfully prevented the enemy from launching a tactical ballistic missile, and eliminated a platoon-sized enemy rocket unit."
  100. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Press Conference, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Department of Defense press conference regarding Operation Arrowhead. Task Force Knight defeated the forces of the authoritarian regime in Takistan; its main driving force, and suspected war criminal, Colonel Muhammad Aziz, was killed during a fierce firefight. Our forces successfully rescued the survivors of a plane crash, being held hostage by Colonel Aziz. I'd like to credit CPT Pierce, 1LT Herrera, SFC Graves, and SGT Drake here, who played a significant role in the operation. Questions?"
  101. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Press Conference, "British PM: 'Our duty is to rebuild Takistan as a stable and democratic nation'.", AAN News
  102. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Press Conference, "UN Security council discuss framework for political reconstruction in TK.", AAN News
  103. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Arrowhead, Press Conference, "IMF pledges $4.35bn aid to Takistan over three years.", AAN News
  104. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2010, Proving Grounds, Arma 2, viewed 27 October 2023, <>.
  105. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2010, Arma 2: Private Military Company Features, Arma 2, viewed 27 October 2023, <>.
  106. ARMA 2: Army of the Czech Republic 2012 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Silver Lion, Dum Spiro Spero, "Gunshots are still echoing throughout the mountains of Takistan. Regular patrols have become a thing of the past. According to allied intelligence, enemy leaders in the AO are the ones who have been orchestrating the deadliest attacks on our PRT teams. The CIA provided three names: Abdul Warkhaidi, Jabbar Kutaiba and Rasheed Sabeer. It is our job to find these individuals and eliminate them, provided we can get them all in one place."
  107. ARMA 2: Private Military Company 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Black Gauntlet, Reception, "Corruption, power plays, sheer bloody incompetence.. rife through almost every branch of the NTA."
  108. ARMA 2: Private Military Company 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Black Gauntlet, \ca\video_pmc\cp10_outro_b.ogv, 00:24, "The attack comes amid heightened tensions in Takistan. Analysts have suggested that the draw down of NATO troops, combined with fractious power struggles between numerous guerilla groups, has exacerbated the security situation.", AAN News
  109. ARMA 2: Private Military Company 2010 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Black Gauntlet, \ca\video_pmc\cp10_outro_a.ogv, 01:31, "In Takistan itself, political instability has reached boiling point, with several factions of the New Takistani Army reportedly fragmenting from central command in Takmyr.", AAN News
  110. Bohemia Interactive 2011, Arma 2: Private Military Company - Latest News From Takistan (ingame video), 20 May, viewed 27 October 2023, <>.
  111. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, Oreokastro Memory, "PATERSON: Bet you wish we had one of those in Takistan, huh? MACDADE: I gotta admit... that's sixty tons of getting shit done."
  112. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, Oreokastro Memory, "No, actually, this was after I'd left the military. Previous deployment with IDAP - Takistan. Must've been... God. Fifteen years ago? I think. Feels like another lifetime."
  113. 113.0 113.1 113.2 113.3 ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, \a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_in_intro.ogv, 01:02, "Two decades of economic misery cannot be ignored. [...] Britain is an island not an empire! [...] The answer is no longer: 'send a gunboat' - it hasn't been the answer for the last 50 years.", AAN News
  114. 114.0 114.1 ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, \a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_in_intro.ogv, 00:13, "REPORT: EEC 2034-2035 UNEMPLOYMENT RATE AVERAGE SOARS TO 42%", AAN News
  115. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, \a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_in_intro.ogv, 00:14, "EUR STUMBLES TO 3-YEAR LOW AGAINST RMB", AAN News
  116. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, \a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_in_intro.ogv, 00:09, "CIVIL DISORDER CONTINUES ACROSS MAJOR EUROPEAN CAPITALS", AAN News
  117. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, \a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_in_intro.ogv, 00:39, "Again, the streets of Paris and Rome were ablaze last night as military-enforced curfews passed ignored, and the number of deaths rose into the hundreds.", AAN News
  118. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, \a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_in_intro.ogv, 00:31, "REPORT: US ECONOMY SET TO SHRINK 2% in Q2 [...]", AAN News
  119. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., SHOWCASE: Laws of War, \a3\missions_f_orange\data\img\faction_idap\info_ihl1_co.paa, "GENEVA CONVENTIONS"
  120. ARMA 3: Contact 2019 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Callsign Nomad, \a3\props_f_enoch\items\documents\data\book_01_co.paa, "The Bodrum Evacuation. 2029. A small team of US Special Forces are dropped behind enemy lines, tasked with delaying CSAT tanks en route to the Aegean Sea. The odds of success are low. The mission itself, bordering on suicide. Four men, led by the world's only triple recipient of the Medal of Fortitude, Lieutenant John 'Red' Romero, defied the odds and survived one of the most incredible encounters in the annals of modern warfare; the Battle at Galfara Gorge.", Anvil Books
  121. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Heart of Darkness, \a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m04_vin.ogv, 00:11, "BEIJING: NATO - US JOINT TRAINING EXERCISE SAFE HORIZON 'A CLEAR & PRESENT STRATEGIC PROVOCATION'", AAN News
  122. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, \a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_in_intro.ogv, 00:51, "CHINESE BLUE-WATER NAVAL PROGRAMME ENTERS FINAL [...]", AAN News
  123. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, \a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_in_intro.ogv, 00:26, "SHOULD THE US WITHDRAW FROM ITS REMAINING BASES IN EUROPE? 75.3% AGREE", AAN News
  124. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, \a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_in_intro.ogv, 00:43, "CSAT wants to invest in Altis? Let them! The US can no longer be seen to prop up Europe's failed economic situation. This is their mess. We got our own problems - let's deal with those.", AAN News
  125. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Field Manual/Vehicles/MBT-52 Kuma, "A batch of a few dozen tanks and spare turrets were bought underprice from a south-European country facing an economic collapse. "
  126. 126.0 126.1 ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Status Quo, "As the projected costs of the Mediterranean flashpoint rises to over four billion dollars, several NATO member states face increased pressure to further cut military funding. A Freedom of Information request revealed that this is mostly attributed to heavy material losses and the destruction of strategic installations. And, with several hundred dead soldiers, this month-long flashpoint looks set to become one of the most costly NATO operations in recent history. In past few months - and alongside the ongoing economic crisis - both the strength and integrity of the North-Atlantic Alliance has come into question in what many consider to be a critical turning point for NATO.", AAN News
  127. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Prologue, Common Denominator, "NATO peacekeepers conduct joint training exercises with members of the AAF."
  128. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Prologue, Common Denominator, "ADAMS: Alright, first thing's first. I'm Staff Sergeant Adams, this is Sergeant Conway. We'll be your cabin crew for today. AAF SOLDIER: Cabin crew? ADAMS: Since I'm fairly confident we all know why we're here, I'll skip the usual brief. So, over to you, Sergeant. When you're ready, put some rounds downrange."
  129. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Prologue, Diplomatic Relations, "ADAMS: What the hell happened here? AAF SQUAD LEADER: We were on patrol. We were attacked. CONWAY: Patrol, huh? [...] AAF SQUAD LEADER: Yes. Was I unclear? [...] CONWAY: You ever heard of excessive force? ADAMS: Cool it, Sergeant. CONWAY: Staff Sergeant, they're just civilians."
  130. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Prologue, Diplomatic Relations, "AAF SQUAD LEADER: You see? They were a threat. CONWAY: Yeah, and I'm sure they just attacked you for no reason."
  131. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Prologue, Rising Tensions, "Last week, an AAF patrol responded with lethal force to aggression from locals north of Kore, reportedly in self-defense. One casualty survived but later succumbed to their wounds, bringing the official death toll to 6. Peacekeeping forces on scene confirmed the reported timeline, but the justification for the patrol's use of force remains questionable. Following the incident, the government reached out to the FIA for a sit-down in Kavala, as a gesture of goodwill. As such, security has been ramped up, with peacekeeping forces watching over the proceedings. However, an AAF security convoy en route from the AAC airfield failed to pass an AAF checkpoint east of Kavala at its scheduled arrival time, nearly 20 minutes ago, raising fears that the situation is likely to escalate. It has failed to respond to hails from AAF Command."
  132. 132.0 132.1 ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Prologue, Damage Control, "Not good, 1-1. Details are still coming in, but intel suggests the sitdown went haywire. Phalanx is reporting that the FIA threw themselves at the cordon. I want you to take control of the situation at the MoD. We're getting conflicting reports left and right. I need someone on the ground. How copy?"
  133. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Prologue, Damage Control, "Just under an hour ago, NATO troops were forced to engage members of the FIA in the vicinity of Kavirida. It has become clear that they were responsible for the attack on the convoy. Their motive is now apparent - the situation at the MoD rapidly deteriorated, succeeded by the FIA conducting an all-out assault on Kavala. Details are still coming in, but we are certain that the FIA's actions are a direct consequence of these events. It appears to have convinced the FIA that the sit-down at the MoD had not been conducted in good faith. The investigation is still ongoing."
  134. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Prologue, Damage Control, "What's the problem? Your men are abusing these prisoners. [...] The hell it is! Corporal, arrest them."
  135. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Prologue, Damage Control, "1-2, stand down. How copy? [...] Negative, 1-2, you are to stand down. That's an order. Confirm, over."
  136. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Prologue, Damage Control, "CONWAY: Can't believe MacKinnon just shut us down like that. ADAMS: Yeah, well, orders are orders. Come on. Let's get out of here."
  137. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, "Hm? Oh gotcha. Um, R2P is their 'Responsibility to Protect'. Counter-insurgency can get real messy real quick. He was in charge of training - Laws of Armed Conflict - that kinda thing."
  138. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, "You mentioned earlier that NATO and a group of local recruits were stationed there. Learning about LOAC, was it?"
  139. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, The Peacekeeper, "Yeah. Things were getting pretty desperate, though. I remember... we hadn't been resupplied in months. No food, water, medicine. We were used to problems with logistics but, I dunno... in the end, it got so bad US forces prepared an airdrop. Not an easy task, considering, but those crates? They really were life and death. That's why we needed somebody on the ground. Someone to make sure they came down okay."
  140. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, The Peacekeeper, "Now. The thing with airdrops... they're not exactly subtle. The smoke, noise of the plane - those bright green parachutes - they're gonna get you noticed. And when you're in the middle of bandit country - that's a problem."
  141. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, The Peacekeeper, "BISHOP: The guerrillas attacked? MACADE: Yeah - from what I heard, it was pretty intense. I don't have the numbers but, um, maybe six or seven were killed."
  142. 142.0 142.1 ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Drawdown 2035, "The decommissioning of NATO assets on Stratis is roughly halfway complete, but Commander MacKinnon wants to step up the pace of tearing down these bases. To that end, additional support is required across at Camp Rogain and Kamino; however, an AAF lockdown is making the process all the more difficult. The Greenback brass are due to visit (more than likely to protest against our work, our flags, our very presence - the same old, same old). Most of the roads are closed. Those which are actually open have our friendly neighborhood watch closely monitoring them. At the moment, only specially authorized vehicles are currently permitted freedom of movement. Airspace is open, but it's heavily restricted. We'll have to assess the situation on-the-fly to determine what work we can actually get done. Bring a good book, though, it's nailed on that there'll be plenty of hanging around today."
  143. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Drawdown 2035, "Broadway to all NATO forces on Stratis: Code Foxtrot. Code Foxtrot. AAF forces have overwhelmed the airfield and Air Station Mike-26. We're pulling back. Try to get -"
  144. 144.0 144.1 ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Steel Pegasus, LZ Nowhere, "Government forces have attacked peacekeepers on Stratis. Now, NATO reinforcements are preparing to strike back. An air assault group is leaving the USS Freedom. Heading to the east coast of Altis, to open a second front. Operation Steel Pegasus has just begun..."
  145. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Situation Normal, "LACEY: Hello? Hello? Does anyone copy? Does anyone copy? Over. ADAMS: Affirmative - Is that you, Lacey? Over. LACEY: Sarge, thank Christ, we thought we were the only ones left. I managed to link up with a couple of guys from Point Zulu. ADAMS: What's your grid Sergeant? Over. LACEY: Uh... We're just north of Mike-26, at the old outpost. 043043. We've been here for, shit, at least an hour now. Over."
  146. 146.0 146.1 ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Situation Normal, "MILLER: This is Captain Scott Miller, Royal Navy. Come in, over. LACEY: Uh... Receiving you, sir. Sergeant Lacey. Over. MILLER: Next time, avoid broadcasting over the whole net, soldier. We're consolidating the remnants of our forces at Camp Maxwell. You're welcome to join us, if you want. LACEY: Yes, sir! Of course! MILLER: Not so fast. Altis Armed Forces have concentrated themselves around Mike-26 and the air base, meaning there's sea AAF units between you and us. I'm dispatching a team to RV with you at 028037, just east of Camp Tempest. Our callsign is Falcon. Make your way there. Over."
  147. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Maxwell, "Alright, follow me. For now, we're regrouping at Maxwell - whoever's left. Just don't get too comfortable. You're one of the last groups we've been in contact with. Captain Miller's coordinating things. Believe it or not, he's the ranking officer left on this fucking rock. He's just over there ... setting up a temporary briefing area now. We're pooling what little weapons and ammo we have just beside it. It's not exactly an armory, but we need to take stock of whatever we've got left. So, for now, we're divided up into four squads, Alpha through Delta. I'm leading Delta - and your squad leader's just over there - Sergeant Conway's heading up Alpha, you guys must know each other. Anyway, Miller's got the details. A helo went down in a forest nearby. He's putting together a plan. Get your shit together and report in when your set, Corporal. We'll try to sort out exactly what the fuck is going on."
  148. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Blackfoot Down
  149. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Death Valley
  150. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Wet Work
  151. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Radio Silence, "As I'm sure you're all well aware, comms are still down. Efforts to restore contact with NATO MEDCOM have, thus far, proven fruitless. The plain truth is, gentlemen, with the AAF regrouping, we must re-establish a link soon. Now, aside from the airbase, Mike-26 is probably the most hi-tech installation on Stratis. It's also one of the most strategically valuable positions on the island. It's a risk, but hitting the facility will deal a serious blow to the AAF, and - if anywhere holds an opportunity to re-open comms channels - it's there. This will be a coordinated effort. Charlie will set up a mortar. Alpha will provide overwatch and mark priority targets. We'll strike hard from distance and - together with Bravo - move in quickly, holding the position against any potential counter-attack."
  152. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Crossing Paths, "Alpha, we're under heavy bombardment. All teams, do not return! I say again, do not return! Find shelter. Keep your heads down. Wait until you hear from me! How copy?!"
  153. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Maxwell, "Fuck ... we didn't know if you'd make it back, Alpha. Come on then. With me. AAF hit us hard last night ... It's good to see you in one piece. We took some casualties. Gillespie. Stephenson. Couple others I didn't really know. Most of the rest of us are basically walking wounded. Anyway, the AAF pulled back. For now at least. Fuck knows why. As you can see ... things are pretty fucked up here. So, we're moving out. Miller's called a meet. Get your shit together. Head over when you're ready."
  154. 154.0 154.1 ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Tipping Point, "I know things don't look good for us right now. We took a hit. We lost a number of good men. Now, nothing I've got to say will change that fact, but I do have new information. Late last night Delta managed to establish temporary long-range comms with NATO MEDCOM. Reinforcements are inbound, gentlemen. We need to lay the groundwork for a full invasion. They need an established foothold, not a broken down base hidden in the woods. I say we attack now. We catch the AAF off-guard. We hold the ground we seize. I'll lead Delta behind enemy lines and take up an advanced position to the North of Agia Marina. Alpha and Bravo will lead the assault on the military range, while Charlie hit Camp Rogain and contain any counter-attack that might flank our main assault. Once the Range is secure, we'll converge on the town and entrench our position. I'll go through the exact details of the plan with each individual squad leader. They'll bring the rest of their men up to speed. 'With fearlessness and rage', gentlemen. Good luck."
  155. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Tipping Point, "MILLER: Splendid news, Alpha. We see AAF forces pulling back. Acknowledge, over. CONWAY: Fan-fucking-tastic, Delta! Any guess why? Over. MILLER: Uncertain. It could be that they're regrouping for a counter-offensive. Either way, now is the time to strike. Push forward, Alpha. Seize and hold. CONWAY: Solid copy, Delta. We'll get it done. Alpha out."
  156. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Tipping Point, "CONWAY: What the fuck?! Alpha to Delta, a bunch of unidentified helos just buzzed the capital, heading east. Please advise, over. [...] MITCHELL: All callsigns, this is Charlie! We're facing a huge counter-attack here! We're being engaged by multiple unknown contacts! Numerous aircraft and infantry firing on our positions! Charlie is under heavy assault, I say again -"
  157. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Tipping Point, "MILLER: There you are, Alpha! Get the fuck into the boats! CONWAY: We're in, Go! Go! Christ, that was close... MILLER: Too close."
  158. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Tipping Point, "JAMES: Miller! To the left! Fastmovers inbound! Sir? Orders?! MILLER: Open fire!"
  159. 159.0 159.1 ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, The Major, "MACDADE: After the flashpoint on Stratis, there was chaos. Nobody seemed to know what to do. Finally, NATO got their act together. Launched an assault on the Altis mainland. BISHOP: And CSAT? MACDADE: Caught off-guard by the whole thing. They were there to fight guerrillas, not start World War Three. So, when CSAT dropped their support? Government forces panicked. They were on the back foot - needed to regroup. Major Gavras was put in charge, but that was a tall order. Gavras tried to fortify their position in the north west. But, it was a risk - and he ended up cut off. The guerrillas? They didn't hesitate. Stormed his position - sent the survivors running."
  160. 160.0 160.1 160.2 ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Stepping Stone, Fait Accompli, "After our exit and the catastrophic handling of Cold War-era stockpiles, Malden has drifted into CSAT's sphere of influence. Our former base, here, to the north of the main airport, is now a major concern. China's got a squadron of long-range aircraft there. Shikras. Brass tacks: we need air superiority over the Gibraltar Straits - if we don't have that, we can't invade Altis and Stratis."
  161. 161.0 161.1 ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Stepping Stone, Disintegration Point, "The situation here on Malden is confused at best. China has attempted to de-escalate the crisis by allowing us to land a temporary holding force to monitor its long-range jets. However, troops from CSAT's North African member states are against us. They've retreated inland with some armored assets and man-portable AA systems, harassing our troops from afar."
  162. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Stepping Stone, Fait Accompli, "Having gained a foothold in the south around the harbor at Le Port, we now need to push westwards, towards Chapoi and Cancon. A supply depot and causality collection point will be our primary targets."
  163. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Stepping Stone, Fait Accompli, "SPENDER: Alpha to Guardian. I think we're done here, sir. GUARDIAN: Good job, Sergeant. RV with Charlie at Point Palisade and prep for next phase of the operation - out."
  164. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Stepping Stone, Disintegration Point, "Despite the loss of two helicopter gunships, it seems we're making steady gains. The towns of Chapoi and Cancon, as well as the strategic harbor at La Riviere, are all in our control. More importantly, Malden's capital, La Trinité, is hanging by a thread. By advancing northand striking Houdan and Dourdan, we can isolate the city and prevent critical supplies reaching the frontlines around Saint Louis. If we play our cards right, this could be over in a matter of hours."
  165. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Stepping Stone, Disintegration Point, "STURROCK: Guardian, it's over. All enemy reinforcements destroyed. GUARDIAN: Good going, Pariah, we're seeing it across the board, CSAT's frontlines are crumbling!"
  166. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Stepping Stone, Disintegration Point, "SPENDER: Guardian, it's Alpha. All tasks complete - both towns are in our control. It was a helluva fight, sir, over. GUARDIAN: Excellent work, Sergeant! We're getting reports from La Trinité... CSAT's Scimitar Regiment just threw in the towel. Expect a full cessation of hostilities within the hour! Out."
  167. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Beyond Recognition, "Although we're still trying to verify his intel, we now believe that NATO is ready to launch an invasion. Miller and his team have already moved north. Their objective is to watch enemy movement and, if possible, establish contact with NATO command. So, while we do not know any specifics, only one target makes sense: the main airport, which operates under joint CSAT-AAF control. We'll watch the situation carefully, and prepare to make our own strike when the moment comes."
  168. ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Beyond Recognition, "ARMSTRONG: This is Corporal Miller? KERRY: Uh, no sir, there was some miscommunication. Corporal Ben Kerry, TF Aegis. Reporting for duty, sir! ARMSTRONG: Ah, I see. Well, at ease, Corporal. We had no idea guerrillas were so active here. Seems we were too late. KERRY: What about Captain Miller, sir? He was supposed to establish comms with your main force. ARMSTRONG: I'm sorry, who? KERRY: Captain Scott Miller. UKSF? Kinda ... talks like he's got a stick up his ass all the time? ARMSTRONG: The British? The Brits are no longer operating in this area. To my knowledge, they've been out since May. And, regardless, we had no record of a Scott Miller."
  169. 169.0 169.1 169.2 169.3 ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, New Dawn, "Gentlemen, as you may have heard, our forces on Altis were unable to secure the airport. [...] As it turns out, there wasn't a chance in hell that we were ready for what awaited us. CSAT got one over on us this time - and intel suggests they're ready to hit back at any moment. Truth is, if we don't hold what we've taken over here, this whole operation is a wash. So - with Stratis under our control - we're going to head back and dig in. Now, keep in mind - in spite of Corporal Kerry's 'debrief' - we're not exactly sure what's happened here. As such, keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. Until MEDCOM says otherwise, 'Captain Miller' - along with his team - are not recognized as friendly."
  170. 170.0 170.1 ARMA 3: Tanks 2018 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Altis Requiem, Salient Force, "KALOGEROS: Ares to Pantheon, mission complete! That fuel dump's totally destroyed. PANTHEON: Alright, Captain, good job. Turn around and get out of there, we just lost Kavala and the airport... Troops are regrouping outside Pyrgos, we're going to have to make a stand. KALOGEROS: Okay, understood, we'll break south for the ERV, out."
  171. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Resurgent West, "Lieutenant, I've got Zodiacs on the coast here. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think we had any exercises planned. Confirm, over."
  172. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Resurgent West, "All units, intel indicates enemy mobilization at the airport and capital. Presumed counter-offensive inbound. Report to your CO, assume defensive positions and prepare for contact. Out."
  173. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Resurgent West, "ARMSTRONG: All units, status report! What the hell just happened? Somebody tell me what the fuck just blew up! Over! KERRY: Crossroads, it's Kerry! It looks like we've just lost all of them, sir! Over! ARMSTRONG: What do you mean all of them, Corporal? KERRY: Uh - our AA - Omicron - Kilo, and... Starfire! I can see the fires from here! CHARLIE 2-2: This is Charlie-2-2! Confirmed! Over! ARMSTRONG: I want all remaining AA platforms online now! Delta-3-1, divert to assist Charlie at Neochori! Over!"
  174. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Resurgent West, "Kerry - I don't much like it - but I need you to step up! We've lost the east! If we don't take it back, they'll punch straight through our lines! Take the guerrillas and hit those defenses! Your new callsign is Nomad. Delta-3-1, I want you to assist! How copy?"
  175. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Resurgent West, "KERRY: Crossroads, Nomad here, enemy armored assault defeated. Awaiting further orders, over. ARMSTRONG: Confirmed, Corporal. The situation's finally under control over here! All units, hold your positions. We're not out of this yet! Out."
  176. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Steel Pegasus, LZ Nowhere, "Okay, listen up. Barklem. [...] Barklem! Earphones... Let's make sure we're as clear as a fucking bell on this. Now, our combat team's coming in here, and here. I know you were expecting an amphibious assault. But, with last-minute reports of a CSAT sub lurking somewhere off the coast, higher shit-canned the plan and left us with this. So. Take a good look at that terrain... can't do what we did on Malden, driving off in the wrong direction. This is enemy territory and we definitely don't want to end up lost. Our LZ is this one, Mustang. Captain Drabble's over on Blazer... Together, we'll converge on Chalkeia, which must fall within an hour of our landing. That's not a lot of time. The idea is to move fast and gain a foothold. A second front here, close to Pyrgos, will leave the AAF no choice. They will have to weaken their grip on the main airport. Before that though, we'll be facing armor from the capital itself - and by we, I mean -"
  177. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Steel Pegasus, LZ Nowhere, "COLLINS: Affirmative, two by three, sir, the signal's weak, but, uh, we can hear you. We're at the emergency rendezvous point at grid 213-104 - the Surf Club. Quebec never landed, and Sierra are scattered... I - I don't know about Oscar and Papa. Over. GUARDIAN: Copy, Papa's VTOL didn't make it so don't expect much company. You may be a Third Lieutenant, but you're in charge now. COLLINS: Acknowledged, we'll, uh, reassemble and... reassess, out."
  178. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Steel Pegasus, Final Strike, "Gentlemen, it's good to see you in person. Our situation is not ideal, but far from desperate. Our initial attack was stopped before we reached the town itself. Bravo and Charlie are hunkered down here, and here, and cannot move forward. We need to get things moving again. So, Lieutenant Collins, I'm merging your forces together. You will re-establish group Alpha. And Corporal Barlem, you'll resume command of your APC and retain your current callsign, Sierra. [...] Alpha will retake point Phoenix for us, and with Sierra, suppress enemy defenses."
  179. 179.0 179.1 ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Steel Pegasus, Final Strike, "Guardian to all forces, we have control of the town. More importantly, higher's just sent word: the AAF are retreating from the airport and withdrawing to Pyrgos, the capital. Boys, you did it... Establish a defensive line and wait for reinforcements, out."
  180. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Air Superiority, "Our assault on the airbase is in progress. Although you've lost your transport and are unable to join our push, you've fulfilled your objectives, secured our rear, and made sure the rest of our air support is safe. Thanks to you, we won't fail this time."
  181. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Moral Fiber, "With the help of the FIA, we were able to seize the main airport. We've been handed a major strategic advantage in this invasion, but we cannot give the AAF any time to breathe. Plus, with CSAT consolidating their forces in the north, we've managed to regroup and push deeper into enemy-controlled territory with little resistance. Now, we're poised to strike at Pyrgos: the capital city of Altis and their last true base of power. However, with one of the largest AAF bases nearby, it's a heavily fortified target. We'll launch a coordinated assault, securing both the base and the city. Cutting any remaining forces in two, we'll isolate our enemy in the north and south-west. Keep in mind: taking this objective will represent a significant blow to the Altis regime, and could help bring about a swift end to this conflict."
  182. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Moral Fiber, "Having secured our eastern flank and supported a friendly squad, our forces were able to seize the capital and its surrounding fortifications. With enemy forces successfully cut in half - and the seat of political power under our control - it's a turning point in this conflict."
  183. 183.0 183.1 ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Preventive Diplomacy, "Having taken control of the capital, Pyrgos, our offensive in the east continues. We need to kick on, using our momentum to seize the initiative. Now, although weakened, enemy forces still occupy important locations in the north and south east of Altis. So, before they have the chance to organize and fortify these positions, we need to strike on both fronts. In addition to a swift operation in the south, we'll launch a combined arms assault on Kalochori. Securing this town - alongside the solar power station - will put us in a strong position to push further into enemy-controlled territory. Time is of the essence here. For now, CSAT forces seem to be under orders not to interdict our operations; they've once again pulled back. Command is trying to work out what exactly's going on. We need to bring an end to this conflict before the global situation escalates beyond our control."
  184. ARMA 3: Tanks 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Altis Requiem, Terminal Defiance, "The end has come. Colonel Akhanteros is about to announce our surrender. But first we must oversee a successful rearguard action. CSAT are evacuating scientists and sensitive material via the airfield near Selakano. It's our job to ensure they leave our island safely. Exactly what it's all about, I cannot say. But the orders are clear and come from the very top. This mission is important. Move up from Point Delta and wait for the Americans; we must delay them for as long as possible - use whatever strategy you like, Captain, just don't let them get by you. As your CO was injured earlier today, you will take charge of his Angara. It is a 'command' variant and boasts an extra turret-mounted, 30mm autocannon. But remember, like the standard model, its armor plating's top secret. CSAT made it very clear. If one of their tanks is knocked out or immobilized, we must scuttle it before our enemies can investigate. After completing your mission, you will need to use the explosives, located in your storage bins, to destroy your own. Good luck."
  185. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Paradise Found, "With Paros and Kalochori secured, the AAF are in full retreat, forced north to Ioannina. hey're in a pinch - maybe looking to buy some time - and intel believes they're regrouping in preparation for a last-ditch counterattack. Command is likely to issue the order to push north within the next few hours. Last we heard, negotiations with CSAT have been proceeding unimpeded, though it's unclear exactly how successful they're proving to be. For now, CSAT forces are officially no longer actively participating in AAF operations."
  186. ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Paradise Found, "All units, stand down. I say again, stand down. The AAF have issued their formal surrender. Straight from Akhanteros himself. Hold your fire and prepare to receive POWs. Bravo-1-1, come in, over. [...] Converge on Ioannina and assist with the cleanup, over. [...] That goes for you too, Kerry."
  187. ARMA 3: Tanks 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Altis Requiem, Terminal Defiance, "Thanks to your heroism and decisive action, our forces held the line. Honestly, you couldn't have done more. The secret components of CSAT's tanks are safe and their evacuation was a complete success. You have singlehandedly turned a catastrophe into a valiant defeat."
  188. ARMA 3: Tanks 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Altis Requiem, Terminal Defiance, "All sides suffered devastating losses. But we came off the worst. Over a third of our forces were either dead or wounded."
  189. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, End Game, \a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m07_vout.ogv, 00:46, "这些证据与现实不符。即使真是如此,我们也不能因少数几个有着错误行为的人而影响到全体组织的国际形象。 [The evidence has little basis in reality. Even so, the actions of a few individuals must not reflect upon the progress made by the whole.]", AAN News
  190. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, End Game, \a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m07_vout.ogv, 00:38, "With a UN Security Council Resolution set to mandate peacekeeping operations in the South China Sea, NATO forces remain on a heightened state of alert.", AAN News
  191. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, End Game, \a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m07_vout.ogv, 01:32, "BROADALE: Hey, before we move on to the brief. I can't help but notice just one thing here, gents. [...] There's been no mention of this 'Eastwind' device. Zero. MILLER: Oh, that. Yes. No, we saw no reason to complicate matters further. It's in safe hands now.", AAN News
  192. 192.0 192.1 192.2 192.3 192.4 ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "Tanoa. 2038. Exercise Safe Horizon has ended. NATO have reneged on their commitments. A malaria epidemic spreads... And a newly elected government calls for humanitarian support - from CSAT. First they sent their doctors. Then, they sent their soldiers. The criminal organization, known as Syndikat, has become 'politique'... After a power struggle and 3 years of gang warfare, a legitimate insurgency has been born. And now, it threatens to tear the beautiful South Pacific archipelago apart. But not everybody's abandoned the old ways. Some still remember what it means to have fidelity, and honor."
  193. 193.0 193.1 ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "C'est fou... How can our government support CSAT after what they did? They were trying to destabilize the country - remember? Selling guns to dangerous criminals. And now we invite them back! No wonder things are spiralling out of control..."
  194. ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "Former president of the Horizon Islands, Benjamin Hope, has condemned government decisions regarding CSAT's militarization of Tanoa. Speaking at a fundraising event for Nouveaux Horizons, he condemned both foreign intervention and militant groups affiliated with L'Ensemble for exploiting the nation's current malaria crisis. La Roche agreed to Canton Protocol demands for combined counter insurgency operations with local gendarmes last week, sparking violent protests in Georgetown, Tanouka, and Ouméré.", Radio Horizons
  195. ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "I've seen malaria, man. And it isn't this. You call it that and people don't panic... But call it a killer virus, with no known cure? Yeah, then... Then you got a problem!"
  196. ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "I shit you not, I left him for like a couple of minutes, came back with an RDT and... Boom, he's burning up. I had about enough time to call the CMO before he, y'know... And his skin - I mean, hell, it was practically peeling off. Does that sound anything like malaria to you?"
  197. 197.0 197.1 ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "Fucking CSAT, eh? They offer doctors and we get this. It don't matter how you look at it, mec. Government got everybody pissed off - it feels like occupation. And Syndikat, well, as y'know, it's all political now. No way of telling what will happen."
  198. ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "NATO has abandoned the Horizon Islands to CSAT and a deadly super-strain of malaria. But not everyone is giving up the fight..."
  199. 199.0 199.1 ARMA 3: Contact 2019 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., First Contact, False Negative, "Okay, so let's take a look at this. Our joint exercises span the Nadbór region. As you know, that's pretty much one big military training area. No CIVPOP to give us any trouble... But this? This is premium strategic real estate. The 'Andrzejów Gap'... Take ground here, and you close the door on the Baltic States. Anyway... Our boys are pushing East... From the Kaliningrad border. Obviously, in this scenario, roleplaying as the Russians. That means, we'll be facing-off against the Livonian Defense Force. Already this morning, we've put some pressure on their MSR... here. Later today, they'll counterattack. Dominating the high ground south of our position. To simulate this, we're doing a lot of live fire on this hill."
  200. ARMA 3: Contact 2019 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., News Today 06.18.39, \a3\props_f_enoch\items\documents\data\newspaper_01_co.paa, "NATO gave us assurances once. The German border was a line in the sand. And yet that line has crept slowly eastwards. An arc of instability has arisen from the Green Sea to the Middle East. There are even US soldiers, conducting war games along our borders. I think it is fair to say, attraction and co-option are not [...]", News Today
  201. MULTICAM 2013, Patterns | MultiCam® Family of Camouflage Patterns, MULTICAM, viewed 26 June 2024, <>. (archived link)
  202. Straż Graniczna 2023, W tym roku o przyjęcie w szeregi Straży Granicznej ubiegało się 4210 kandydatów. To o ponad 400 osób więcej niż rok wcześniej! Do formacji dołączyło w tym roku już 1028 nowych funkcjonariuszy. Dla porównania rok temu było 840 funkcjonariuszy, 15 November, viewed 26 June 2024, <>.
  203. Soldier Systems Daily 2010, More on MTP, Soldier Systems Daily, viewed 26 June 2024, <>.
  204. Soldier Systems Daily 2014, Crye Precision's 2001 Scorpion Development Contract Calls Into Question Army Claims Of "Appropriate Rights To Use" New OCP Variant, Soldier Systems Daily, viewed 26 June 2024, <>.

External links[]

See also[]

Intergovernmental Organisations
Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance TreatyGlobal Health InitiativeNorth Atlantic Treaty OrganizationUnited Nations
Factions of ArmA 3
REDFOR CSATGendarmerieRussian SpetsnazViper
Apex DLC | Contact DLC
Factions - BLUFOR (ArmA 3)
Apex DLC